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im hearing lots of ppl saying eq doesnt kick in until 12 weeks in, and that the gains arent all that great. the only downfall besides that which i found was hairloss ( but its milder than test)
deca on the other hand i hear is awsome with test. downfalls are decadick, baldness, gyno.
im thinking of trying out eq a lil more, just to be safer from sides. anyones 2 cents would be appreciated.
stats: 22yrs old, 208lbs, 510, 11% bf, training 6 yrs, 2 cycles ( used test e, winny and var) p.s. have small case of gyno.
eq seems to be the way to go unless there is somthing i can take to combat all of the deca sides. ( letro for gyno, more test than deca for decadick, and baldness idont know).