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  1. #1
    Horse80 is offline New Member
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    Cycle for strength

    My weight is 174lbs, height 5'11''(181cm) . My body fat is between 4-5%.
    I'am doing a lot of bodyweight excercises. My goals is to maximal increase my strength without or with minimal going up in my weight. Weight can go up to 7lbs. This will be my second cycle. I don't want water retention. I'm considering to use primobolan depot 150mg(1-8week) with turinabol 20mg(1-6week). What dosages? Do you think that other steroids would be better for my goals?

  2. #2
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    This will be a lot of heart then dude... a lot of training not to second-guess yourself during a heavy rep. Strength is (basically... sh!t can get complicated) directly proportional to muscle size. If you want to raise your relative strength without a change in muscle size - you need to train for explosive low-rep sets and minimizing the mental barrier that people can put on themselves.

    A 5X5 split could help - it can train the less oxidative but more explosive muscle fibers while helping to push you toward using heavier weights, mentally. For flat bench press, you would start with 5 single reps using close to your 1RM then knock of some weight to where you can hit up 5 sets of 5 - after the singles your "normal" 5-rep weight feels easier.

    German Volume Training is also another good system. It helps to train you with an adrenelin response using 10X10. By the 5 or 6th rep you get worn out... then an uncanny surge happens and the weight suddenly becomes easier again. To get the proper adrenelin response you must use the right loads and the strict rest intervals.

    Static Reps would also help train the CNS. They help you get use to a heavy weight by using a load greater than your 1RM in the contracted position for 15 to 20 count. You MUST have a spot for these - 'cause when that bar drops... you are pretty much toast. Static failure comes after concentric failure - the only thing left is enough to keep the bar from down right falling - then your are totally finished.

    Generally, strength will accompany size. And if you use AAS, expect to gain weight or you will be disappointed.

  3. #3
    Horse80 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Generally, strength will accompany size. And if you use AAS, expect to gain weight or you will be disappointed.

    I know what you talking about. That's the reason i posted this thread. Weightlifters, sprinters also have that problem. They also use AAS, and have big relative strength. I must smart use AAS to have benefits for my goals.
    Thanks for advices. Could you or someone else help me for planing my cycle? I expect for this cycle not strictly to gain 7lbs, weight could go up beetwen 6 -9lbs. That will be beneficial to me. First and only goal is to improve my relative strength.

  4. #4
    Horse80 is offline New Member
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    Anyone could give me advise? Moderators, or somebody with experience. Please!

  5. #5
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horse80
    Anyone could give me advise? Moderators, or somebody with experience. Please!
    Calm the tude. Listen, training for strength is #1... but the only one I would suggest and is harsh on the liver and tudes would be halo. That is it if you are worried about strength and no weight gain.

  6. #6
    Horse80 is offline New Member
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    Thanks Mesomorphyl? Halo is good but what could i take with Halo, what dosages?

  7. #7
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horse80
    Thanks Mesomorphyl? Halo is good but what could i take with Halo, what dosages?
    If you are worried about weight, add some cardio to the HALO.

  8. #8
    Horse80 is offline New Member
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    I could get some weight but i don't want to add to much weight. I would like to go about 8 week cycle, but Halotestin could run only about 4week to 6week max.

  9. #9
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horse80
    I could get some weight but i don't want to add to much weight. I would like to go about 8 week cycle, but Halotestin could run only about 4week to 6week max.
    Then I guess you could add test, but some weight will follow.... I thought that is what you wanted to prevent? Test 300mg weekly should give gains, watch your diet close or else.

  10. #10
    Horse80 is offline New Member
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    Is better to use testo propionat?

  11. #11
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
    QuieTSToRM33 is offline Anabolic Member
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    dude ... head over to the steroid profiles forum and read up on these substances yourself ..... then after you have finished reading ........ you can come back here and ask educated questions
    Last edited by QuieTSToRM33; 09-18-2006 at 03:38 PM.

  12. #12
    Horse80 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    dude ... head over to the steroid profiles forum and read up on these substances yourself ..... then after you have finished reading ........ you can come back here ask educated questions
    I asked is better to use Test propionat than some other testosteron esters because propionat is short ester and lower water retention.

  13. #13
    one8nine's Avatar
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    if you watch what you eat you are not going to gain much weight anyway, some people gain 7pounds on a cycle and are very excited about that because it is a lot to them

    halo is good at 40mg

    if you are going to use test go with propionate you should have the least bloat

    a dht derivitive will help with strength and also cut down on water weight, winny, or masteron , or primo are some examples
    primo is the most expensive aas you can get and winny is bad for collogen synthesis and masteron acts as an anti estrogen too so i like masteron

    also you may love tren in there as a 19-nor, tren is fantastic for trength. tren ace would be good if youre gonna use prop and masteron because thye are all short ester
    if endurance is an issue stay away from tren and substitute npp

  14. #14
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horse80
    I asked is better to use Test propionat than some other testosteron esters because propionat is short ester and lower water retention.

    As far as water retention ............. it can be prevented with an AI/SERM

  15. #15
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horse80
    I asked is better to use Test propionat than some other testosteron esters because propionat is short ester and lower water retention.
    yes for water retention
    also you get more test mg for mg
    also every day injections will provide for mroe stable blood levels and less side effects
    also short esters are in fast and also out fast, with a long ester you wait for it to build up then you get the full effect, then you wait a few weeks for it to leave to start pct.

