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Thread: DBOL Question!

  1. #1
    sfdfc is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up DBOL Question!

    Also, Is DBOL any good, im talking about the little pink stop sighn looking ones i think they are thai. Do they blote you a lot? would 200 4 a day be good for a first time user be good? and do u lose a lot of strength when you come off of it.

  2. #2
    Lush's Avatar
    Lush is offline Associate Member
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    I had a bad pink thai experience- i.e. they did nothing.

    I might have got some bunk gear though.... hard to say...

  3. #3
    sfdfc is offline New Member
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    how many did u take per day? they did nothing eh? what do u suggest for me? im a pretty big guy, i dont wanna do a lot and gain a lot of weight, just basically strength. what do u suggest for that?

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    well to answer your questions: yes those work good, yes they are going to bloat you, and you are going to lose just about everything you gain. Save them read and learn more about it and then do the min your cycle

  5. #5
    sfdfc is offline New Member
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    Well im not gonna do then if im gonna get bloated crazy and lose pretty much everything I gain. Kinda pointless. what about sust 250 alone? like say 10 shots justa small cycle. its my fist. I dont wanna put on a lot of size just add some strength basically, good idea? on sust do u keep a lot of what u gain? I do a lot of reading but what im finding is people give diff answers than what I read, i like to hear from people that have done it u know...

  6. #6
    Lush's Avatar
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    Alright, if you're looking to get advice on doing a first cycle- start the basics-your stats, work out experience, goals......

    It makes it way easier to help you out.

  7. #7
    sfdfc is offline New Member
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    thanx! ok here goes.

    Im 6'4"
    I weigh 310lbs
    Ive been lifting for about 4 years.
    I bench 400lbs
    Squat 550lbs
    I play Football and I have never done steroids , my diet is good now that the season is comming to an end and Im back to training hard again for the winter. I dont want to bloat or gain a lot of weight, what I want is more strength and Id like to do a cycle that I will keep as much strength as possible i dont care a lot about keeping sizr kinda thing. Thanx!

  8. #8
    Unity66 is offline Associate Member
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    yep.........listen to lush. it is imperative that you list your stats/goals when asking such a question. this topic should be a sticky............a newbie

    yes, any AAS that converts to estrogen will cause water-retention.........such is the reason they invented liquidex

    just us an anti-estrogen or estrogen antagonist


  9. #9
    Lush's Avatar
    Lush is offline Associate Member
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    yup, like Unity66 said liquidex will help out big time.

    I am however pretty rookie on the kind of cycle you're looking for.
    I'm only 170lbs- so I don't use the phrase "I dont want to bloat or gain a lot of weight" to much.. .

    but my 2advice is....

    I'd say eq for sure! 600mg/week. 10 weeks

    Test enth 500mg/week 10weeks

    winny 50mgEOD (ED even better) weeks 6-11

    test prop 100mgEOD (better yet 500/week) weeks 1-4

    clomid starting week 13 -300mg day1, 100mg/day the rest of week 13, 50mg/day week14, 50mgEOD weeks 15. include clen in weeks 13 and 14

    LIQUIDEX .5mg/day day 1 until the end of weeks 14.

  10. #10
    sfdfc is offline New Member
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    Those are all seperate cycles right, not all that shit right.... Problem is im not a millionaire and dont have a lot of cash to blow on sauce. I just need a kick start kinda. Winnie is good but so hard to find real winny isint it?? test prop is good?? What steroids are good to take alone? im not gonna stack anything.

  11. #11
    Unity66 is offline Associate Member
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    cheap, effective cycle..........test, proviron /nolva/clomid---you should have no prob finding these prods.

    if there is one AAS to use alone it is TESTOSTERONA............heh!!!


  12. #12
    Lush's Avatar
    Lush is offline Associate Member
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    yeah- i meant ALL the above juices in the cycle. I know what you mean about expensive though.... Try coming up to Canada and buying that shit.....LOL

    Alright... if I were you, and on a budget, I'd just do Eq. 600mg/week. for 10 weeks.

    With clomid after of course.

    Actually, you gotta get some test in there too. Even 300mg/weeks of test enth will help alot.

    Just stacking those 2 is about as cheap a cycle as I can think of...

    Sound more in the right price range...?

  13. #13
    sfdfc is offline New Member
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    yeah lol dude I livein Canada Vancouver BC. so sust is a bad choice?? like 15 shots. spread out over 6 weeks? and B-BOL the pink stop sign ones are bad for keeping strength?? I was thinking about doing 200 or 300 of those by themselves 4 a day kinda thing. But if i cant keep any gains Forget that.

