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Thread: Tren A and test cycle

  1. #1

    Tren A and test cycle

    What is the best anti-estrogen to use when your doing a cycle with trenbolone acetate, sustanon and dianabol?
    And for how long is it ok to use Tren? two months or longer?
    Should i take 75mg ED or is it enough with EOD?

    I have done 3 ok sized cycles before, but never with Tren.
    Im starting this friday. I have 600 dianabol 10mg tabs, 50ml sustanon 300, 70ml Trenbolone acetate 75 mg, all from pharmacy. And nolvadex and proviron.
    This is my plan; 1ml Sustanon eod, 1ml tren ed, 50mg dianabol ed. Dont know about the anti-estrogen..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    Nobody will help you unless you list the stats bro.....

  3. #3
    ok, my stats are;
    height 5.10
    age 24
    weight 230
    bodyfat: not sure, im not rippet,and i have no belly..can see some abs if i look hard

    i work out 5 days a week. i eat every 3 our. chicken, tuna, fish and whey for proteins, and oatmeal, brown rice and potatoes for tabs and multivitamins

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    if it was me i would shoot 1/2cc of sust with 1cc of tren ed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

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