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    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D

    Exclamation ~~Tai's AAS OBSERVATIONS!!~~ How to cycle EFFECTIVELY

    I usually post stupid shit in the lounge "Tai's Weekly Observations" which highlights stupid stuff members have said/done during the week and/or other odd non essential info... anyways I got a lot of crap I wanna say about AAS and I WILL SAY IT IN A VERY unOrganized manner w/ no Refs and very lil validity! but I am tai and I am mighty!

    First I would like to say that MORE IS MORE w/ AAS in almost every aspect TO AN EXTENT pretty soon ur maxing out the rate at which ur body can grow/produce tissue and more AAS is just OVERKILL so find a dose that gives great results but isn’t OUTRAGEOUS

    Test is WEAK, LAME, and impractical in almost every cycle except for wiener functions, IMO u only need as much test as u produce normally when ur going through Pub-Er-Tee usually 125mg TestE which relates to bout 70 or so mg/wk since the ester takes up a fairly large percentage of the molecule

    after u get a couple cycles under u belt and worked up to using multiple compounds at all times during cycles, u will realize that VARIETY isn’t always practical...

    Some people stack 1,258,538 different compounds in their cycle (dumb, but makes it LOOK COOL-btw there aren’t that many different AAS's out there so obviously our example is using pro'hormones!) the most effective stacks I have seen lately (which can be found in Bajan's posts on Synergistics) are good ol 19Nor's w/ DHTS and then something that is none of the above so say a good cycle would be Tren 19Nor/Masteron DHT/Halo Something like dbol (LOL I LOVE HALO and its hepatoxicity is way over rated and it gives great stamina increase) and u would always have test in your cycle but just enough to keep ur boners plentiful.

    But Tai I haven’t ran anything but Oral only cycles and I am afraid of all needles except meat syringes! How can I stack these synergistically...? YOU CANT unless ur ROSS!

    Var and dbol , var and Drol, Win and Dbol, Var and OT (it sucks), and even var'n'win is ok. Only one that u should worry bout is win/dbol cycle-if u have preexisting liver probs then don’t do it. Anyways the most ideal way to run these is for example take var/Drol it can be fun (HAVE I DONT IT? NO I don’t run anything w/o TREN LOL) and u have to run it like this

    Var wks 1-8 60mg ED
    Drol wks 1-5 50mg ED

    Var wks 1-10 60mg ED
    Dbol wks 1-7 40mg ED

    Var wks 1-8 50mg ED
    Win wks 1-8 50mg ED

    As a reference some orals I have ran and had lil to no increase in liver enzymes are...
    Win 7 weeks 150+mg ED elevated but not bad
    dbol 6 weeks 250mg ED (or 275 LOL kant remember) elevated as much as if I was a casual ED drinker
    Halo 150mg ED 4 weeks (lower than the win enzyme increase-this makes me think duration is the most IMPORTANT factor when utilizing crazy orals)
    Var'n'Halo 100mg8wks/60mg4wks respectively FOR SOME REASON THEY WERE HIGH ON THIS run but it maybe bekuz I didn’t take a break from other orals long enough.

    Countless other retarded protocols but those are only ones come to mind at this moment. as u can see oral only aren’t bad ideas (mine were not oral only I had usually had Tren test and deca ran w/ em. the idea for my proposed cycles of having var ran longer is because u have a mild period of heightened anabolic state to help retain gains and let the body adapt to the increased LBM.

    TAI help I like boobs but I just don’t want any of my own!... ok
    ... welp here’s what I have to say to this.. there are 2 classes of people those that get gyno easily and those that are practically immune to it,, YES IMMUNE. I have prepubescent gyno... but I don’t get gyno from cycles or progest sides... so how did I get my gyno.. BAD LUCK! Honestly that’s all I can conclude.

    anyways, all I have to say is the way you people use your ancillaries... is CRAZY. u all are nuts and way over protective, I mean if u were worried bout std's as much as u are gyno U WOULD PRACTICE ABSENENCE but that isn’t happening IS IT? obviously we are more worried bout acquiring perky boobs than herpaciphilagonitius...

    believe me I have ran doses that would kill 2 elephants, 1 triceratops, 5pteradons, 1C_Bino, .84Gsxxrs, and a Nark... and all I took for precautions was a lil bit of letro to help keep my tits tight and firm. @.75mg ED this was administered primarily to downgrade progest recepts and that was it... even at 1.5+gED of test I got 0 estrogen issues w/ 0 ancillaries.

