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  1. #1
    dirtymac is offline New Member
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    excrutiating pain after injections...

    I am hoping that someone might be able to help me understand whats going on with me. I am currently taking a cycle of test 250 and stacking it with d-bol. I have taken test 100 in the past with no problems and I have done a lot of research regarding the side effects as well as the proper techniques and precautions to be taken. I have sterile needles that I bought from a pharmacy. each one is individually wrapped. I use sterile alcohol swabs before and after the injection and always massage until I can't stand it anymore.

    I have only taken 2 shots of test (1cc in each cheek 1 week apart) so far and the after pain is unbearable. my first shot developed what I deduced to be an abcess that was a litle larger than a golf ball after about 2 days. I kept a heating pad on it and massaged the hell out of it until i could sit down again. it's still a little sore but I can stand it.

    yesterday i put my second shot in my left ass and thought that I could cut down on some of the pain by massaging longer and using a heating pad quickly after the injection. I haven't developed a lump, and it doesn't seem noticably swollen, however it does feel like someone ripped the skin off of my left ass cheek. I can't hardly move. its terrible.

    the test is oil based enanthate 250mg testosterone by DONT POST LAB NAMES- is this something that I'm going to have to deal with throughout the entire cycle or is there something I can do to avoid it?


  2. #2
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    you sure its good gear? have you aspirated?

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!

    second, what are your stats? Test E should be shot TWIICE a week not once
    250mgs/week is a rather low dose.
    What are your goals for this cycle?

    Is this the very FIRST time injecting? Virgin muscle always gets more sore but if you are doing the shots correctly the pain should lessen
    Make sure you inject extremely SLOW
    What size needle and length are you using?

    answer ALL the green questions below and we can help

    AND IF that is the lab name in your post, please edit it out as that is against the rules

  4. #4
    JohnBall is offline Junior Member
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    go to the injection info section of this site and see if you are injecting in the right part of your ass. I've had some painfull injections before as they are relatively normal with Test, but you are making it sound bad bro. That leads me to believe you may be injecting in the center of your ass or something. That's where your siatic nerve is, and you don't want to hit that. I'm hittin it up with 250 mg's of test E on Monday's and Thursday's and I get some pain and some nice lumps. But I'm used to them and have even grown to like them. No pain no gain. Just make sure you are injecting legit stuff and in the proper injection spot on your ass.

  5. #5
    dirtymac is offline New Member
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    a friend of mine is using the same stuff, he's about 2 weeks ahead of me and hasn't had any problems. I actually administered his first shot as he has never done it before. I am injecting about 3 inches below my tan line in the upper outside quadrant, right where the example shows. the needles are 1" 23g ( the same as my friend is using) and I have been injecting at a pace that seemed rather slow to me. i was supposed to take 2 per week from the beginning but the first shot was so painful that I was afraid that something was wrong. I waited until the pain lessened then took my second.

    I have injected before, usually in the same spot on my right side and never had any problems. I aspirate every time because I'm a little nervous about making mistakes.

  6. #6
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtymac
    a friend of mine is using the same stuff, he's about 2 weeks ahead of me and hasn't had any problems. I actually administered his first shot as he has never done it before. I am injecting about 3 inches below my tan line in the upper outside quadrant, right where the example shows. the needles are 1" 23g ( the same as my friend is using) and I have been injecting at a pace that seemed rather slow to me. i was supposed to take 2 per week from the beginning but the first shot was so painful that I was afraid that something was wrong. I waited until the pain lessened then took my second.

    I have injected before, usually in the same spot on my right side and never had any problems. I aspirate every time because I'm a little nervous about making mistakes.
    Are you rubbing the pin on alcohol before injection??Or maybe your test is real high in BA and your sensitive to it??Really hard to say sounds like your doing everything right..

  7. #7
    napoleon's Avatar
    napoleon is offline Banned
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    Sounds like all is well w/ the injection placement, other than the needle being sufficiently deep.

    If you're using a UGL, I would check it, or discard and get more. Sucks, but I'm always more safe than sorry.

  8. #8
    someone70's Avatar
    someone70 is offline Junior Member
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    Test is probally really high in BA. Also should try using a 1 1/2 neddle for glute injections needs to be deep into muscle tissue. 1in might just be getting into the fatty tissue and causing a bit more pain also sitting in the tissue till it disapates into the body. Just my 2ccs good luck...

