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Thread: Do you keep the strength gains after cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Do you keep the strength gains after cycle?

    I understand that some mass is lost even with proper diet, workout and clomid therapies at the end of cycle. What about strength? I have gained enormous strength from my last cycle, especially in bench press (over 200%) and I'm wondering if I will loose most of it now that my cycle is coming to an end...?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    what are you taking? thats a key factor, what dose, how long, etc...i usualy run cycles 10-12 weeks, sust, dbol, etc...stuff for mass. usually lose about 40% of my strength gains, and hardly any size, maybe 20-30%? my diet isn't super strict, nor is my training. clomid for 2 weeks, and i eat tribulis like candy. it is inevitable unless you have some wonder drug to counteract cortisol, i.e. test, lol. but no cortisol and estrogen will be the dominating hormones in you after a cycle, cortisol will tell your muscles to release aminos and estrogen will tell your body to store fat. =P


  3. #3
    G-S Guest
    You lose 40% of your strength gains? Bro, you must be doing something wrong.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Than what is the method to do it right? I.e. to keep most fo the strength?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    new haven CT
    depends what u take but if you do it right, you shouldnt lose 40% stregth gains. you shouldnt lose 30% size either but you will lose size if you are taking a steroid that makes you hold alot of water... then again depends ... what are you taking?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yeah you'll prbably lose some strength but it is a very personally thing. Just keep training hard and heavy. Lower the volume and get more rest and keep eating lots.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Re: Do you keep the strength gains after cycle?

    Originally posted by Luke
    I have gained enormous strength from my last cycle, especially in bench press (over 200%)
    200%? What was your original bench and what is it now? What did you take and what are your stats?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Re: Re: Do you keep the strength gains after cycle?

    Originally posted by Strutt

    200%? What was your original bench and what is it now? What did you take and what are your stats?
    Before 2x45 plates (each side) on HammerStrength bench press machine. End of cycle - 4x45 plus 2x25 each side :-)

    Took Fina (75mg/eod), Winstrol 25mg/eod, Sustanon 250mg/week, Test Cyp 250mg/week. I added 200mg/week of Deca to lubricate joints.

    Stats: 5'4'', 12-14 % bf, 175lbs.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Re: Re: Do you keep the strength gains after cycle?

    Originally posted by Luke

    Before 2x45 plates (each side) on HammerStrength bench press machine. End of cycle - 4x45 plus 2x25 each side :-)

    Took Fina (75mg/eod), Winstrol 25mg/eod, Sustanon 250mg/week, Test Cyp 250mg/week. I added 200mg/week of Deca to lubricate joints.

    Stats: 5'4'', 12-14 % bf, 175lbs.

    LUKE- check your PM

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