    SO WAT AM I SAYIN? I am saying HAVE IT ON HAND but don’t use it until u know for a fact u are gyno prone... So uh.. Tai... how do I find this out w/o sprouting 3 or 4 extra breasts?... well if u do start to get some nice sides u get itchy puffy Swollen tits and when this happens blast them w/ an AI and/or SERM usually I would say just LETRO as it hits hard and fast then taper off when ur ta'ta issues subside. then try (trial and error) to find a dose that works for u w/o going nuts and ****ing up ur lipid profile.

    Tai can I take igf on/off cycle or to bridge? YES U CAN!
    what about GH? YES U CAN!
    What bout both together? YES U CAN!
    what bout both during cycle? YES U CAN!
    what about both during a rainstorm orgy while acquiring herpaciphilagonitius? YES U CAN but it is NOT ADVISED.

    Here’s what I have concluded from the retarded crap I have done w/ these 2 compounds PLUS slin.

    SLIN IS GREAT and can be used (concluding u are using the fast acting LOG) PWO indefinitely YES indefinitely, after must consultation w/ a brilliant nutrionest/biochemist (he is A GODSEND FOR ME and my inquiries’) we deducted that for those who do the dex/whey pwo protocol... FAST ACTING SLIN would be a benefit as it would give the pancreas a BREAK from that exhausting task of producing ENOUGH endogenous insulin to store/utilize all that dam dextrose u take! while not putting the pancreas in a state of atrophy or what’ve.

    IGF.. LR3IGF is one of MY FAV compounds ever I love a dose of 120mcg I take 60mcg AM PreCardio and 60PWO, IMO its uber GH as it is the end result of gh that we most commonly strive for. just make sure u eat mad mounts of protein! and it can be used to effectively bridge cycles as it helps retain/gain lbm while allowing ur endogenous test to recover to ample production!.

    GH? yeah it’s good... over priced and pointless unless ur rich or old. 12+iu ED is ideal and I love it at that dose but I have to take out a lone to afford it other wise its just good for fat loss and sleep. unless ur on Tren then it no help sleep IMO.

    DIET? yeah check out a thread at the top it’s a sticky called idle thoughts by mean Mr. pinnacle.. ITS BRILLIANT READ IF IT’S STILL THERE.. shit .. weird shit happens around here!

    if ur still reading this LOL I am sorry!

    to be continued....

  2. #2
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Lol, "meat syringe" .

    I like how you put things.

  3. #3
    FLBMWMech is offline Associate Member
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    If anyone's still awake, that was pretty good and very funny

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Lol, "meat syringe" .

    I like how you put things.
    yeah its VERY basic info but ITS FUNNy so its easier to read

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Bravo young grasshoppa.

    "believe me I have ran doses that would kill 2 elephants, 1 triceratops"

    LOL that shit was funny.

  6. #6
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    OMG 2 orals at once! Your gonna shit out your cholesterol and lower your liver!

  7. #7
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    OMG 2 orals at once! Your gonna shit out your cholesterol and lower your liver!
    cholesterol GOES to shit on test alone..
    liver is resilaint

    but yeah *Sqwauk* orals are bad *sqwak!*

  8. #8
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    that made me consider upping my 30mg a day dbol to like 100 lol and ditchin my arimidex

  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    that made me consider upping my 30mg a day dbol to like 100 lol and ditchin my arimidex
    well i wouldnt do that until u have ran a few cycles of dbol
    4th time using dbol 100mg is a sufficient dose IMO
    but that will be like ur 7th+cycle

  10. #10
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    well this is first cycle test at 500 with dbol at 30 think i need the arimidex daily or drop it? and up dbol or no?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    cholesterol GOES to shit on test alone..
    liver is resilaint

    but yeah *Sqwauk* orals are bad *sqwak!*

    I can't belive you add var , but bash Tbol.....U crazy man.
    Tbol/winstrol = MUCH BETTER than var/winstrol

    I consider var worse than tbol by far. Sheeesh.

