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Thread: what to do???

  1. #1
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    what to do???

    Just sitting here thinking what should I do for my next cycle which will be start ing at the end of the month I was going to do the short cycle BUT know with me being a dad I am just wanting to get down to 255 about 6% I am going to change up my Diet and training routine just wonder what cycle to run for thouse that dont know me I have been training for 12 years and doing AAS for 10 of them years right now I am 273 as of this morning about 13%bf
    here is what i have to work with note: I have plenty of Mils to work with

    special test blends
    tren e & EQ 300mg
    test 400
    test 500
    test e & deca 300
    test e & EQ 300

    stright compounds

    Sus 250
    test E 300
    test P 100
    test C 300
    tren ace 100
    masterone 100
    winny 50
    test susp 100
    deca 300
    HGH Jin kits
    EQ 300
    DNP 200mg tabs

    So here the idea a good cuttter than a bulker than a cutter after that i am done that's the promise to the wife So lets see what some of you bros can come up with

  2. #2
    JMan06's Avatar
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    OMG id love to look into your medicine cabinet

  3. #3
    JMan06's Avatar
    JMan06 is offline Member
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    what about winny tren and prop if your cutting?

  4. #4
    305GUY's Avatar
    305GUY is offline Anabolic Member
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    wow that was fast.. that u started a thread yesterday stating you are going natty cuz your having a kid

  5. #5
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    wow that was fast.. that u started a thread yesterday stating you are going natty cuz your having a kid

    LOL nope read it I am useing what i have and than done I will order no more but the sad part is man I have stocked piled so much there is no way i could use everything in 2 years but I did make the promise to the wife i would be done by the time the baby gets here SO I WILL TRY BUT I WILL NOT ORDER ANYTHING

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    LOL nope read it I am useing what i have and than done I will order no more but the sad part is man I have stocked piled so much there is no way i could use everything in 2 years but I did make the promise to the wife i would be done by the time the baby gets here SO I WILL TRY BUT I WILL NOT ORDER ANYTHING
    Can I ask what she thinks will happen to you if you continue to juice ? Seems to me she needs some education

  7. #7
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Can I ask what she thinks will happen to you if you continue to juice ? Seems to me she needs some education

    she knows all there is her concern is the idea of getting busted ordering I stand to loose alot but with a baby on the way and being a family she is right the risk of continuing to order AAS is not worth loosing my family over

  8. #8
    orton4 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    LOL nope read it I am useing what i have and than done I will order no more but the sad part is man I have stocked piled so much there is no way i could use everything in 2 years but I did make the promise to the wife i would be done by the time the baby gets here SO I WILL TRY BUT I WILL NOT ORDER ANYTHING

    how bout sending the extra my way

    gluck with your next cycle dude

    sorry, for not answering the question about what next cycle to take im sorta a newbie and only on my second cycle so ill leave your question for the more advanced guys on the board

  9. #9
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    no one with any good ideas????????????

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    So are you looking at a short cycle?

  11. #11
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    V? what happened to giving it up for a bit. I'm relating to your previous thread?

    i suggest to short-heavy prescribed by marcus.

  12. #12
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    So are you looking at a short cycle?

    I am thinking about It but not sure marcus? my kidney fuction is back to normal 0.9 which is very good no problems I was going to start OCT 1st THAT would give me about 5 weeks off we know for sure It was the high letro dose ...... S0 any way with the baby coming now I really just want to get To a good point competeing is out the window and thats was what i really wanted to do But with everything going on I am very unsure .......

    marcus i got all the info you sent me I have read through it ......... maybe i will try it what do i have to loose ....... the only thing I am unsure is what to take and what dosage ?

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    I am thinking about It but not sure marcus? my kidney fuction is back to normal 0.9 which is very good no problems I was going to start OCT 1st THAT would give me about 5 weeks off we know for sure It was the high letro dose ...... S0 any way with the baby coming now I really just want to get To a good point competeing is out the window and thats was what i really wanted to do But with everything going on I am very unsure .......

    marcus i got all the info you sent me I have read through it ......... maybe i will try it what do i have to loose ....... the only thing I am unsure is what to take and what dosage ?
    I understand were you coming from, glad the info was good reading many people have paid good money for that

    With the complications with your kidneys and your concerns id defo pick some short esters to work with, what are your main goals?

  14. #14
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    I understand were you coming from, glad the info was good reading many people have paid good money for that

    With the complications with your kidneys and your concerns id defo pick some short esters to work with, what are your main goals?

    right now i am weighing in about 273 around 13%bf what i would like to see is 260 8-9%bf ...... when I started back 10 weeks ago I was 285-290 around week 4 about 14-15%BF I will post a few pics to give you an Idea and before any one makes a wise crack I was off for more than a year from a bike wreck when i started back 10 weeks a go
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails what to do???-day-2-dnp-back.jpg   what to do???-chest-week-10-stoped.jpg   what to do???-week-6.jpg  

  15. #15
    mateo112's Avatar
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    let me in that medicine cabinet. good luck with the cycle and new baby

  16. #16
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Bump for marcus

  17. #17
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    Bump for marcus
    For the goals i would use something like prop, tren and masteron ,

    Your photos are good, how long ago were they took?

