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  1. #1
    Astrocreep_23's Avatar
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    Aspirate a Glute Shot??

    Just wondering if its completely nessessary to aspirate a glute shot, ive always done shoulders and quads because i cant reach around far enough to use both hands to do a glute shot, what are the chances of hitting a blood vessel in the glute? For some reason my hands shake like a condom tester when i try aspirate with one hand, but injecting with one is fine..

  2. #2
    BG's Avatar
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    Be safe then sorry.

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    YES, you dont' have to go that far around on the glute. and I always aspirate one handed.

  4. #4
    Astrocreep_23's Avatar
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    Hmmm will prob come out wrong if i ask someone else to "stick it in my butt" so i might just stick to shoulders and legs till i can control my shakes

  5. #5
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    LOLOL just check the location you are sticking it in. You will be fine. Glute shots are pretty easy for me, I shake more trying to do my shoulders and holding my big arms up that long.....lolol

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    I noticed that the ** syringes have a bigger "platform" that makes aspirating easier than this other brand terumo...not sure of any other brands as that's all i've used...thought this would help...oh..forgot to add...i would never not aspirate ...doesn't make any sense

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Yes, I prefer that brand as well. seems to just it my big hands better

  8. #8
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Yes, I prefer that brand as well. seems to just it my big hands better
    Gotta slow down with that gh.. lol

  9. #9
    RA's Avatar
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    Theres times I dont BUT when you hit a vein you will know it and its not fun.

  10. #10
    james001's Avatar
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    It takes very little force to aspirate.

    I just recently hit a vein in my glute and all I had to do was nudge it a little and the syringe filled with blood fast.

    If you hit a vein you’ll know it.

  11. #11
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    ASPIRATE EVERY TIME. why risk NOT doing it?? duh

  12. #12
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    thats incredibly stupid... u think it's worth *possibly dieing just because you don't feel like aspirating?

  13. #13
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    I hardly shoot gluteus maximus...When i do i don't aspirate . I simply can't.. one handed or otherwise. I just inject very slowly (not that i'm advising this). My reason for this is simple.. If you inject into a vein you will know IMMEDIATELY. If you inject very slowly and it does go into a vein you'll be able to cease injecting long before anything other than an annoying cough manifests.

    On a side note.. i've injected into a vein even after aspiration indicated that i was in the clear.

    Lemme explain

    I penetrated.. i aspirated.. saw no blood.. and injected. When i pulled the pin out, it appeared that the surrounding area was 'presurized'.. so upon pulling the pin out a vaccuum was created which drew the oil upward and into a veinous cavity which i possibly nicked on the way in.


    The most scary cough i've ever had...


  14. #14
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I hardly shoot gluteus maximus...When i do i don't aspirate . I simply can't.. one handed or otherwise. I just inject very slowly (not that i'm advising this). My reason for this is simple.. If you inject into a vein you will know IMMEDIATELY. If you inject very slowly and it does go into a vein you'll be able to cease injecting long before anything other than an annoying cough manifests.

    On a side note.. i've injected into a vein even after aspiration indicated that i was in the clear.

    Lemme explain

    I penetrated.. i aspirated.. saw no blood.. and injected. When i pulled the pin out, it appeared that the surrounding area was 'presurized'.. so upon pulling the pin out a vaccuum was created which drew the oil upward and into a veinous cavity which i possibly nicked on the way in.


    The most scary cough i've ever had...

    O yea.. the moral of the story.

    Is aspirating absolutely necessary? No.

    Is it safer to aspirate? Yes

    Personally i alternate between the 6 delt heads and the 2 ventrogluteals... avoiding the gluteus maximus.. cus i prefer to be safe.. i prefer to aspirate.


  15. #15
    GGallin's Avatar
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    What is aspirating, and how do I do it? I am new to injections. In fact I want to start injections very soon once I know enough.