    "welp here’s what I have to say to this.. there are 2 classes of people those that get gyno easily and those that are practically immune to it,, YES IMMUNE. I have prepubescent gyno... but I don’t get gyno from cycles or progest sides... so how did I get my gyno.. BAD LUCK! Honestly that’s all I can conclude."

    So you had prepubescent gyno. Did you have the surgery? If not do you find that having prepubescent gyno does not necessarly mean you will be more likely to worsen it with AAS? So you don't run anything to combat gyno while on cycle...hmmmm I don't wanna grow like 3 or 4 breasts lol

  12. #12
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    I can't belive you add var , but bash Tbol.....U crazy man.
    Tbol/winstrol = MUCH BETTER than var/winstrol

    I consider var worse than tbol by far. Sheeesh.

    "welp here’s what I have to say to this.. there are 2 classes of people those that get gyno easily and those that are practically immune to it,, YES IMMUNE. I have prepubescent gyno... but I don’t get gyno from cycles or progest sides... so how did I get my gyno.. BAD LUCK! Honestly that’s all I can conclude."

    So you had prepubescent gyno. Did you have the surgery? If not do you find that having prepubescent gyno does not necessarly mean you will be more likely to worsen it with AAS? So you don't run anything to combat gyno while on cycle...hmmmm I don't wanna grow like 3 or 4 breasts lol
    lol var is the safest of all orals and has great anabolic capabilites
    honestly var and tbol gave me the same gains (NIL) but tbol ****d my tummy and made me feel shitty plus its hepatoxicity is lil higher than var
    when running 2 orals in conjunction i picked var because it can be ran longer

    i will get surgery someday need $ first

  13. #13
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    hey tai could i run tren in a second cycle? even makes it out to be "hardcore" curious what you tihnk

  14. #14
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    hey tai could i run tren in a second cycle? even makes it out to be "hardcore" curious what you tihnk

    I know of people who have used it since their first cycle. I wish I would have

  15. #15
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    hey tai could i run tren in a second cycle? even makes it out to be "hardcore" curious what you tihnk
    50mg ED .. acetate ester run prop w/ it if u can handle ED injects and have letro on hand.
    take b6 ED 100-200mg ED to help reduce/eliminate progest sides.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa

    i will get surgery someday need $ first

    ^ So you haven't had the surgery yet!
    How are you able to run gram after gram of test without growing a 3rd tit like the chick on total recal!??!?
    What do you run to combat gyno while on cycle? Or do you just wait for gyno signs then bitch slap them back down with an AI only when needed?Letro, Arimidex ?

    So do you find that pre pubescent gyno doesnt actually equal to you being very sensitive to gyno caused by aas?

    YO yo yo yo

  17. #17
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    ^ So you haven't had the surgery yet!
    How are you able to run gram after gram of test without growing a 3rd tit like the chick on total recal!??!?
    What do you run to combat gyno while on cycle? Or do you just wait for gyno signs then bitch slap them back down with an AI only when needed?Letro, Arimidex ?

    So do you find that pre pubescent gyno doesnt actually equal to you being very sensitive to gyno caused by aas?

