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Thread: how bout this?

  1. #1

    how bout this?

    D-Bol ED @ 25 mg/day for 6 weeks then Tribulus to restore gonads afterwards. How much muscle do you think I could gain with just a d-bol only cycle? also, would I need to run Arimidex at such a low dosage??

    ORRR...instead of D-bol, I could run Sust @ 500 mg/week for 10 weeks. I think that would be a better for a baby newbier bulker like myself, right?

  2. #2
    do not just run d-bol by its self you probably wont see to much off of that alone plus it would be hard to keep the gains. If this is your first cycle run the sust at 400 a week or 500 and run the d-bol also you should see good results, that almost my exact 1st cycle i did. But thats my opinon. 1-6 the d-bol 1-10 sust and eat and get enough sleep,ohh yeah and EAT alot

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    new haven CT
    i would run sust 250mg every 4 days to take advantage of all the esters in the sus. and the dbol for 6 weeks is too long for a rookie..... whats wrong with you??? take 30mg ed for 4 weeks so heres your cycle.

    sus 250mg wk/s 1-8 every 4 days
    dbol 30mg wk/s 1-4

    thats a good begginer cycle. btw i could be wrong about this advice so double check with a vet who knows more than me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    IMO if you're planning on running the dbol, run it only wk 1-4 and sust wk 1-10 especially if this is your first cycle. Don't forget your clomid.
    Keep us posted.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey

    Thumbs down D-Bol only cycle

    What are your stats?? What does your diet look like?? Training experience. I wouldn't just the run D-bol by itself. If you don't have a good diet. I would save the money you have for the gear now get your diet, and training up. Then you could run a better cycle.. JMO

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    buy some clomid, dont have a cycle without it!

    stack the dbol with test or deca.

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