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  1. #1
    turntablez123 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006

    Newbie need questions and answers! Please help!

    Hi everyone, I am a newbie and need some help finding out info on some things. I don't know where else to turn. I have heard things about steroids , and I want to find out information, before I just dive inn and start. I know it could have some negative results, and I want to do this right.

    Here are some of my goals...

    lose weight first.
    I hear there are some steroids that can help you out with weight loss, I don't want to turn what fat I have into muscle, I am not looking to be huge and have huge muscle gain. I want to slim down then tone.

    Here are some questions.

    1. What are some good steriods to take to loose weight?
    2. Should I stack them with anything?
    3. How long is a cycle?
    4. How do you ween off of steroids, so that it won't screw up your body?

    I heard there are things you are supposed to do when you stop taking a cycle and start taking other things in the process of ending your cycle??? That part I am most curious about along with the cycles. Please help me, and thanks for your time!


  2. #2
    D.Bone's Avatar
    D.Bone is offline New Member
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    welcome to AR .. alot of the questions you asked can be found if you just search the forum. it sounds like you might not be ready for steroids IMO. plus you should list you stats wieght hieght body fat%.. IMO start doing a whole bunch of reading...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Boston, Ma
    ya.. im gonna have to back that one upp...

    1.) AAS is not for weight loss
    2.) stacking depends on your goals
    3.) A cycle can be any amount of time
    4.) if you dont know about PCT then dont bother with AAS.. our answers arent gonna give u the info u need to know waht ur doing

  4. #4
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    one more thing, fat does not turn into muscle. also, muscle does not turn into fat. the two are completely diff.

  5. #5
    Streaker's Avatar
    Streaker is offline Member
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    First step to losing wheight is to not be lazy. Cardo and diet will help you lose the pounds not drugs. Use the search function on this web site and start in the diet section. Good luck! Once you get your ditet figured droping the pounds will be easy.

  6. #6
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey there,
    Welcome to the board!

    As you can see from the other bros' comments, AAS is not used as a weightloss "supplement", especially since you are not interested in being muscled up...Checkout the fitness forum and make yourself a diet/exercise regimen that you can commit to and you will see results...I gharantee it!

    By the way, what are your stat?

  7. #7
    turntablez123 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006
    I thought there nay be a way to lose may not be steroids ...but something with epi that might do the trick that I saw on the internet that will help get you going with energy before you start any kind of cycle. Anyone knoe about that?

  8. #8
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    I thought there nay be a way to lose may not be steroids...but something with epi that might do the trick that I saw on the internet that will help get you going with energy before you start any kind of cycle. Anyone knoe about that?
    post your diet, training experience, weight, age etc etc and you'll get alot more help

    to me it sounds like you need to sort out your diet & excercise routine before using any ''extras''

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