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Thread: It was goin GREAT then I got sick....Now what????

  1. #1

    It was goin GREAT then I got sick....Now what????

    hey bros ive been away for i while cause ive been sick as a dog Ive had the worst stomach bug you can imagine Today is the fist day since Mon that i was able to hold any food down I have a couple a questions about what i should do

    My cycle was going great (Test Equiopse and Dbols0 Mon was the start of my 4th week Well mon i got really sick I havent been eating much so ive lost some size but luckly ive only lost like 5lbs I guess the test is doing its job Im guessing that most of that is the weight i put on from my cycle Anyways i stopped taking the dbols on Mon cause i was vomitting and i missed my injection on thursday

    My question is this Ive heard of people getting sick while on the sauce and i think thats whats happened to me Cause the doc couldnt find anything wrong with me My blood work was all normal and i even got an ultrasound and my organs are straight

    Ok so heres the deal sound i just finish off the final six weeks of this cycle or should i wait a few weeks and buy more gear and start the whole damn thing over again Ive got enough Test and Equipose for 13more shots at 200mg a shot and enough dbols for about two more weeks

    What should i do??????? Im thinking of just going on with the cycle since the test and equipose are still in my system and the dbols will help put on some weight again quick?????

    Sorry its long but this has been the worst fucking week of my life

    Let me know your opinions Thanks BROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Personally I would finish out the cycle. You are already four weeks in and should recover quickly and add weight. It sucks when injury or illness interferes with your cycle but it happens and I don't think it will have any permenant effect on your overall gains. I doubt seriously a stomach virus that was as severe and lasted as long as you are saying was due to the AAS. Most people get mild flu like symptoms but I have never heard of anyone throwing up for six days. Whatever decision you make I wish you the best and hope you feel better.

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