  9. #9
    AR15 guy is offline Junior Member
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    I am having the same problem with test. My right thigh is in extreme pain. I can barely even work now.

    Buddy says the pain will get easier when I get used to it but I don't know. I just have extreme soreness in my thigh. It sucks bad.

  10. #10
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Forget about his stat and goals,he is not asking about the cycle,he is asking about pain on injection site,...It can be for differents reasons,gear quality,virgin muscle...yes if is UG'l can be painfull.


  11. #11
    dirtymac is offline New Member
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    what is UGI?

  12. #12
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtymac
    what is UGI?
    he meant UnderGround Lab

  13. #13
    need2Bbig's Avatar
    need2Bbig is offline Associate Member
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    your gear maybe high in BA and that might be whats causing pain.

    Or it could be your virgin muscle.

    the possibilities really are so many.

  14. #14
    AR15 guy is offline Junior Member
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    I'm not sure if I can even do it again. I have been in agony yesterday and today. I can barely walk.

    This was my first injection. Which also kept me from sleeping tuesday night. I did catch alittle sleep last night but not much.

    This may be the first and only time I try it.

  15. #15
    Morpheaus's Avatar
    Morpheaus is offline Associate Member
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    is the stuff real? if you're going to carry on using it i've read on here some people warm the test under a a hot water tap to ease pain after the injection?

    i never bother warming it i just shoot it with some deca , but give it a try maybe that will solve the problem - unless it is dodgy gear.

  16. #16
    AR15 guy is offline Junior Member
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    Buddy of mine has been using the same stuff and its definetly working for him.

    I expected some soreness around the injection site but not my entire thigh. It is very painful.

    The pain is starting to drag me down. I may try it with some deca ..but I am going to have to shoot in another virgin muscle so its going to be horrible again. I really can't afford downtime like this again.

  17. #17
    dirtymac is offline New Member
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    aah, UGL- thanks... this stuff that I got is legit, it seems to be working (unless its the dbol that i'm taking with it) its just painful as hell. I guess I'll just continue to use it and hope to god that it gets easier. I still have a little tender spot on my right glute that feels a little hard when I push on it. I am due for a shot tomorrow, should I find a new spot (which will be virgin) or should I just ignore the tough spot and go into the right side again?

  18. #18
    PRAMANIS's Avatar
    PRAMANIS is offline Junior Member
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    If you and your buddy are using the same stuff then you should load up a pin with his stuff and inject it into you and see if you get the same results. If it goes well shoot your stuff again and if you get the pain back then you should go to your source and stick it up his a$$. And make sure the alcohol on your cheek is dry before you stick yourself. Use 1 1/2 23g pins to get deep into your muscle.

  19. #19
    AR15 guy is offline Junior Member
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    I think I am going to trash it. I just blew a bunch of cash on it but I can't go threw this every week. **** that.

    My thigh is swollen some. Not horrible but its a noticable difference. No redness yet. My temperature is good but I did feel pretty bad today.

  20. #20
    lbrlbr is offline New Member
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    hey bro, im on my first cycle as well.
    shooting sust 250 1ml, aech shot twice a week, had my first ever shot last week and the symptoms were the same as yours, my quad swelled up like a muther ****er and was so sore i couldnt sleep first night, i tought about giving it up and stopping as well, now i have since had 2 alternate glute shot, and they were only a little sore, compared to quad, my quad is nearly better now, and the pain in similar in all 3 injection spots, a week later.
    im stickin with it, just not sure i can go through with the quad pain agian.
    good luck

  21. #21
    AR15 guy is offline Junior Member
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    I ended up getting some different gear and shooting in my glutes. MUCH MUCH better. Gets alittle sore for 2-3 days but very mild.

  22. #22
    Hiphopharry is offline Associate Member
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    damn, I got some real scar tissue on my shoulders, and it is hard to shoot and very painful. I'm currently off. Since you prob don't have any scar tissue, it has to be the gear....