  16. #16
    Astrocreep_23's Avatar
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    Hmmm, ive done a few thread searches and most people that have hit a vein seem to have done it in the glute, is this just because this is the most common site for injection? I was under the impression that the glute was one of the less vascular injection sites, from experience which muscle is the least problematic in terms of hitting a blood vessel?

  17. #17
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    What is aspirating, and how do I do it? I am new to injections. In fact I want to start injections very soon once I know enough.

    It takes less than a second to aspirate !!! Why would you not? Other than Nark of coarse.....LOLOL (Luv your Narky)

    to aspirate is merely to pull back slightly on the plunger after you insert the needle into the muscle. Blood in syringe= BAD Air bubble = GOOD to go

  18. #18
    GGallin's Avatar
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    So blood in syringe= good?

  19. #19
    coldone is offline Banned
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    Blood = bad
    No blood = safe to inject

  20. #20
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    It takes less than a second to aspirate !!! Why would you not? Other than Nark of coarse.....LOLOL (Luv your Narky)

    to aspirate is merely to pull back slightly on the plunger after you insert the needle into the muscle. Blood in syringe= BAD Air bubble = GOOD to go

    Did I stutter???

  21. #21
    Astrocreep_23's Avatar
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    Oh yeah i know, i always aspirate , like you said better to be safe then sorry, just never did a glute shot before simply because i cant aspirate with one hand without shaking (lack of co-odination/mobility).

    Got me thinking back to high school days when they'd have hundreds of students line up for vaccinations and stick them one after the other without ever aspirating...

  22. #22
    Astrocreep_23's Avatar
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    Lol, blood in syringe is good..... If your a H addict.

  23. #23
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    well myself i have not aspirated glutes not for a very long time why cant see the pin and second there are no veins big enough to inject into ( what you can do is nick a vein and have oil seep in but that's glutes now quads is a different monster YES YOU MUST aspirate bi yes..... delts sometimes when I can see if I use a mirrior but i have been injecting for 10 + years and I find my biggest problem is scare tissue ... and injecting to close to a nerve or a vein and puts pressure on it and that sucks ....... but i have gotten a nack for injecting now BUT ALLWAYS SAFE THAN SORRY

  24. #24
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astrocreep_23
    Oh yeah i know, i always aspirate , like you said better to be safe then sorry, just never did a glute shot before simply because i cant aspirate with one hand without shaking (lack of co-odination/mobility).

    Got me thinking back to high school days when they'd have hundreds of students line up for vaccinations and stick them one after the other without ever aspirating...

    Well depends on how deep they are going. I get allergy shots everyweek, adn I asked why she didn't asperate once and she told me she wasnt' going deep enough to hit a vein...WHO KNOWS ???
    We do Sub Q inejects, but no chance of hitting a vein doing those either

  25. #25
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    that makes no sense, there are veins protruding above the skin and veins a inch under the skin... they are everywhere

  26. #26
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    that makes no sense, there are veins protruding above the skin and veins a inch under the skin... they are everywhere
    Just sayin what she told me. maybe it is the size of the veins deeper ...lolol I dont' know
    That is why I ALWAYS aspirate

  27. #27
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Just sayin what she told me. maybe it is the size of the veins deeper ...lolol I dont' know
    That is why I ALWAYS
    i don't know that's weird... well yeah me too I aspirate like a motherf*cker! I aspirate like 5 times before and during injection lol

  28. #28
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    to make a long story short, yes it's necessary to aspirate when shooting the glutes, but only as much as it is for any other shot. you won't die if you hit a vein, but you sure as hell don't wanna shoot into one.

  29. #29
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I hardly shoot gluteus maximus...When i do i don't aspirate . I simply can't.. one handed or otherwise. I just inject very slowly (not that i'm advising this). My reason for this is simple.. If you inject into a vein you will know IMMEDIATELY. If you inject very slowly and it does go into a vein you'll be able to cease injecting long before anything other than an annoying cough manifests.

    On a side note.. i've injected into a vein even after aspiration indicated that i was in the clear.