  18. #18
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    For the goals i would use something like prop, tren and masteron ,

    Your photos are good, how long ago were they took?

    the pics are about 5 weeks old .. I like the tren prop masterone ... one of my favorite stacks is

    test P
    tren A

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    the pics are about 5 weeks old .. I like the tren prop masterone ... one of my favorite stacks is

    test P
    tren A
    There you go, sorted

  20. #20
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    There you go, sorted

    are you suggesting running this cycle as a short cycle ? becasue my idea is to run a cutting cycle than a bulking cycle than a cutter again than just stop Also how does HGH run in the short cycle i was just going to run it for 6 months 5iu M-f for the 6 months ???

  21. #21
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    are you suggesting running this cycle as a short cycle ? becasue my idea is to run a cutting cycle than a bulking cycle than a cutter again than just stop Also how does HGH run in the short cycle i was just going to run it for 6 months 5iu M-f for the 6 months ???
    GH needs be ran during priming up to the short cycle at a 4-5iu dose this needs to be for 6-8 wk prime then when you start all the compounds you increase the GH to around 10ius, now how you take it is another thing ive had excellent results from all sorts of different methods but EOD is good or 4 0n 4 off or 5 on 2 off, suppose depends on sides

  22. #22
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    wow that was fast.. that u started a thread yesterday stating you are going natty cuz your having a kid
    i told u lol

  23. #23
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    GH needs be ran during priming up to the short cycle at a 4-5iu dose this needs to be for 6-8 wk prime then when you start all the compounds you increase the GH to around 10ius, now how you take it is another thing ive had excellent results from all sorts of different methods but EOD is good or 4 0n 4 off or 5 on 2 off, suppose depends on sides

    Ok I think I am getting this ........ So i think now I will put 100% into the prime pre cycle pre contest dieting with the carb loading even though i have had 2 weeks off I started priming last week .... So 6-8 weeks ok I will start the GH mon @ 5iu M-f week end off ........ I am falling more towards the 8 weeks priming becasue we both know that pre contest dieting is easier said than done ... And its been some time since i dialed into that ... becasue what i have been reading ( from you) that The prime is key to the short cycle where the best gains are ideal .... So that prime is key and primary atthion should be on the prime and providing the right envoirment for growth on the short cycle.........

    will do as for doseing i will hit you up with a PM when I am 2 weeks away from starting the 4 week short cycle ........

    and Just one note of caution to bros and newbies reading this thread That gh is no joke and at 10iu is only for the short cycle and that in no way should you take this as a proper GH dose Given my years and expeirance and knowledge on GH and sides ...... I dont suggest anyone taking 10iu's unless you have the experinace

  24. #24
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    Ok I think I am getting this ........ So i think now I will put 100% into the prime pre cycle pre contest dieting with the carb loading even though i have had 2 weeks off I started priming last week .... So 6-8 weeks ok I will start the GH mon @ 5iu M-f week end off ........ I am falling more towards the 8 weeks priming becasue we both know that pre contest dieting is easier said than done ... And its been some time since i dialed into that ... becasue what i have been reading ( from you) that The prime is key to the short cycle where the best gains are ideal .... So that prime is key and primary atthion should be on the prime and providing the right envoirment for growth on the short cycle.........

    will do as for doseing i will hit you up with a PM when I am 2 weeks away from starting the 4 week short cycle ........

    and Just one note of caution to bros and newbies reading this thread That gh is no joke and at 10iu is only for the short cycle and that in no way should you take this as a proper GH dose Given my years and expeirance and knowledge on GH and sides ...... I dont suggest anyone taking 10iu's unless you have the experinace
    V, please do the prime like i adviced on pm, its not totaly a pre-comp diet, it all about putting your body into a state of growth by creating the right enviroment by carb cycling, we are not after lossing muscle tissue its a fine art which am sure you will be on top of after you read what i sent you,

  25. #25
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    V, please do the prime like i adviced on pm, its not totaly a pre-comp diet, it all about putting your body into a state of growth by creating the right enviroment by carb cycling, we are not after lossing muscle tissue its a fine art which am sure you will be on top of after you read what i sent you,

    got ya brotha just went back through the pm i will give that a whirl So basicly i am looking for mid range keytoses becasue from experinace 3-5 carb deplete days puts me in keytoses day 3 I am in low range day 4 mid range 5 mid to upper range So i cant do more than 5 days with out a carb load to knock me back down ..... but will follow what you laid out

  26. #26
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    got ya brotha just went back through the pm i will give that a whirl So basicly i am looking for mid range keytoses becasue from experinace 3-5 carb deplete days puts me in keytoses day 3 I am in low range day 4 mid range 5 mid to upper range So i cant do more than 5 days with out a carb load to knock me back down ..... but will follow what you laid out
    you got it

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