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  1. #1
    theboss's Avatar
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    Questions on 1st cycle ever....

    OK guys...I am new to this and have been doing my reading....I have a pretty good source for all kinds of stuff and am considering taking steroids for the 1st time in my life. I am 32 years old, 6'4" and abour 230-235 (natural)...carrying a bit around the waist (34")....I work out regularly and would like to know what you all suggest I take. I originally was going to take pills only but I dont think they are going to do it. My main concerns are hair loss (which does not seem to be a problem for me ...yet!), acne and gyno. What would you recommend I take to put on some good size that will stay (not water) ?? I was thinking Sustanon 250 stack with Deca or Primobolan Depot.....a friend recommends Win V....I need more opinions fast!

  2. #2
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    Well brother im glad you came to this forumn... because yoru friends are wrong.... any first cycle should be a foundation of testosterone only! reason being being your first cycle you would see great results off test alone.... adding another compound for ur 1st cycle istn very smart basically would be a waist... as I suggest and as everyone else will suggest TEST ONLY first cycle.. .. and any cycle you do your going to see BLOAT ( water retention) but that can be minimized using a proper Anti- E while on well as limiting the side effects ( gyno, acne , hair loss ) to a MINIMUM.... anti-e's are very important... as well as PCT.... if your diet is on point, as well as training a test only cycle would put anywhere from 10 to 25lbs on you ( 1st cycle) mine put on about 20lbs... if you do proper PCT you will maintain quite a bit of it.... leave the other compounds out until later down the road... remember this common misconception that people think .... "More is always better"-----------> WRONG

    Im happy to help, but take my advice.... ive done my research ....

  3. #3
    theboss's Avatar
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    actually the stack is what i was thinking...if i can do less stuff the better..i have not sat down and talked to him yet..only have 'the list'.....can you recommend some anti-E's and explain PCT ?? (PCT basically brings testosterone levels back up when i am off ??)

    So do you recommend I go with Sust 250 or ?? and how much per week or ??

    i will email you my list....give me some feedback
    Last edited by theboss; 09-24-2006 at 11:10 AM.

  4. #4
    Surrender's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDZZ
    Well brother im glad you came to this forumn... because yoru friends are wrong.... any first cycle should be a foundation of testosterone only! reason being being your first cycle you would see great results off test alone.... adding another compound for ur 1st cycle istn very smart basically would be a waist... as I suggest and as everyone else will suggest TEST ONLY first cycle.. .. and any cycle you do your going to see BLOAT ( water retention) but that can be minimized using a proper Anti- E while on well as limiting the side effects ( gyno, acne , hair loss ) to a MINIMUM.... anti-e's are very important... as well as PCT.... if your diet is on point, as well as training a test only cycle would put anywhere from 10 to 25lbs on you ( 1st cycle) mine put on about 20lbs... if you do proper PCT you will maintain quite a bit of it.... leave the other compounds out until later down the road... remember this common misconception that people think .... "More is always better"-----------> WRONG

    Im happy to help, but take my advice.... ive done my research ....
    You don't need to stack. You friend makes money off you by selling you the products. If he had it his way you would be stacking 3-4 compounds and the more money he would make. Test is the cheapest gear you can buy and keep it that way as long as you can. You only need Test and that is it.

  5. #5
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    read this thread first:
    Cycles for the Newbie

    Sust is NOT the best choice for a first time!
    the reason is that sust is just TEST with 4 different esters. you don't need them and it requires EOD shots.
    Your best bet is to get Test Enanthate or Cypionate SINGLE Ester, twice a week shots.

    The reason you only want to do ONE compound is that if you are like 99% of us, you will be doing MORE cycles. Test is Usually the base for MOST (not all) cycles so you need to LEARN how your body reacts to each compound so that you can make good cycle decisions in the future.
    If you start out with multi esters or multi compounds, then you will have NO clue as to which compound is giving you GYNO, or other side effects and which to leave out in the future or use again because of good gains from it.
    That way you are not wasting money, time, causiing unwanted side effects etc....

    PCT is the most important part of any cycle !!!

    first cycle suggest

    Weeks 1-12 Test Enanthate or Cypionate @ 500mgs/week shot Monday morning (250mgs) and Thursday night (250mgs) or one shot every 3.5 days

    PCT starts 14 days after last inject
    AI is good to have on hand for water gain if needed

    HOPE THIS HELPS......stay away from Sust

  6. #6
    THE_BOSS's Avatar
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    Nice screen name . I've only been here a short time my self and like you wanted to get into my first cycle. Listen to the guys on here; they're a priceless wealth of knowledge. Just knowing the little bit I do now and understanding that there is so much more that goes into a cycle makes me wonder what I would have done without this forum.

    Thanks guys and welcome to AR,


  7. #7
    theboss's Avatar
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    474 that where do i get things like Clomid and Nolvadex ..from the same guy or ??? excuse my ignorance..i have been reading for days but this is alot to take in....anybody have Cliff notes ?

  8. #8
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    click on the blue words if you need to or get them from you supplier

    what cliff notes do you need.

  9. #9
    theboss's Avatar
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    haha....the AR Cliff notes....a condensed version of all this....I will ask my supplier about Nolvadex & i need both of these or just one and all the way through or just the end...lots of contradiction all over the net.?

    more reading done...leaning towards >>

    Testosterone Cypionate 300mg - by Gen Pro
    twice a week for 1st cycle....10 weeks
    Last edited by theboss; 09-24-2006 at 12:06 PM.