    Lemme explain

    I penetrated.. i aspirated.. saw no blood.. and injected. When i pulled the pin out, it appeared that the surrounding area was 'presurized'.. so upon pulling the pin out a vaccuum was created which drew the oil upward and into a veinous cavity which i possibly nicked on the way in.


    The most scary cough i've ever had...


    Thats pretty much the same for me.

  30. #30
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by james001
    It takes very little force to aspirate.

    I just recently hit a vein in my glute and all I had to do was nudge it a little and the syringe filled with blood fast.

    If you hit a vein you’ll know it.
    That's a blanket statement and you know it.

    The amount of force required depends on a number of variables.

    For me i use the smallest gauge pin available (cus the thought of poking myself with a garden hose on every shot doesn't appeal to me).. and when i shoot glutes/ventrogluteal the shots are normally voluminous... i.e. a larger capacity syringe is used.

    Thus injection and aspiration both require exertion.

    Another factor is the viscosity of the gear.

  31. #31
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    That's a blanket statement and you know it.

    The amount of force required depends on a number of variables.

    For me i use the smallest gauge pin available (cus the thought of poking myself with a garden hose on every shot doesn't appeal to me).. and when i shoot glutes/ventrogluteal the shots are normally voluminous... i.e. a larger capacity syringe is used.

    Thus injection and aspiration both require exertion.

    Another factor is the viscosity of the gear.
    not to be a black sheep but when i was doing glutes w/ 4cc worth of krap in a 5cc syringe i just gave the plunger a lil flick bck and blamo BLOOD so im lucky?

  32. #32
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    not to be a black sheep but when i was doing glutes w/ 4cc worth of krap in a 5cc syringe i just gave the plunger a lil flick bck and blamo BLOOD so im lucky?
    You have long arms like a monkey

    and you were on 330 mg of tren -a per day.. tren gave you uber-super strength

  33. #33
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    You have long arms like a monkey

    and you were on 330 mg of tren -a per day.. tren gave you uber-super strength

    lol 330 psh!

    but yeah and i was using 21g
    so blood RUSHES RIGHT IN like no other.. almost fainted loss so much blood LOL ><

  34. #34
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    but yeah and i was using 21g
    That's my point.. i use high gauge pins so it requires more pressure

    21 g is a frigging pencil

    I hit glutes with a 23

  35. #35
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    That's my point.. i use high gauge pins so it requires more pressure

    21 g is a frigging pencil

    I hit glutes with a 23
    but god u ever try to put 4-5ml of high cocentrated KRAP through a 23g MY GOD its an all day affair w/ a ****ing vice grip and a hammer!

  36. #36
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    ok, this thread made me feel like im not doing this right... I am gonna sound like a huge newb who shouldnt be on AAS but im just double checking...

    how EXACTLY do you aspirate

  37. #37
    natelew is offline New Member
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    pull back on the syringe a bit, no blood=good to inject, blood=dont inject

  38. #38
    vermin's Avatar
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    If you watch nurses do it, they just flick back with their thumbs very quickly as they start the injection. Yes, it is somewhat of a generalization, but overall it takes almost no force if you are in a blood vessel - certainly much less than pushing the oil in. There are two reasons for this: First, blood is much less viscous than the oil, and second it likely has some back pressure to it. Think about how the blood spurts into the vial when you give blood - not every blood vessel hit is quite lke that, but overall the plunger is actually holding the blood IN. If you hit the vessel with just the pin, no plunger, you'd have a fountain.

    I didn't do glutes myself until I realized that I could see what I was doing quite well in the bathroom mirror. Since then, they have become my easiest self injection spot.

  39. #39
    kurghan's Avatar
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    I've noticed several people on this board avoid glute IM for lack of a helping hand. I get shakey as well, but try this. Make a stable platform level with your IM site (books on a table, etc.). I rest my inverted firing hand (palm up with pin) on the platform, and usually my elbow against the wall for support. It's worked for me for years.

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