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Thread: Ok, Thinking of doing a no no and need some opinions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Question Ok, Thinking of doing a no no and need some opinions

    Ok here is the deal. I'm finished with my last cycle, and I am SERIOUSLY considering extending it to my next with no break. I wanted everyones opinion on this, I know the typical rule is time on = time off but what I really want to know is some more experienced members opinions on doing a cycle in this fashion. Any and all opinions are welcome.

    My last cycle:
    Fina 1-12 100mg's ed
    Sust 1-12 500mg's week
    Winny 7-12 50-75mg's ED (Tabs)
    Did last injection of Fina yesterday. Winny would end tommarow.

    What I am thinking of doing is:
    Week 1-16 EQ 600mg's week
    Week 4-8 D-Bol 50mg's ED
    Week 4-8 Test Prop 100mg's ED
    Week 4-16 Cyp 750mg's week
    Week 11-19 Winny 50mg's ED Injectable
    Week 17-19 Test Prop 50mg's ED
    Liquidex throughout @ 1mg ED

    Now, if you notice I am basically going off my current cycle and spending 4 weeks ramping up the EQ, then starting a traditional 12 week cycle. Is there a problem with this "bridge" as I guess you would call it? Should I through some HCG in for good measure on the nads?

    I have clomid and Anti-E's (other than Liquidex) on hand and ready. I just really do not want to wait to start this cycle. Whats your honest opinions on this?

    Thanks again guys,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    i wouldl love to give a bump ...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Yo man, what were your gains of your last cycle, how did you like the Fina?.. sorry i can't help you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    do u really want advice? are you going to listen? I mean what exactly do u want to know, seems to me u have made up u r mind and u r doing it anyway 12 weeks of fina is already harsh and u want to move straight onto that cycle? just wondering

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Well, to answer about gains from the last cycle I dropped roughly 52lbs of fat and gained a little lean mass. I have good definition, just the mass isn't there. However, at that time my goals were met. Now, I would like to fill out.

    Yes OJ, I want advice, thats why I asked man. I know there are plenty of people who have done similar cycles in the past. My liver values are in check, I had them tested, and the kidney's seem to be doing just fine as well. My Dr. pretty much flipped when he saw me.

    Now, if someone would like to share some more valuable information I would greatly appreciate it. I do so for others as often as possible and this is something I seriously want some input for.

    First and foremost I personaly think the sides to Tren are overated. That said, it did what I needed the help with. Actually it helped, it is our asses in the gym and at home busting our butts to make our goals happen. The drugs just help it along.

    So, back to what I need some advice on. For the next four weeks as I jump start the EQ should I leave the Clomid alone, and also should I get some HCG to give the ole balls a kick and if so at what point?

    Intresting note, my nads shrank in the begining of the cycle but shortly into it fell back into place like nothing had happend. Just an intresting note.

    175lbs this morning (Was mid 230's)
    Waist went from 38.5" to 31.5"
    Est BF as of now is around 14%

    Sure could use some input on this one. If I didn't want to here your opinions I wouldn't ask, sometimes it is nice to here from others who have done similar experiences. From searches I've read some intresting things about longer mid dose cycles producing better results. At this point I see how easy it is to drop my BF at will and want to focus on mass, and keep the BF within reason of course.


  6. #6
    Bro, I am planning on doing the same thing at the end of this cycle. I don't know if it's good or not, but I am very curious to also hear what people have to say. Especially about the HCG.

    My current cycle:
    wks 1-10 Test Enanthate 750mg/w
    wks 1-6 Fina 150mg/d
    wks 1-4 Dbol 50mg/d

    400mg ALA with every meal.

    I am planning on switching to a cutting cycle:
    wks 1-10 Test Prop 100mg/d
    wks 1-6 Fina 150mg/d
    wks 1-10 EQ 600mg/w
    wks 7-12 Winny 50mg/d
    wks 1-6 T3

    I know GearedUp would probably have some good input on this. He was running juice pretty much year round when I last talked with him. Unfortunately, I don't even know if he still posts here.........

    If my memory is up to par, I think Pete235 was also doing an extended cycle. I'd like to hear his side to this..


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york
    Whats the hurry?
    You've got to live with your body for the rest of your life, you're 29 years young (I'll be 29 next mo.) you have got alot of time to reach your goals no need to try and rush things and possibly mess yourself up.
    You got good results from your current cycle IMO you should do what i believe you know is the right thing to do and take your time off then proceed with your plans for your next cycle.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Bro if you want to go to your next quickly do it as safely as possible.....I have spoke with a number of ppl who cycle year round....the consensus among them seems to be this...

    hit your cycle as intended (this being the one you are coming off of now) then cruise on a dose of about 400mg/w test 1500 iu hcg every 4 days and clomid therapy as you would post cycle 300x day one 100mg/d for 10, 50mg/d for 10.....keep the arimidex going but you can afford to drop to .25 or .5mg per day on this "bridge." Do this for 4 weeks then resume your cycling as you plan except you will not need to wait until week 4 to start the prop and dbol b/c your liver will have had 4 weeks off during your "cruising" phase. If you are happy with your bf % you may want to research slin and use that as a bridge to help put on some mass but do not do it unless you are 110% confident with it. If you do go the slin route, creatine and 20mg/d anavar would be a nice addition.

