I've always understood that you need to run/do cardo 45 mins to really get the effects of fat burning for it.
I run every other day on my current cycle, fina/winny/clen/T3.
I keep reading about people saying they do cardo for 45 mins a day, 5 days a week. I just cannot buy it though.
I've always been a decent runner, and I'm doing 3-4 miles every morning I run. It takes me about 25-30 mins to finish my run, depending on what path I take.
If I wanted to run for 45 mins, I'd have to do about 6 miles every time.
Honestly how far/long (time) are you guys running when cutting?
I just can't belive that everyone is running 6 miles 5 days a week.
Sure, I might be pushing my self to 70%-80% of my cardiatic (sp?) rate, but anyone can WALK a mile in 10 mins, you better be able to jog one in 8.
Who's REALLY running for 45 mins?