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Thread: Thailand-gearing heavily in a short time

  1. #1

    Thailand-gearing heavily in a short time

    Hi . Could anyone give me their opinion on how heavy I could go in a 2 week period in Thailand. I have mildly conditioned my body with some sustonon 250 (just 1 ample on week and some winnie) to prepared me for as much gear as possible, within reason. I want to be able to take primarly as much long acting gear as possible and of course fast acting.

    I was thinking : an ample of sus every second day
    : 600mg of deca for both weeks
    : 3-5 dianabols every day.

    Am I right by thinking with the proproinate (fast acting) in the sus250 I could have easily use it every second day, and the other long acting tests in the sus250 would be an 'OK' amount for the future weeks?

    Can anyone please suggest any other long acting gear avalible in Thailand? Thanks Alex

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    2 weeks???

    Don't're better off sending me the money to do something useful with

    All kidding aside, you're better off enjoying Thailand for two weeks then trying to figure out what A/S you should be putting in your body.

  3. #3
    When you live a county where gear is hard to get, fake and fucking expensive , "Thailand is pardise".

    I'm taking some gear leading up to it, and will be continuing when I return. I just want to make the most of fuckin cheap, real and legal A/S. cheers

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    Now I see what you're saying...I thought you wanted to juice for just the two weeks....glad you're not.

    What are you're stats, goals, and how long have you been running the sust?

    Bump for you bro

  5. #5
    To put on!
    Also to try and take as much long acting gear as possible without killing my liver. Sustanon in Thailand is worth about $10us and in Australia it's worth about $75us.
    Sus doesn't really work all that well for me, I have found test propionate really works well (fast acting). I have taken a bit of sus but no more than two amples a week for about 6 weeks( and anohter 6 weeks with 1 ample).
    I want to find some other long acting test. Or maybe I just need to take more. Thailand will determine that. I plan to bring some home.

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