    YO yo yo yo
    honlesty i get 0 sides from gyno .. no puffies or anything like that bout 2yrs ago i did get some titty irritation after a pect inject of 3ml of prop.. i put it on the inner pec and some how on the same pec next day the nipped was puffy and irritated.. which is weird.. since the shot was like 4inches away from nip.. i have no clue how to attribute that togehter ><

    i mean even at 14+g of gear a week i get no gyno sides =/

  18. #18
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    honlesty i get 0 sides from gyno .. no puffies or anything like that bout 2yrs ago i did get some titty irritation after a pect inject of 3ml of prop.. i put it on the inner pec and some how on the same pec next day the nipped was puffy and irritated.. which is weird.. since the shot was like 4inches away from nip.. i have no clue how to attribute that togehter ><

    i mean even at 14+g of gear a week i get no gyno sides =/
    14g of gear a week? Do you have like a seperate job just to support your BB cycling?

  19. #19
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    whats ur diet like?

  20. #20
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    14g of gear a week? Do you have like a seperate job just to support your BB cycling?
    LOL i make me own

  21. #21
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    LOL i make me own
    Yup, the only way us genetically challenged can do it I guess. How much fina u use ed?

  22. #22
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    whats ur diet like?
    something like this depending on what phase i am in training
    My Diet
    Endurance i have more carbs
    Str i have more protein

    when i was cutting for a show in october (before breaking hand) u can find wat i ate in my log somewhere around page6?

  23. #23
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    tai's UBER training log :D

    this is where i started dieting for the show

  24. #24
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I only hope no newer guys actually try and run any of the dosages listed..

    There are some good points but the over-use of drugs just isn't needed for almost the majority of the members on this forum, I believe many people underestimate their genetic potential.

  25. #25
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    I only hope no newer guys actually try and run any of the dosages listed..

    There are some good points but the over-use of drugs just isn't needed for almost the majority of the members on this forum, I believe many people underestimate their genetic potential.
    well my stand point is PEOPLE who use steroids are taking them for a reason.. TO get HUGE.. if just want to get BIG or MEDIOCRE then dont even **** w/ em..

    i mean unless ur trainig for str, or Huge Size why even mess w/ a controlled substance its idiotic... and pointless diet plays a huge factor and unless ur going to smash past ur genetic peak U SHUDNT pick of a syringe
    i was able to hit a solid 230 at around 10-12% bf at 5'11 NATURALLY

    the dangers of aas are over rated, and if ur going to do sometihng DO IT RIGHT sure.. var only is fun and cute but why are u even using aas if u just wanna look like a GAP modle? shit i could do that w/ diet and half ass effort in the gym...

  26. #26
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    I only hope no newer guys actually try and run any of the dosages listed..

    There are some good points but the over-use of drugs just isn't needed for almost the majority of the members on this forum, I believe many people underestimate their genetic potential.
    oh yeah notice the dosages.. i give explination that they are for advanced users.. OF COURSE EVERYONE CONTEMPLATES high dosages u think but putting down numbers its going to makethem do it ? no infact it might give them a lil idea of when they should be using what.

  27. #27
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    ^ So you haven't had the surgery yet!
    How are you able to run gram after gram of test without growing a 3rd tit like the chick on total recal!??!?
    What do you run to combat gyno while on cycle? Or do you just wait for gyno signs then bitch slap them back down with an AI only when needed?Letro, Arimidex?
    I have pre-pubescent gyno..and i've never used an AI on cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    ^ So do you find that pre pubescent gyno doesnt actually equal to you being very sensitive to gyno caused by aas?

    YO yo yo yo
    I find it doesn't

    Yes i advise guys to keep their AIs on hand.. but honestly i don' think they're essential.. Furthermore i think they're overused. Honestly the dosages i see on here..It's like estrogen is the devil.. When the truth is some estrogen is anabolic .

    re: pure lbm gains on tren + non-aromatizing steroid v.s. pure lbm gains on tren + testosterone

    Honestly the only thing that worsened my prepubertal gyno was some sneaky vet shit that had estradiol acetate hidden in it


  28. #28
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
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    i like the idea of running humalog indef- do u have any exp with this personally tai? if so how long u ran it

  29. #29
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos

    Honestly the only thing that worsened my prepubertal gyno was some sneaky vet shit that had estradiol acetate hidden in it

