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Thread: Hgh And Your Thoughts!

  1. #1

    Hgh And Your Thoughts!

    I am finishing up a 10 week cycle and thinking of doing a 4 week gh and depo test right after then starting my clomids whats your thoughts?
    Do you think maybe I should save it for the future and just run
    1-10 depo test
    1-4 30mg dbol
    6-10 hgh
    Do you think a 4 week hgh can give good results or is it a waste?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    probably a waste, most of the time i've read its only effect when combined with slin and used for @ least 3 months, some would disagree, but for the most part i read its more effective at longer intervals, good luck


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Four weeks would be a complete waste of money. Save the HGH until you can afford to do 4 months or more. It is best used with Insulin, T-3 and large amounts of AAS at least if you are looking for any mass gains.

  4. #4
    Let me ask this then how about 2 mounths with the t-3 no slin and depo test for 1-10 weeks will you get some good gains I no not the full potential but was wondering if youll still add say about 20-30lbs lean mass?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Were it is always to ****
    Why do you want to add HGH anyway ??

    How many cycles have you done..are you at a sticking point with regular AS ????

    Bottom line 90% of all BB that use HGH will tell you that it needs to be run long term and with heavy androgens as well.

    Also slin IMHO should also be used when running HGH for optimal growth.

    But again do you really need it ???

    3-4 kits at 4IU-8IU, depends on age, for 3-4 months that can add up $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Hope this helps ??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    I just checked your profile and was wondering what you're cycle looked like and how much you gained? Why are you thinking of HGH as an option? What is your workout and diet like at 150lbs?

    I'm only asking 'cause we're identical as far as weight and height go...and I could learn a little something from your results and so forth.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    Nevermind the cycle info....I must've missed it...but answers to the other questions would be helpful

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Were it is always to ****
    I will be 10000000% shocked if you get any replies saying that it is worth the $$ or will even offer any lasting results with short term use !!!

    Spend the money on more AS and build a better cycle.

    When you have bottomed out then start "planning HGH" By this I mean saving up enough money to get 4 kits. Then you will have a chance of seeing results for your money.

    JUST IMHO my man..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    I second that PUREADRENALINE...
    I also suggest you check out this thread by pembo(it's definately a good read for anyone looking to bulk)

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