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Thread: All areas of a cycles questioned

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    The Pond

    All areas of a cycles questioned

    First off I want to thank everyone who actually is going to take the time and read this super long ass post (and all the damn quotes) and answer any of my questions. I have quite a few questions and thought it was best to make one big thread rather than a couple of small ones.

    Now for my history: I’ve done two cycles of aas and two cycles of pro-hormones. I’m 23 5’11 205-208 around 12% bodyfat (this is the amount I has around six months ago and I think I’m the same now). I’ve been lifting seriously since I was fifteen (when I started I was the same height but around 150 pounds); by the time I was seventeen I was 190-195, but I got stuck there for about five years. My goal is to be at 220-226 area after PCT and maintain.

    On this cycle I’ve chosen to do EQ (undeclynate for just one injection a week) for the slow steady gains, but more importantly because I read that the gains are kept really well. Of course Test because you need that as the base of any cycle; particularly Cypionate because I want to compare it (for future cycles) to Enanthanate. Finally I’ve chosen Tren because of the hardness and great strength gains. I chose Tren acetate because if the sides I keep reading so much about get too overwhelming (night terrors, sweats, and aggression) for me I can discontinue and theoretically lose them in about 4-5 days. The only draw back to me of acetate is the frequent injections; which I will get to more later on. Now here’s my planned cycle.

    EQ (I know some don’t agree; explanation below)
    Week 1 1200 mg divided into 4 injections
    Week 2-14 600 mg
    Week 14-17 idle

    By Mike XXL of AR
    I have been reading so many posts about when will my gear kick in...and quite frankly i am gettin gsick of i decided to put up a post that will explain all of that in about as clear format as i can. No matter what gear you take, this formula applies to everything, the acctual numbers might be fictitious but the concept is the same no matter what gear you choose. First off all let’s clear up the idea of esters. Esters do not slow down the initial release of hormones into blood stream they only extend the half-life of the drugs. Half-life mean that, that is you inject certain amount of drug, in a certain amount of day half of that drug will still be active. For example if you take 250mg of drug and it’s half life is 7 days, that means that in 7 days there will be 125mg of that drug still active in your system. With all AS once they are injected there is a huge release that takes place and most of the drug is in your system within 1 day. The only reason that some people do not feel the effect immediately is that the buildup of that drug to substantial/effective amount takes place over time. There is a solution to that; it’s called front loading. Front loading means taking double or triple (I recommend double) amount of the drug on your first day of the cycle. For example if you were planning to take 250mg of Sust per week, you would take 500mg on day 1 of your cycle. I hope this all makes sense and clears up a few misconceptions about “when is my gear going to kick in”, because it’s RIGHT NOW!!! As I said it works for everything, EQ, Deca, Test any ester, Tren Eenth, Masteron everything…just the half life’s change.

    Regular way of taking AS and its natural buildup progression:
    Day 1 – 250mg
    Day 7 – 125mg + 250mg = 375mg
    Day 14 – 187.5 + 250mg = 437.5mg
    Day 21 – 219.2 + 250mg = 469.2mg
    Day 28 - 234.6 + 250mg = 484.6mg
    Day 35 – 242.3 + 250mg = 492.3mg
    Day 42 – 246.1 + 250mg = 496.1mg

    Now progression with “Double Dose” front loading:
    Day 1 – 500mg
    Day 7 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg
    Day 14 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg
    Day 21 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg

    Cypionate (pretty cut and dry)
    Week 1-15 400 mgs
    Week 16-17 idle

    Tren Acetatae (this is where it gets tricky for me)

    Brief explanation:
    The reason I chose 75 mgs eod is because this is what my gear is dosed at for 1ml (pretty sure you can figure out which). Also I read that Tren should be done for beginners at 50mg ed or 100 mg eod, but I’m fine with being under dosed. Also I couldn’t handle the ed injections nor could my girl who gives me the injections. But if anyone thinks this is over simplifying things please let me know.

    Option 1

    Week 1-7 idle
    Week 8-15 75 mgs eod and make sure my last injection is at least five days before my last injection of Cypionate to line up PCT correctly.
    Week 16-17 idle


    I got to thinking about esters (for about five hours straight) and began to think why stop the Tren A the same time as the Cypionate? Why not continue (because of its half life) until about five days before I start PCT? It would look something like this:

    Week 1-10 idle
    Week 10-about 16 ½ 75 mgs eod (again about five days before the start of PCT)

    But that would mean I would be doing the Tren without the Cypionate base; which is a big No/No right? I think that’s right but at the same time although I wouldn’t be taking another injection of Cypionate it would be still in my system (because of the 12 day half life); so I’m kind of confused?

    On Cycle Therapy (OCT)
    I plan on following Swales protocol so:

    Week 1-15 500 ius split into 2 Shots (Mondays and Thursdays)

    I have enough to use 20 mgs a day if needed (won’t use it unless I see signs of gyno), but you shouldn’t use nolvadex with Tren because it causes more gyno? Letro or Arimdex should be used instead? Very confused on this topic.

    PCT (just making sure it’s golden)

    Starting week 17

    Day 1 300 mgs, Day 2-11 100 mgs, Day 12-21 50 mgs

    Week 17 -20 20 mgs ed

    Now on to some injection questions; because at one point will be making about six injections a week I’m a little afraid about abscesses. Now I know about the site that shows the different places to inject, but honestly I’m just not comfortable with injecting anywhere other than the glute, quad, and delt. I’ve read too many posts about other places being injected and some bad shit happening. I prepared at little chart to show how a two week period of injections would go, and want to know if anyone sees a possible bad situation occurring. This chart applies to whenever I start the Tren.

    3cc’s = EQ
    1cc = Tren
    2cc’s = Cypionate

    Sun. 3cc right glute; 2cc left glute
    Mon. 1cc right quad
    Wed.1cc left quad
    Fri. 1cc right delt
    Sun. 1cc left delt; 3cc left glute; 2cc right glute
    Tues.1cc right quad
    Thurs.1cc left quad
    Sat.1cc right delt
    Sun. 3cc right glute; 2cc left glute
    Mon.1cc right quad

    And yes I rotated the Cypionate and EQ shots on purpose so that one glute wouldn’t have more oil than the other over time. If I didn’t one glute would have received about 45 cc’s of oil and the other about 30 cc’s of oil. If this chart is erroneous and flawed (my new favorite word; wedding crashers remember) I probably won’t be able to do the Tren because I know I can’t handle ed injections, or I might have to reconsider Tren Enanthanate. Please tell me what you think.

    Again thanks in advice to anyone who takes the time to read my post, and sorry if it’s difficult to distinguish the quotes and my writings. Any advice would be deeply appreciated. I apologize if some of my questions could be easily answered by using the search button, but honestly I search quite a while for some answers and didn’t find them. To those who already advised me not too frontload the EQ; sorry I’ve found equal the amount of members saying I should, so please don’t think I don’t take in consideration what you’ve already said and not bother to give any advice for this post. Those two quotes are mainly for you. Thanks again

    I edited some things so itll be shorter hope someone will give advice now
    Last edited by bigfish; 10-04-2006 at 12:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    The Pond
    I can only smile at that, but most of it in the bold is a quote explaing frontloading. Maybe i should repost without the quotes to encourage reading

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    damn thats a freaking novel

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    The Pond
    Some one please tell me how to edit, but again all i can do is smile

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