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Thread: To spot inject or not?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    To spot inject or not?

    What is the difference between spot injecting and just shooting in your ass. I was thinking of doing a tren and some other stuff cycle and here of people spot shooting tren. Any benefits? Disadvantages? Doesn't it still go through your blood and spread throughout your muscles either way?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    No real advantage other then to spread out your shots and not build up as much scar. Spot injections I take as anything NOT shoulder, glut or quad.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    eh, some people swear by them, some people dont bother. i personaly belive they work. i've seen them work on myself and my partner, so whatever, even its a psychological thing im still about them. there are a few benefits, one if your using a non-esterfied steroid (stanozolo, test suspension, etc...or even a short acting ester fina, prop, etc...)supposedly that muscle group gets the first run at the drug, and #2 that ammount injected has the possability to spread the sheath around the muscle making it bigger. conclusive data? not really, but you can cut down on the scar tissue like big_guns said, so why not? not like your losing anything,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I agree that winny and susp work well for added size on bi tri type shots, But I havent really noticed any MORE benefit from shooting fina in my tris. I tried it one cycle b/c I heard it worked wonders on benching power, but it didnt do any more or less then glut or shoulder shots. but ya, susp and winny I like site injects, they also help with the mind muscle connection b/c the muscle hurts more when you

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