    ROFL i bet they were thinking when they sold it to u

  30. #30
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
    i like the idea of running humalog indef- do u have any exp with this personally tai? if so how long u ran it
    i have gone up to 10iu slin AM + 30iu Slin pwo

    i have also ran slin pwo for a duraiton of 24? weeks i was working out 3-4 days a week so i was using a dose of 20-30iu slin pwo 3-4x a week of humalog

    i am not a diabetic never was and still AM NOT, so in conclusion proper use of slin pwo is OK
    i know people who have ran it 3-4x a week pwo for over a year and a half..HIS PANCRASE is perfect no problems wat so ever
    and yes we use BloodGlucose meters to monitor BSlevels

  31. #31
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
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    30iu- god d@mn

  32. #32
    BARLOW is offline Senior Member
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    get big or die trying....i agree with tai....ive done experimenting too and he's right.......i get 0 gyno signs as well....not dif feeling from low dosage...and better gains....
    im not advising people to do it...but why **** with it if your only wanting to do something u can do naturally in time. i just wanna be a freak

  33. #33
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
    30iu- god d@mn
    yeah i didnt do much different for me than 20 did but i had to find the best bang for buck so i tried 30 then went down to 20

  34. #34
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    20 IUs gave me nothing over 12 i don't over that

  35. #35
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    High dosages are great and all but I spoke to Bobby the other day for quite some time, he visited a sports doctor in his area who showed him case after case of older steroid abusers that have had numerous medical problems.. I'm glad to hear you're doing ok now Tai but this isn't the case at all with a large portion of people out there who keep abusing the drugs, time will catch up to you. That's coming from Pinn himself who even suggests and admits his drug-use over the past 2-3years was not the greatest idea nor would he recommend it to anyone. I wish Bobby was able to come back to the board as his attitude on many things has changed in the last 6months, it'd be an interesting debate indeed.
    I think people tend to forget about the health risks when you over-use any drug for a long peroid, but back to Tai's thread.. I just don't want ppl to get the wrong impression that more is better, it really isn't.

  36. #36
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    High dosages are great and all but I spoke to Bobby the other day for quite some time, he visited a sports doctor in his area who showed him case after case of older steroid abusers that have had numerous medical problems.. I'm glad to hear you're doing ok now Tai but this isn't the case at all with a large portion of people out there who keep abusing the drugs, time will catch up to you. That's coming from Pinn himself who even suggests and admits his drug-use over the past 2-3years was not the greatest idea nor would he recommend it to anyone. I wish Bobby was able to come back to the board as his attitude on many things has changed in the last 6months, it'd be an interesting debate indeed.
    I think people tend to forget about the health risks when you over-use any drug for a long peroid, but back to Tai's thread.. I just don't want ppl to get the wrong impression that more is better, it really isn't.
    i FUlly aggree w/ that as well bu ti also think a huge factor of helth conditions comes from the size and strain on the heart

  37. #37
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Yes, genetics play a huge role as well. Your dad might actually of been an Oxe, you may wanna talk to your mommy about that one?

  38. #38
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Yes, genetics play a huge role as well. Your dad might actually of been an Oxe, you may wanna talk to your mommy about that one?
    nah my dad is fat w/ alcoholism and bad cholestrol and heart probs my mom has heart/bp problems.. im doomed

  39. #39
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    Good post...I don't beleive orals only wont work just it is inefficient. i know people who have been cycling dbol only for years. Yea they are big now but they could have used their time and cycles much better for more gains a lot sooner. As far as doses go, more gear will give more results to a point. Always keep in mind the laws of diminishing returns and listen to your body. My goal is to try to never have to go over a gram of gear total ever. But I also have no desire to be a body builder I just enjoying steroids as my current drug of choice and the fact that they lead me to a healthy lifestyle and have improved my looks and self confidence a lot.

  40. #40
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Good read Tai. The funny take on it makes it easier to read the whole thing!!! and your spelling was better....lolol

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