I know there is a thread some where on here about clen/t3 dosages but i cannot find it. For those of you who have run the two together, what dosages did you run?
I know there is a thread some where on here about clen/t3 dosages but i cannot find it. For those of you who have run the two together, what dosages did you run?
Be careful when running theses two together....they can have a catabolic effect on muscle mass.
I know clen should be ran at 20mcgs for the first day then increase that by 20mcgs until side effects get bad then cut back by 20mcgs and run it at that dose for 2 wks on 2 wks off.. as far as t3 i have no idea... and from reading about it im not a big fan of it
Clen :
just run the same way as you normally do.
Start at 20mcgs, and increase 20mcgs e3d untill you reach your max. I wouldn't go beyond 80mcgs. Run that for 6 weeks total, tapering off slowly at the end.
I'm assuming you've run clen by itself already. I wouldn't suggest running clen and t3, if you haven't run clen before.
ya i ordered both from the ar-r store but now i think im just gonna do the clen, then do both later down the road if i decide i like it. can anyone tell me bout past experience using just clen and clen/t3?
I prefer T4 over T3 since its a little safer when it comes to possible long term damage. But for Clen, the other guys had it right by increasing the Clen dose by .20-25mcgs a day depending on how you react
Start with just clen first. It's pretty strong, and that way you should be able to find out how your body will react to it.
alright. what sides should i be keeping an eye out for?
ok i got my stuff today. theres 30ml in the sprayer and 200mcg/ml. how many sprays equals 20mcg?......1?
Last edited by jgk138; 10-05-2006 at 08:54 PM.
anyone? Im up to 4 sprays tonight...
im on day like 4. im at 3 sprays, side effects ive had so far are: cramping, the shakes, and more energy..thats about it...
so does anyone who have run clen wanna help me out?
I have run clen before and it worked great. I did two weeks on and two weeks off. My dosage for clen started at 40mcg's and I ramped it up to 80mcg's ed. The shakes and the cramping were a little bad but I got through it. The taurine will help with the cramping as well as the heart palpatations, and it should help the shaking. I would run anywhere from 3-5 grams per day of taurine. And I was told to run it straight through, both on and off during the clen cycle. And it worked well. Also try to drink as much water as possible. I was drinking a couple gallons a day, and pissing every 45 minutes but it was all worth it because the results were great.
right on thanks for the feed back man! so i take it im right about 1 spray = 20mcg? right now im at 3 sprays/day
lol i was just on 150mcg clen/150mcg t3 for 12wks. minimal strength and size lose.
and youre still alive? lol...how were you able to take that much? at 3-4 sprays i become pretty shakey...Originally Posted by briansauras
i take 50mcg every 4hrs and its not even that bad. one time i went up to 200mcg in a day and that was prolly the highest i could do and still be able to eat with a fork or spoon/writeOriginally Posted by jgk138
So you would be taking the 20mcg ED and then increase e3d, correct?Originally Posted by cfiler
I know there is a thread out there which describes the dos and don't and dosaging in great details...anyone have it?
ive been looking for it but can find itOriginally Posted by x305x
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