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Thread: First timer open to advice...

  1. #1

    First timer open to advice...

    Im 22 yo 6"1' 75kg 5-7% body fat and have been training constantly and properly for 7months now and am about to hit a cycle in about a month or two with 14 x sus250 1ml ampules and 20 x deca50 1ml ampules (both made by organon). Not to sure how to stack but will probaably spread it over 10 weeks. There are a number of q's i would hope to get answered if posssible would be much appreciated.

    Is it good gear for a first cycle? if not what should i use?...
    How should i stack and for how long?..
    Have i been training long enough?...
    I have thinning hair should i get any blockers or will i need any anti-estrogens?..
    Any diet or nutrition info can help too?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I think you need to read around the forum, no one's gonna spoon feed you. Goodluck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    my mind
    you need alot more gear then that and go with a short ester sus is good

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    stick with testE 250/wk for 10-12wks but u sound a little lost, i would read a little more about gear anti-e's and post cycle treatment...

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