  14. #14
    Lush's Avatar
    Lush is offline Associate Member
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    Well sust and d-bol is good stuff. But those 2 also give lots of fat& water retention.

    Screw the sust for sure. Just do enth or cyp.
    Sust will work- but in terms of bang for the buck, or bang per mg- cyp & enth are way better.

    D-bol is great too- but you'll bloat alot.

    IMO, I'd choose between test and eq if I wuz you. Better strength and mass gains with test, more keepable gains with eq. Less water&fat with eq.
    Test enth would be cheaper.

  15. #15
    sfdfc is offline New Member
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    your in Canada lush.....what does EQ go for? how many mg's per amp? im gonna do EQ i think, how much is an amp of EQ?

  16. #16
    sfdfc is offline New Member
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    hey lush, see thats the thing......EQ is expensive eh. and to do 600mg's a week ill need to do in a corner store lol I just need somthing cheap that I will keep strength! Im not looking to put on a lot of size at all.

  17. #17
    Lush's Avatar
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    Alright sfdc.. I hear ya.

    The eq is $200 per 10mL bottle for me (200mg/mL)- so that'd be $600 bucks.
    I'd say do only 400mg- but you are not a small guy... I'm doing 400(with some other gear) and I'm like half of you..

    OK- if we're going cheap- test enth is as cheap as it gets. Try 400mg/week. You will get stronger-alot. But you will build mass. I'd have to guess 85% of it will be muscle though...

    Some water retion is unavoidable.

    The only other alternative is fina. I think I go to steroid hell if I recommend this too you though...
    I haven't done it, and it's not a beginners gear.
    It does give serious strength gains though and actually burns fat. And builds quality muscle. And it's probably the cheapest gear there is.
    Don't do it until you do your homework though.

  18. #18
    Unity66 is offline Associate Member
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    lush.........i hope your source uses some type of lubricant cause yer getting raped brother

  19. #19
    sfdfc is offline New Member
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    Fina sounds good, why is it do cheap? big side effects? what does it run in price. and with the TEST your talking about what percent of what I gain in strength and muscle will I keep?? what does it run, thanx for the help man!!

  20. #20
    Lush's Avatar
    Lush is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by Unity66
    lush.........i hope your source uses some type of lubricant cause yer getting raped brother

    unity bro.... tell me about it-every time some american mentions the price of gear they get in mexico my sphincter stretches a little wider...

    (my prices were in CDN though....)

  21. #21
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Fina is a great choice for you its cheap you can get the carts over the internet and then brew it your self or dmso it and inconjuction with the dbal youll have a good cheaper cycle

  22. #22
    sfdfc is offline New Member
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    hey Lush or Pure.... is that Finaplix ? or Finaject? and what dosage is good for how many weeks?? and lush maybe u can help me on this seeing as your in Canada, what does Fina cost roughly? thanx!

  23. #23
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    No flame intended here bro but you need to learn what the different types of AS are because you sound as if you do not have any idea.Go to the main site and have a read up on what is what.This will then give you some idea of what is used and why it is used.Then research prices this will give you an indication of what your cycle will cost you as you know how much you have to spend.Find the AS within your price range and will give you the results you require then someone can write you a cycle up if you want.Like I said bro no flame intended.

  24. #24
    Halo's Avatar
    Halo is offline New Member
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    Answer to sfdfc/strength

    Originally posted by sfdfc
    thanx! ok here goes.

    Im 6'4"
    I weigh 310lbs
    Ive been lifting for about 4 years.
    I bench 400lbs
    Squat 550lbs
    I play Football and I have never done steroids, my diet is good now that the season is comming to an end and Im back to training hard again for the winter. I dont want to bloat or gain a lot of weight, what I want is more strength and Id like to do a cycle that I will keep as much strength as possible i dont care a lot about keeping sizr kinda thing. Thanx!
    Based on your question above, you should try HALOTESTIN , I am kinda bias (note the name, Halo). It will give you EXTREME strength gains without adding much size or weight, and it makes you mean as hell. It gives that KING OF THE JUNGLE EGO feeling all the time. Take it for only 4-6 weeks at a time as it is Liver Toxic and you will probably go through a few relationships with chicks because of your irritability and anger rages. The strength will remain. Take about 15mg for a week, then 20mg, then up to 25 or 30mg... No need to cycle down off this stuff...

  25. #25
    sfdfc is offline New Member
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    Well I mean I know and have read up on most common steroids Winnie, sust250 EQ, primo, Dbol etc.... but had no clue about Fina. and i like to hear peoples opinions that have used and not some sight that ranks the diff AS because it seemd to me everyone has a diff opinion, beleive me i read up. I wouldnt do it otherwise. Thanx guys

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