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  1. #1
    adude006 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2006

    Almost done, few more points reg. this cycle...

    Finally I decided to do a test e cycle instead of the solo tbol cycle I had planned earlier.

    Concerns: Hair & Prostrate.
    Acne too however I can sacrifice my skin to get big; but not my hair or prostrate! I can’t find any guys on my mom’s side of the family to check for hair issues, 1 uncle is there with some hair sticking out, rest are all females. But some of the older females have hair issues so that kinda sets me back. I guess they won't count under the Male baldness rule huh?

    I'm including an AI (Liquidex) on cycle + Nizoral 2% + a shit load of herbs (on & off cycle)
    Now do I still need a DHT blocker like Finasteride/Dutast?

    - Test E (2 bottles) - (I wanted to do 1 bottle only at 200 or 250mg - 10 weeks, but friends were saying it's too less?)
    weeks 1-10
    400mg (10cc - 200mg/ml) OR 500mg (250mg/ml) I forgot which one it is.

    - Liquidex
    Weeks 1/2/3 & 8/9/10 -> .50mg/ed
    weeks 4/5/6/7 -> .25mg/ed
    (since it's a 1mg/ml thing, instead of buying 2 bottles i think i can pass off with 1 bottle like this, will have like 2mg extra i think incase i need it)

    Tamox: 40mg, 40mg, 20mg, 20mg (Weeks 12/13/14/15)
    Clomid: 100mg, 100/50mg?, 50mg (Weeks 12/13/14) - still can't make up my mind if i need clomid or not, some say yes, some say no...... I guess I’ll but it anyways unless you can give me a good reason not to?
    + the herbal stuff.

    I might throw in 2 weeks of dbol at 15 or 20mg or I have a bottle of Promagnon-25 (it's supposed to be the substitute for Halodrol) - 2caps a day for a month. So this is an extra option.

    And this is my 1st cycle, 23/5”5/ 165lbs.
    Last edited by adude006; 09-27-2006 at 04:57 AM.

  2. #2
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    Dude there is a proper way to show us your cycle without using the / search the threads people give proper ways... Also there is no point in pyramidnig your nolva and it shoudlnt go over 20mg anyways.... do 20mg ed for 25 to 30 days.... clomid should be at 100mg ed for sampe period... leave the dbol and proagnon out.... if your going to use dbol then use it as a kickstart first 4 wks of cycle... But being your first cycle i would save it, also the test dsg isnt bad... although i would suggest 500mg avg dose... But very good choice on anti-e it has a very good reputation

  3. #3
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    don't run adex the whole time.. start around week 3 or 4, that's when the test will really begin to pool. Just run it between .25 and .5 the whole time. That way your levels don't fluctuate.
    A DHT blocker varies from person to person, I'm sure the niro will help though. The only thing you can do is run it and find out.

    I like aromasin in PCT but that's up to you.

  4. #4
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    I dont know why you suggest starting the arimidex at wk 3 or 4 that makes no sense its in your body regaurdless, and is converting into estrogen ... kicking in has nothing to do with it... a lot of people dont take anti- e's at all... and those who do front load their anti-e's a week or so ahead of time to make sure its in their system...& some take it first day cycle beings..... so i find your statement on starting 3 or 4 wks out to not true.... you can start it a wk before your cycle starts.. or start it the day your cycle begins.. i suggest front loading it ... safer.. and im gyno prone so .. your choice

  5. #5
    adude006 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok will keep the pct dosage constant. I like arimidex better than aromasin , seems more effective. Leto seems even more effective than arimidex but it reduces the estrogen way too much which i'm not sure if it's a good thing, i guess it's ok to leave some estrogen in the system?

    I will use Dutasteride also (on cycle @ 0.25mg/ed. If hair issues come up will up it to .50mg), Oh & I'll also be taking 5gms of Vit B5 for acne (on cycle & maybe during pct if needed)

  6. #6
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDZZ
    I dont know why you suggest starting the arimidex at wk 3 or 4 that makes no sense its in your body regaurdless, and is converting into estrogen ... kicking in has nothing to do with it... a lot of people dont take anti- e's at all... and those who do front load their anti-e's a week or so ahead of time to make sure its in their system...& some take it first day cycle beings..... so i find your statement on starting 3 or 4 wks out to not true.... you can start it a wk before your cycle starts.. or start it the day your cycle begins.. i suggest front loading it ... safer.. and im gyno prone so .. your choice
    Yes it converts to estrogen, but so does your test. The more test you have the more gets converted. So if you're not having estro probs and your estro is in the acceptable range, why use an anti e? My estro did not go over the avg until week 5, which is when i started adex and it went down significantly in 1 week. You're gyno prone, exactly, so you would need to frontload and continue the entire time.. but he doesn't know if he is. So I suggest starting without it, and getting blood work done at the 3rd week. and then again at the 6th.

    Yes adex is more effective than aroma, but aromasin is more than strong enough. And on top of that you can use aromasin with nolva in pct which is highly reccomended, unlike adex which will lower blood plasma (nolva) levels around 50%.

  7. #7
    adude006 is offline Associate Member
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    Cool thanks for the advices guy. Also 2 more things

    1) If i reduce the dosage to 250-300mg/week will that be good enough to gain 10-15lbs? Not too sure about 500mg (like most ppl say) for my first cycle, want to take it slowly but even get some gain too.

    2) I've read that the shots can be taken once a week so is that better or should i do twice a week? (provided i do 500mg)

  8. #8
    AleX-69's Avatar
    AleX-69 is offline Member
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    1) it is possible to gain 10lbs of only 250mg test for 10-12 weeks if it is someones first cycle. I have seen it many times.
    2) Injecting twice a week would be a great plus. But i also know several guys who only shoot once a week and still get decent results. Problem is the high fluctuation in hormone levels which has the potential to cause more side effects..

  9. #9
    adude006 is offline Associate Member
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    Um ok so with 250mg/week, then i should dose it at 125mg X 2 for the 2 shots?

  10. #10
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Yup. 3.5 Days apart, I do sun morning and wed night.. But it doesn't matter as you can do any day (mon/thurs, tues/fri)

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