  16. #16
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    dude ... head over to the steroid profiles forum and read up on these substances yourself ..... then after you have finished reading ........ you can come back here and ask educated questions
    dont be a dusche bag. thats why hes asking. you come into a thread to say "research"? we dont need people like that here. hes askign wehat substances not a cycle layout, so i you want to be helpful, name a few compounds for him to read and search for, not everyone wants to read 35 profiles just to see which ones to search more on. for example what if he reads the profile on epo? he just waisted some time because thats not in his intrest.

  17. #17
    Horse80 is offline New Member
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    I could get primobolan injectable, boldenon, halotestin , Testosteron propionat, Trenabol and Turinabol , .
    What is better stacks to take Primobolan with Turinabol, Testo with halo or something else.

  18. #18
    one8nine's Avatar
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    also (not to insult anthony im very appreciative of him to make those in the first place) but not all that information is acurate and a lot of information is left out. also a lot of is is factual, this binds will to the ar receptor, this aromatizes heavily, things like that. most of the time they dont say "this drug is most commonly used for strength gain much mroe than other". this board is for user input, personal experiences

  19. #19
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Halo is my fav drug of all time

  20. #20
    Horse80 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    dude ... head over to the steroid profiles forum and read up on these substances yourself ..... then after you have finished reading ........ you can come back here and ask educated questions
    I know steroid profiles, but I want to someone help me with his experience because I only got theory and one cycle before.

  21. #21
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horse80
    I could get primobolan injectable, boldenon, halotestin , Testosteron propionat, Trenabol and Turinabol , .
    What is better stacks to take Primobolan with Turinabol, Testo with halo or something else.
    i say
    primo + test p + tren + halo and here is why:

    i like primo for the fact that its dht. its very expensize though but im sure you know that if you can get it.

    boldenone wont really give you what you are looking for, i mean you could use it but it wouldnt be on the top of my list of tools for your goal.

    halotestin is gold. i personally like anadrol a little more but that will put weight on you so halo is great.

    test prop is golden but i think by the way youre spelling it its from a mexican pharmacy, which means there are better options out there.

    trenabol, this is trenbolone , which kind? acetate, enan, or hex? acetate is your best best due to the short esterand easier to control blood levels as this drug has heavy side effects but yes you should like this one

    tbol, i have no personal experience with im sorry i can not help you here, but i say leave it out if you are using halo, halo is already toxic enough and to is tren, so the addition of tbol, another 17aa will not be in your best intrest

  22. #22
    Horse80 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine
    i say
    primo + test p + tren + halo

    *Horse80. Please do not put lab name in post* is manufacturer. Do you think to run them all together? What dosage to use.

    This was my first cycle 150mg/week Deca -durabolin (8week) and Winstrol 20mg/week (7week). I gain 13lbs. It was lean body mass and some little water retention maybe 2lbs. But I dont want use that AAS again.
    Last edited by Horse80; 09-18-2006 at 05:26 PM.

  23. #23
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine
    i say
    primo + test p + tren + halo and here is why:

    i like primo for the fact that its dht. its very expensize though but im sure you know that if you can get it.

    boldenone wont really give you what you are looking for, i mean you could use it but it wouldnt be on the top of my list of tools for your goal.

    halotestin is gold. i personally like anadrol a little more but that will put weight on you so halo is great.

    test prop is golden but i think by the way youre spelling it its from a mexican pharmacy, which means there are better options out there.

    trenabol, this is trenbolone , which kind? acetate, enan, or hex? acetate is your best best due to the short esterand easier to control blood levels as this drug has heavy side effects but yes you should like this one

    tbol, i have no personal experience with im sorry i can not help you here, but i say leave it out if you are using halo, halo is already toxic enough and to is tren, so the addition of tbol, another 17aa will not be in your best intrest
    Do you mean all four of those?...that might be a little much for his 2nd. I'm sure he could get away with 2 of those. My vote would go with prop and tren (but then some might get on me cuase its his only his 2nd).

  24. #24
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    halo is all u need IMO maybe tren but u dont seem experienced enuff to use both togehter yet lol

  25. #25
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
    QuieTSToRM33 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine
    i say
    primo + test p + tren + halo and here is why:

    You're telling a guy to run tren and halo in his second cycle ....... gimme a break man

    As far as me telling him to do some research, that's exactly what he should do. You should be able to put together your own cycle and then post it here for people to critique. Simple as that.

    And as far as you coming at me with that dousche bag bullshit .... fvck off bro. Ive been around this board for a long time. Everyone expects to come on this board and have people give them cycles. No one wants to do their own work.

    The more you know ..... the better off you are.

  26. #26
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    And as far as you coming at me with that dousche bag bullshit .... fvck off bro.

    189 you are wrong to say "we dont need people that tell newbies to research"...

  27. #27
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D


    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine
    dont be a dusche bag. thats why hes asking. you come into a thread to say "research"? we dont need people like that here. hes askign wehat substances not a cycle layout, so i you want to be helpful, name a few compounds for him to read and search for, not everyone wants to read 35 profiles just to see which ones to search more on. for example what if he reads the profile on epo? he just waisted some time because thats not in his intrest.
    man u are ignorant as all get'up aintchya ...

    so reading a profile that is not wat he needs AT THIS EXACT MOMENT IS A WASTE OF TIME?

    only pure idiocy would make such a statement... DONT LEARN ANYMORE THAN U NEED TO, to get through the day!.. GREAT ADVICE.. go play in traffic

    oh and how about on the next thread when someone relatively new to the game asks about a cycle u suggest they run a cycle of dbol /drol/halo/win/tren to really get them up and going!

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