    hope this helps bro, can't say I recommend it but if you are going to go this route this is IMO the best way to do so.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    this is an eternal question around here. i saw a thread awhile back about 'whats the longest you've stayed on' and some guy said 20 weeks so illogically i was thinking, wow he did it i can do it, you stay on longer your gains must keep compiling, then using clomid a little longer with some winny and the end and you come out with more gains? duno, or does your hpta and balls yell at you for a few months longer? again, duno. its an interesting question thats for sure, i planned on doing eq for 16 weeks, test @ 500mg p/week for 16 weeks, then winny weeks 15-20, clomid post therapy. but i decided i would run eq @ 12 @ 600mg/week and test @ 12 @ 500-600mg/week, and then clomid weeks 8-15. just seems a bit safer and considering my previous cycle experiences of 10 and 12 weeks, i think 20 weeks might not be the best idea. xxxl83 also put it very well and put some insight into my thoughts, being that im only 21 going to be 22 soon, you got plenty of time to do what you want, why rush? i mean the quicker you big is always the dreamed about thing, whether it is medically/phsyiologically/psychologically advisable is a total other subject, good luck hope things works out for you guys considering long(er) cycles...


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    dirty jerzy
    I think long cycles and aas all year round is okay as long as you keep very low doses and don't use anything harsh that is my theory.
    I don't see a problem about staying on besides that you have been using to many drugs that are harsh at pretty high doses tren and the winny was used to high and to much in my opinion, now you want to inclued d-balls and more winny, that is a no-no.
    what I would do is go into what they call a bridge( which is just an extended cycle) a bridge for 6 weeks of primo at 200mg a week or test at 250 week will not be harsh on your body use some hcg for your balls then go right into your cycle, but I wouldn't use the d-balls in my opinion d-ball are to harsh and the gains are mostly water.
    also since you want to use eq you could start eq now and run eq only for 6 weeks into your cycle.
    high doses and long cycles is a very bad combo for your health If you are going to run long cycles then use lower doses and stay away from c17 toxic orals.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    So, if I'm getting the advice here correctly (the advice on the safer way to do the wrong thing:-)) then it sounds like this so far, please correct me if I'm wrong:

    Comming off of my Fina/Sust/Winny cycle, last day of winny is today. I will bridge with EQ, all be it a higher dose than I should probably use at 600mg's a week for the next 4 weeks. Monday I will start traditional clomid therapy for the boys and in 4 weeks I'll do 1500IU's of HCG every 4 days for 2 weeks. At that point I will fire up the full blown Prop/Cyp/EQ/Winny cycle, leaving out the original D-Bal as I agree I need to give the liver a break and it is mostly water retention anyway which I could care less about. This will give the liver a break from 17-AA's for several months during the cycle. At the end of the cycle it would seem to make since to extend the traditional Clomid therapy out a little further to help restore the HPTA Axis. Does this sound about right?

    Thanks again folks,


    On Slin, I am familiar with it from several aspects however not for BB purposes. My stepfather and many people I know are on it. It is something that I have considered however at this point I do not think that is the avenue for me to try, I have a lot more learning to do on that one:-). GH would be the ticket but I don't have the cash right now, oh well maybe next year:-).

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Bump before bed:-).


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    Originally posted by kizer_soce
    Bro if you want to go to your next quickly do it as safely as possible.....I have spoke with a number of ppl who cycle year round....the consensus among them seems to be this...

    hit your cycle as intended (this being the one you are coming off of now) then cruise on a dose of about 400mg/w test 1500 iu hcg every 4 days and clomid therapy as you would post cycle 300x day one 100mg/d for 10, 50mg/d for 10.....keep the arimidex going but you can afford to drop to .25 or .5mg per day on this "bridge." Do this for 4 weeks then resume your cycling as you plan except you will not need to wait until week 4 to start the prop and dbol b/c your liver will have had 4 weeks off during your "cruising" phase. If you are happy with your bf % you may want to research slin and use that as a bridge to help put on some mass but do not do it unless you are 110% confident with it. If you do go the slin route, creatine and 20mg/d anavar would be a nice addition.

    hope this helps bro, can't say I recommend it but if you are going to go this route this is IMO the best way to do so.
    Good advice bro...I would also suggest using 25mg per day of anavar or 200mg of primo fer week for a bridge if you want...Watch your duration on the orals and you'll be fine...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Thanks guys, and Kizer thanks for the PM. I should have planned this out much better and this should be an example to other guys of why planning and sticking to the plan is so important.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    My vote:

    Take time off between the cycles. You have only one body. So, why stand near the cliff-edge of possibly messing up when you don't have to?

    By using AS, you're already taking the "faster" route. Why not just slow down a bit before this becomes a habbit??

    You know if this works for you--this extra long cycle--and you get away unscathed, you'll be back for more of the same some other time.

    Save yourself the trouble now. Why stand on the edge of a bad habbit? No one's forcing you to do this.

    I wish you the best, man--whatever you decide. I hope you make the best decision for yourself (mind and body).

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    good point bask8kace, theres plenty of posts about long cycles affecting people negatively, be smart about it folks


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