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Thread: drug test..

  1. #1
    k@m NYC's Avatar
    k@m NYC is offline Associate Member
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    drug test..

    whats up bros.
    Ill be getting a new job very soon and i think theyre going to test me for "drugs" or whatever.. Im running anavar .. does that show up?? i really need to know if i should stop the cycle and postpone the test or.. shit.. i dont know..

  2. #2
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    unlikely theyll test for aas. thats expensive from what ive heard

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    its also state mandated i heard.. well atleast when it comes to court )probation screens)

    i wouldnt worry

  4. #4
    k@m NYC's Avatar
    k@m NYC is offline Associate Member
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    thank god....!!! but what has me worried is that when i got tested for a job years ago. they found creatine and it was written on the results. not that it interfered with getting the job. but it showed up...does that fall into the aas test or just the general drug test?

  5. #5
    k@m NYC's Avatar
    k@m NYC is offline Associate Member
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    found some info!

    How long do steroids stay detectable in your system?


    This, of course, depends on the actual substance (amount and type) and the person using them. Steroids can remain detectable in a persons system anywhere from 1 week to over a year after use. For the most popular substances like nandrolone (deca , testosterona), one year is the usual time that they could actually be detected. For injectable testosterone , between 3-6 months is commonly sufficient. Luckily, for steroid users, the cost of a steroid test is very expensive (heard its $280) and hardly ever done. If you are being tested for "drugs" 99% of the time a steroid test is not done. Random tests for college sports will test for them though (the cost is probably why they are random). People usually worry more than they should though. Even though a drug "can" be detectable, a lot of times they aren't.

    Detection Times

    These detection times were taken from different sources. This table if for informational purposes only, this website will not be held responsible if you are caught on a drug test. This isn't medical advice, only information gathered from various sources


    - nandrolone decanoate

    18 months


    - nandrolone phenylpropionate

    12 months


    - boldenone undecyclate
    - metehenolone enanthate
    - trenbolone
    - trenbolone acetate
    - injectable methandienone

    5 months


    - testosterone-mix (Sustanon & Omnadren )
    - testosterone enanthate
    - testosterone cypionate

    3 months


    - oxymetholone
    - fluoxymesterone
    - injectabel stanozolol
    - formebolone
    - drostanolone propionate

    2 months


    - methandienone
    - mesterolone
    - ethylestrenole
    - noretadrolone

    3 weeks


    - oxandrolone
    - oral stanozolol

    3 weeks


    - testosterone propionate

    2 weeks


    - testosterone undecanoate

    1 week


    - clenbuterol

    4 days


  6. #6
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Most companies won't test for aas, because it's an expensive test. They will test for rec drugs tough. Unless it's a test being done for a sport, government, or military, it probably will only be rec drugs and not aas.

  7. #7
    davidboy's Avatar
    davidboy is offline Associate Member
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    nothing to worry about if its regular job..i got randam drug tested while i was on ass at my job..what kind of job is it..if you don't mind posting it?

  8. #8
    k@m NYC's Avatar
    k@m NYC is offline Associate Member
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    Project Mgmt. for a construction corp. (union) So when I was previously tested and creatine showed up. Was that a rec. drug test?

  9. #9
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Creatine shows up all the time. It's one of the indicators of diluting your piss. Hence why detox drinks have creatine in them along with diuretics.

  10. #10
    k@m NYC's Avatar
    k@m NYC is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Creatine shows up all the time. It's one of the indicators of diluting your piss. Hence why detox drinks have creatine in them along with diuretics.
    Didnt know that.. Ok. so Var will not show up and I can continue using it.. yay.. btw, what would I do without u guys..

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