  10. #10
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theboss
    haha....the AR Cliff notes....a condensed version of all this....I will ask my supplier about Nolvadex & Clomid....

    Ask about Arimidex also

  11. #11
    theboss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Ask about Arimidex also
    do these all do the same thing just diff names ?

  12. #12
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    Definetely Test only bro- I gained 22 lbs in 12 weeks from Test E @ 500mg a week. Great strength gains as well. Save your money and forget the Sustanon for now. And as far as Gyno you're either going to get it or you're not. It isnt that big of a deal as long as you understand what it really is and how it is treated. Talk to the tittie master C BINO- that dude knows everything about Gyno. Acne sucks, I got it on my chest and a little on my face, but it went away after 2 weeks or so. Good Luck bro- keep us posted.

  13. #13
    theboss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunns420
    Definetely Test only bro- I gained 22 lbs in 12 weeks from Test E @ 500mg a week. Great strength gains as well. Save your money and forget the Sustanon for now. And as far as Gyno you're either going to get it or you're not. It isnt that big of a deal as long as you understand what it really is and how it is treated. Talk to the tittie master C BINO- that dude knows everything about Gyno. Acne sucks, I got it on my chest and a little on my face, but it went away after 2 weeks or so. Good Luck bro- keep us posted.

    so you didnt take any Anti_E ?

  14. #14
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theboss
    do these all do the same thing just diff names ?

    NO, they are all a little different but I cna't type it all here. If you go to the profile section, you can read up on each of them

    Nolva/clomid are usually for PCT
    HCG can be used during a cycle many different ways to help keep your nuts from atrophy, or after cycle for same
    Arimidex or Letro are usually used during a cycle to block estrogen and keep water retention off.

    There is a PCT forum as well, get familiar with it as PCT is the most important part of any cycle.

    You are messing with your body's natural chemistry, this isn't something to just jump into or take lightly.

    we want you to do it as safely as possible

  15. #15
    theboss's Avatar
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    thats why i am asking so many questions that probably seem dumb to most of you...somebody just out and out say exactly what i need...when to take it...and why/when ...make it easier. from my reading i am thinking Test. Cyp

  16. #16
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    I took Nolvadex - thats essential to me. I also used clomid for my PCT

  17. #17
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theboss
    thats why i am asking so many questions that probably seem dumb to most of you...somebody just out and out say exactly what i need...when to take it...and why/when ...make it easier. from my reading i am thinking Test. Cyp
    We are here to help you LEARN.. we will NOT do the work for you. You have to show the maturity and discipline to do this correctly or not at all.
    Everybody wants EASY, well this shvt is anything BUT PLEASE either take the time to LEARN it or do NOT start putting things in your body that could screw up your HPTA for the rest of your life.

    YOU put together the cycle YOU feel you want to do and we can help you tweek and adjust it.

    First suggestion still stands

    WEEKS 1-12 Test E @ 500mgs/week

    PCT starts 14 days after last inject

    You need to decide what you want to do for PCT as it can be run hundreds of ways.

    I suggest Nolva, clomid, HCG
    I also suggest Arimidex to use during the cycle @ .5 mgs/ED or EOD

  18. #18
    theboss's Avatar
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    i am reading as much as i can....why do you prefer Test E over C for the 1st cycle?

  19. #19
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    I like test E altho they are very similar...

  20. #20
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theboss
    i am reading as much as i can....why do you prefer Test E over C for the 1st cycle?
    No real preference. I have experience with Test E and not Cyp, so I can't comment on Cyp. THey are very identical in ester makeup. so either will be fine.

    what you need to understand is that TEST is TEST, the only difference is the Ester which binds the test and releases it in your system

    That is why you really don't need 4 different release times and should just stick to a single ester.

  21. #21
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    the difference is the Ester. Trust me Bro- SMAN knows wtf he's talking about. That cycle is great. You can prob run it 3 or 4 times and still get great gains.

  22. #22
    theboss's Avatar
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    what are average prices for Nov, clomid, armidex....since they arent on my test cycles are about XXX for 10cc..which seems reasonable.
    Last edited by theboss; 09-24-2006 at 12:46 PM.

  23. #23
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    well the amount of currency u exchanged for thar AAS is outrageous!!
    Last edited by IIIIIIIIIIII; 09-24-2006 at 12:43 PM.

  24. #24
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    I dont think you're allowed to talk about that here- we may have a lecture coming......

  25. #25
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    OK, now you are crossing the line....

    You need to make sure you read the rules before posting

    There is NO discussion of prices in the open fourm. you can use the PM feature after 25 posts.

    Please edit out the prices


  26. #26
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    test is cheap

  27. #27
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER, please edit

  28. #28
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    No Price Talk In Open Forums Edit Your Posts Please I Dont' Want To Have To Report All Of Them

  29. #29
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    is my post ok now???

  30. #30
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=IIIIIIIIIIII]is my post ok now???


  31. #31
    theboss's Avatar
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    oopsss.....sorry!! bigtime

  32. #32
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theboss
    oopsss.....sorry!! bigtime

    No sweat, just take some time and read the RULES and top 7-8 threads at the very top of the forum page , you will learn TONS to make your stay here wonderful....

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sman12b
    are u flirting with me???

    dont make me come over there... send u walking like cowboy!!!!

  34. #34
    theboss's Avatar
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    i shoulda known better....just trying to fast track a bit....thanks

  35. #35
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    hahaha told you guys

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