I know I'm supposed to look through all the threads first before I post, but there's alot of damn threads and I haven't seen anything I'm looking for so far, so here goes.
I've been hitting Deca 150mg every 4th day for 6 weeks. I've been doing the workout and diet posted on this website.
I started at 5'11", 170lbs. I shot to 195lbs in 4 weeks on this regimine.
The problem I'm having now is that I've been stuck for the past 2 weeks at 195 and I'm getting a gut from hell. My goal is around 215lbs. I've been very impressed with the results that I've been getting from the Deca, but I would like to hit my goal before weening of the Deca. Any advice on how to keep pushing the weight(muscle) gain would be greatly appreciated. This website is like my bible, so NO b.s. please.