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Thread: primo and deca..??? yes or no

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    primo and deca..??? yes or no

    sup everyone.

    im researching right now, and was adding to the gear that i can get now. im thinking of doing wk 1-7 deca at 450mg/wk and weeks 6-10 50mg winny EOD.

    this is my first cycle so im keeping away from any test. the educational threads say primo has low sides which im looking for, but is weaker than deca.

    is it worth it to add primo to that cycle (do the 2 AS work good together), or should i stick with the deca n winny? i really dont want to add a test to the cycle though...

    i have clomid on hand

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Geartopia - Where the fin
    I do not understand at all what you mean by not wanting to take test because it's your first cycle, since the sides from test are much easier to control and more predictable than deca.

    But anyways, I think just sticking to the deca/winny would be fine. The cost of primo, plus the fact it's your first cycle and there are tons of primo fakes floating around make it quite risky for you. And when you add in the 'reward' aspect of the primo in this cycle, and it's just not there. Also, deca and primo are not synergistic like deca and winny.

    One thing to note on this probably won't notice a thing until week 4-5 because deca takes so long to kick in.

  3. #3
    alevok Guest
    It looks like a cutting cycle, if it is, primo would be a better choice.
    I have been on a primo/winstrol cutting cycle since May 15th and works awesome for me. Best Luck bro

  4. #4
    Hope you dont have a girlfriend to please.

    Test is infinitely better for your body than deca which shuts you down fast and lingers long.

    Equipoise is better than either deca or primo.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I am with everyone else in wondering why you don't want to do test on your first cycle but I think the deca/ winny stack would be the way to go. It is a little short of a run for deca so you may want to extend it to ten weeks and then extend your winny accordingly.

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