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Thread: your opinion?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Question your opinion?

    Right now in going onto 4 week fina 100-150md ed
    test 600 mg wk, eq 600mg wk. Going to finish with winny and eq. I was thinking about dropping the tren for now and replacing it with d-bol 50 mg a day, then picking up the tren again for the last 4 weeks at 150mg ed.

    cycle will look like this

    week 1--2 fina 100mg ed,
    week 2-3 fina 150 mg ed test 400mg wk, eq 400mg wk
    week3-4 fina 150 mg ed, test 600mg we, EQ 600mg wk
    week 4-8 test 600-800 mg wk eq 600-800mg wk, d-bol 50mg ed
    week 8-12 test 600-800 mg wk, eq 600-800 wk, winny oral/inject 150 mg ed.

    I am not sure about when to hit my clomid.
    I have nolva, clomid, vitex,

    Please advise as you input would be greatly helpfull..Thank you for all of your input on this cycle.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Also tren at the end at 150 ed, if you guys thin it is good, please critique it and let it fly!! Thanks so much


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Opps forgot the stats...

    5 10
    25 yrs old
    pics of me on board

    I am going to get somthing from the health food store, kinda expensive like 50 bucks, but it supposto be a whole body detoxifier.. tell me what you think

    Thank you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    alos 4 cycles under my belt, football in high school, some college football, training is not new to me. just some of the com

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Here is the deal with running tren at the end of your cycle: a lot of bro's say that tren shuts them down harder than test does, so it will be harder for you to get your natural levels back up if you did that. If you wnat to run Tren run in in the beginning. I don't feel that there is a need to pyramid your dose, just keep at eother 100 or 150mg's.

    Only you are going to know how your body responds to AAS, and with 4 cycles under your belt by now you should know. This is just how I would run it with what you suggested:

    Weeks 1-4 100mg Tren
    Weeks 1-10 600mg Eq
    Weeks 1-10 600mg Test
    Weeks 9-13 Winny - I'm saying start the beginning of week 9 so that you have about a month rest for your liver.

    A similar cycle would to just replace the Tren with Dbol @40-50mg's for weeks 1-4, which I like better.
    I would save tren for my shorter cycles, but again, that's just me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Oops, Clomid would start 2 days after the last winny

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Thank You very much Bro, it was very helpfull


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