  23. #23
    grimnlock's Avatar
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    A hut in Atlanta Georgia
    By Dr. David T. Ryan
    for elitfts

    We decided to print this article for the safety of all athletes that choose to use anabolics. We do not condone the use of AAS, especially with young athletes and teenagers. But we do realize that there are people that do use them and wish to give them some information on how to inject properly. If you have any moral or any other objections of the use of AAS, the please do not read the article. This is your choice as is the choice of those that use AAS. We have also decided to print this article as Dr. Ryan has had numerous obstacles in getting this published. We felt that this subject needed to be addressed.]

    This whole article started with a shocking conversation I was having with a twenty year friend of mine and lifter. He was explaining about the procedure he would use to inject himself. The process of using an old/used needle to remove the solution from the bottle then applying a new ?fresh? needle to his syringe was rather shocking to me. He smiled and indicated that boastfully that he had done this for over twenty years. All I could think about were the large fibrotic lesions in his glutes that prevented him from further injection in those sites.

    All too commonly the issues that are important are often never discussed by professionals until it is too late. This problem with that type of injection protocol is that you are taking a needle out of your dirty body (do you eat off of your ass?) and apply that needle, for the sake of keeping a sharp point, into a solution, just happy to grow the bacteria that is lodged in the needle and on it?s surface. Consider this, would you stick that needle into a bucket of paint then later shove that needle into your fresh bottle of EQ 200? Please consider that over the years of working medical research; I have seen bacteria grow in acid so strong you would have to open the chemical under a hood or burn your eyes and nose off ? it just takes time! NEVER STICK A NEEDLE FROM YOUR BODY BACK INTO ANYTHING THAT IS STERILE.


    1. Wash your hands and anyone else involved should wash their hands. 2. Use only clean needles to remove and inject any solution. 3. Prepare the area with a prep solution (i.e. rubbing alcohol or other sterilizer) 4. LEARN TO Z TRACK (listed below) 5. Never inject more than 5 cc?s / ml. into any one injection site. 6. Keep all items clean and dry after the injection. 7. Store all items properly.
    Washing your hands may seem simple, but it is a very effective way to prevent the spread of germs and viruses.

    Using a contaminated needle to remove solution from a bottle is playing Russian roulette with your health. Only use clean needles to puncture your skin or that of bottle. A single injection doesn?t dull the needle tip to any degree worth complaining about. It only helps in your head, maybe! Various prep solutions are necessary to clean the injection site; this prevents the normal bacteria that are present on the surface of the skin from being pushed into the body.

    Z Tracking

    This is a simple process of pulling the skin to one side to allow for a hole to be made in the skin and then displacing that same hole after the injection has been made. This displacement stops the leakage of the injected solution to the skin surface.

    Wash your hands and make sure that everyone else does too.
    Prepare the area with alcohol.
    Prepare the injection needle and solution
    Firmly displace the skin to one side.
    Inject the needle and aspirate to make sure you have no blood and then inject contents appropriately.
    Release the skin pressure.
    Remove the needle from the injection point.
    Clean and dispose of all materials appropriately.
    Taken from the nurses hand book (referenced below), notice how the displaced skin will stop the backflow of the injected solution.

    For those of you who would like a diagram: Click Here

    Follow these easy steps to providing a safer more effective injection. Common sense goes a long way in medicine and yes, this is still a form of medicine.

    also check this out...
    Last edited by grimnlock; 08-20-2007 at 11:15 PM.

  24. #24
    BOOST's Avatar
    BOOST is offline Member
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    Try cutting it with B12, if it does not get better imo you have junk gear try another source.

  25. #25
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    "Make sure you inject extremely SLOW"

    Rule 1, when u get very nervous, dont shove the plunger down as hard as you can as if your life depended on it... Ouch, I am in pain...

  26. #26
    zodethedragon's Avatar
    zodethedragon is offline Junior Member
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    ya 1st two times i did it the next day it feels like i was squatting and punched in the leg but after that it went away if you are gaining weight then give it a few weeks
    but it did look funny me limping around at work

  27. #27
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by pr0digy9daniel
    "Make sure you inject extremely SLOW"

    Rule 1, when u get very nervous, dont shove the plunger down as hard as you can as if your life depended on it... Ouch, I am in pain...

    this thread is over a year old....the guy doesn't even sign on here anymore

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