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  1. #1
    Tunez's Avatar
    Tunez is offline New Member
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    First Cycle Advice Please..

    Hey guys, I have been thinking of starting my first cycle and I came to the conclusion of doing a test e/deca cycle. It would be 10 weeks of 500mg/wk test e and 400mg/wk of deca followed my 3 weeks clomid and having arimex/nolva on hand incase of gyno or too much water retention...What do you think? My main concern is if it is safe or reasonable to take 500mg/wk of deca since its deca250. WOuld the extra 100mg have a big impact? I have been trying to find out through searching of this topic but came up with zero info...thats why I sighned up and am askin you guys...please help me and try not to be too harsh on me thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Do test on its own. Your virgin receptors are so fresh..Oh yes. You will gain ALOT from one compound due to this. The other will just give you extra sides. You can only grow so much per cycle. Test alone will max you out.

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    answer ALL the green questions below and we can help you tweek your cycle. Its not bad, but does need some adjustments

  4. #4
    Tunez's Avatar
    Tunez is offline New Member
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    okay i was planning on starting in Nov/Dec im goin to be 20 Nov 7 (dont yell at me) I'm 5'11" at 192, 8.7 bf%, 3,200cal a day (mostly clean), 5 day split routine (almost 2 years training with only taking 1 week off), never did any AAS cycle but did a SD (ph) back in Feb, goals are to get more lean size and strength/ I have been studying and researching about anabolics for the past 5 months and I am very confident in my knowledge of pct and basic cycles...

  5. #5
    Surrender's Avatar
    Surrender is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tunez
    Hey guys, I have been thinking of starting my first cycle and I came to the conclusion of doing a test e/deca cycle. It would be 10 weeks of 500mg/wk test e and 400mg/wk of deca followed my 3 weeks clomid and having arimex/nolva on hand incase of gyno or too much water retention...What do you think? My main concern is if it is safe or reasonable to take 500mg/wk of deca since its deca250. WOuld the extra 100mg have a big impact? I have been trying to find out through searching of this topic but came up with zero info...thats why I sighned up and am askin you guys...please help me and try not to be too harsh on me thanks.
    Your looking at almost 1 gram a week of total gear. Rediculous for a 1st cycle. No one needs that much gear for a first cycle. 400-500 mgs a week is plenty. So what does all this mean, send me your deca as you don't need it

  6. #6
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    hahah listen to them.. test at 500mg a wk you will see significant gains... dont use the deca and give ti to me

  7. #7
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    250-500 mgs of test is more than enough. No need for deca in a first cycle. It's best to run test only. You'll gain plenty, aswell as learn how your body will react to aas compounds.

  8. #8
    Tunez's Avatar
    Tunez is offline New Member
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    With the Test E, would I have a chance of getting one of those big round lumps around the injection area? I saw a kid with one on his shoulder and he said it was from the test....what you guys think?

  9. #9
    hugoboss's Avatar
    hugoboss is offline Associate Member
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    wont happen if you inject correctly

  10. #10
    Tunez's Avatar
    Tunez is offline New Member
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    ok thank for all yor help...I am going to do just the test e. One more thing I was planning on getting test amps that are overfilled to usually 1.2ml....would it be bad to use all thats in the amp....saying it test e 250/cc, but its overfilled to 1.2 would the extra test even be significant? Doesnt the pin hold some of the compound back from getting into the muscle as well....cancelling out some of the extra..guarenting i get atleast the 250mg in one injection?

  11. #11
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    try your quads works painless for me.

  12. #12
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    You have plenty of growing to do without AS. Concentrate on diet and training. 3200 cals a day is pretty low. I could cut on that. If you want to put on size then up your cals and see how you get on.

  13. #13
    Tunez's Avatar
    Tunez is offline New Member
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    thanks for your opinion, how many calories do you think i should consume? 3200 is for a 200 pounder that wants to stay at 200 right?

  14. #14
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    You need to adjust your calories acording TO your body and your Caloric OUTPUT...

    Start to increase your calories by 200 every week until you feel you are gaining more fat than muscle and then back it off by a couple hundred calories.

    That is about the best gauge to go by

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