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  1. #1
    Black_Rose is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006

    Stanazol and MA training

    Hey people,

    How are you?

    I got a question.

    I moved to China and i have started training again. I am now training in San Shou/San Da. I have previous training in Australia in Kung Fu, Ninjutsu, Judo and some BJJ.

    So, i was wondering, i was thinking about doing a cycle of Stanazol and no other roid. I did alot of reading on Stana, however i want to ask a specific question.

    If i use Stana ( pill form 2mg each pill), will i be able to cut fat and put on some muscle?. My training regime is this:

    1. mon, wed, friday SanDa training , each session is 90 mins
    2. 2-3 times a week at the gym .

    Basically, i aint looking for a quick fix, im looking something merely to assist my game.

    My diet, is a chinese diet, it tends to be pretty healthy (Chinese food is very different from Western Chinese food .. but im sure you guys know that.). It has balance of everything, but i will only have a small bowl of rice a day, the rest are veggies and meat.

    Im 172 cm, i weigh 82 kg. Im not fat, but im not slim, i do have some fat on me but i have decent build.

    Is Stana ok on its own?? If so, how should i cycle it on the dosage starting from week 1-6?Also, i did alot of reading on Ephedra , in China they have Ma Huang as you know. I did reading on that as well, but im surious to know your opinions if Ephedra with Stana is ok. Each tablet has 10mg of Ma Huang in it.

    Cheers for the help guys,


  2. #2
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    stanzabol isnt advised to r un by itself, and it isnt a fat loss AA... fat loss is dependent on diet not AA"s .. and all winny will do is harden you up, with little mass gains

  3. #3
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    there's a huge room for improvement with your diet and exercise AAS can help you if you dont have a sound diet and exercise regimen...I suggest reading up and posting in the fitness forums!

  4. #4
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    have you ever cycled before? what's your age?

  5. #5
    Black_Rose is offline New Member
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    I havent cycled before ,but i have used Clen . But alot of mates have used heaps of gear and a pretty hardcore when it comes to their gym since its their life.And i had a good contact for gear in aus, so i used to give it to my mates.

    I am 21 , almost 22.


    Nonetheless, i got a really cheap , good quality supply of gear in china now and some of my mates use it here. So, of course before i chose to buy or anything, i look around and thought about which type fo gear would be suitable. Stanazol pills ( its not Winny), seems to alright. Alot of people apparently reported a good cutting affect of losing fat and decent gains ( not compared to other roids).

    As a martial artist, my goals i suppose are quiet different to the majority of people here. Looking for a leaner, less bulky look. I heard Stana been widely used amoung martial artists and atheltes, so i thought, seems good.

  6. #6
    Black_Rose is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006
    Cheers heaps.

  7. #7
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Winny is real painful on the joints so I would not use it for martial arts. It will not give you what you are looking for. Do some more research and come back with a sensible cycle for critique.

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