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Thread: end of cycle advice

  1. #1

    end of cycle advice

    I am currently doing a cycle of test(12 wks) and deca(10 wks). I was planning on running either winny or masteron at the end of the cycle to lean out some, and was wondering which would be better or if it would even be beneficial. Currently on week 4, stats: 6'3 205lb with around 15% bf.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Los Angeles
    i tried doing var the last 7 weeks of my cycle and let me tell you after test its really hard to lean out on a compund with out cardio. so, if you want to lean out run winny but dont forget you will need to do alot of cardio cuz a compund wont do much on its own. IMHO, i would wait 3 month after test deca and run a cutting cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by red15
    I am currently doing a cycle of test(12 wks) and deca(10 wks). I was planning on running either winny or masteron at the end of the cycle to lean out some, and was wondering which would be better or if it would even be beneficial. Currently on week 4, stats: 6'3 205lb with around 15% bf.
    IMO I would cycle some winny the last 6wks right up to your PCT clomid at 50mg/ED. The winny will help harden you up and solidify some of your gains. Winny will not burn fat so leaning out is up to you with a rigorous cardio routine coupled with a clean diet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Somewhere in San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by red15
    I am currently doing a cycle of test(12 wks) and deca(10 wks). I was planning on running either winny or masteron at the end of the cycle to lean out some, and was wondering which would be better or if it would even be beneficial. Currently on week 4, stats: 6'3 205lb with around 15% bf.
    I've never understood why anyone would go straight from a bulk to a cut. Why not hold those gains for a while.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Surrender
    I've never understood why anyone would go straight from a bulk to a cut. Why not hold those gains for a while.
    well i agree but if u do it right ur only going to burn fat for the most part but u already know that .i personly dont lean out all the way i like the weight as i am holding everything ive gained of my last cycle 7 weeks past last injection

  6. #6
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Surrender
    I've never understood why anyone would go straight from a bulk to a cut. Why not hold those gains for a while.
    I cut at the end of my last cycle with t3, will never do it again, lost alot of muscle.

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