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Thread: gh/girlfriend/water retention/fat loss

  1. #1

    gh/girlfriend/water retention/fat loss

    Need some help... my girlfriend has worked out all her life. She has a good work ethic in the gym. She also has a good diet. But she wants to lose body fat... she is 5'4" 135lbs. Her BF is probably about 16% ( a guess on my part). Some girls at the gym got her some GH. It is legitimate as best I can tell... Serostim 6mg X 7 vials lot # mph551a1 exp 05/2004. She started taking 1 unit per day (1/2 in am and 1/2 pm) for 3 weeks. I had some Primobolan and started her on 25 mg per week. I didn't want her to put on mass, so I supplemented with a small dose. She stated that nothing was happening. I told her to stay with it... but she went to 2 units/day(1 in am and 1 pm). She has been giving these sub Q. She now complains of water retention. She says her face, feet, and hands are swollen. And she is not fitting in her clothes well. I have double checked her dosage to make sure she is doing it right. She is not really giving it subQ but actually injecting into the fat tissue. It has been 5 weeks, and she is totally discouraged and I am tired of hearing about it. I have no experience with GH and need some sound advice for her. What can she do differently? Can she lose body fat with GH? Is this a waste of her money?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    gh is more useful with t3 or insulin, but both make it a little less effective so you may need to use a few more IUs. i also dont think women should use gh because of side affects but since shes @ such a low dose i wouldn't worry. is she doing the proper ammount of cardio? if shes trying to lose with gh/primo and NOT bulk up, shit she should be going cardio once a day at least 45 min...women in general should have an easier time cutting because their not worried about losing mass. if her cardio is in order and shes still not losing, what about diet? whats her calories looking like? again if shes not worried about mass cut her caloried by a 1/4 or a 1/3 or until she starts noticing a difference, those are your best and safest bets right there, good luck and keep us posted.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by djdjdjddjon
    i also dont think women should use gh because of side affects but since shes @ such a low dose i wouldn't worry.
    What side effects are you reffering to? And why would it be any worse for a woman than a man?

    Also, in gereral women have a harder time losing fat than men.

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