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Thread: How to cycle properly?????

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Ununited States

    How to cycle properly?????

    Ok I finally found a verified legit source and the goods are on thier way "Hopefully". I have several questions for you guys. First of all I am 23, 6ft, 250lbs first cycle. I ordered
    1. 1x DECA-DURABOLIN 250mg/ml, 10ml vial
    2. 1x DECA-DURABOLIN 200mg/amp
    3. 1x TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE ICN 250mg/ml/amp -11 amps all together
    4. WINSTROL (Stanabol) 100 Tablets
    5. CLOMID 50mg 12 tabs

    What should I stack for a cycle, is this enough for a cycle and how much per day of each item should I take for this cycle. I dont plan on taking the winstrol in this cycle. I just plan on taking the test and deca and then clomid for the after cycle although I realize I need more clomid for post cycle. How much deca do I inject per day or every couple days, how much test etc? I am totally new to this. Can some one please explain exactly how much much when and how I need to do this stuff so I dont kill myself or grow bigg boobies or go bald or anything. I know I dont know anything, but I have been reaserching on this site. Please Help!
    Last edited by GGallin; 10-06-2006 at 12:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Middle East 4 Now
    take 500mg of test enanthate a week, a shot of 250mg on monday and 250mg on thursday for example. 200/or 250/or 300mg of deca a week would be enough, and yes you need alot more clomid, atleast 36 more tabs, and i dont agree on having only clomid for pct , do some research

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    Ok I finally found a verified legit source and the goods are on thier way "Hopefully". I have several questions for you guys. First of all I am 23, 6ft, 250lbs first cycle. I ordered
    1. 1x DECA-DURABOLIN 250mg/ml, 10ml vial
    2. 1x DECA-DURABOLIN 200mg/amp
    3. 1x TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE ICN 250mg/ml/amp -10 amps all together
    4. WINSTROL (Stanabol) 100 Tablets
    5. CLOMID 50mg 12 tabs

    What should I stack for a cycle, is this enough for a cycle and how much per day of each item should I take for this cycle. I dont plan on taking the winstrol in this cycle. I just plan on taking the test and deca and then clomid for the after cycle although I realize I need more clomid for post cycle. How much deca do I inject per day or every couple days, how much test etc? I am totally new to this. Can some one please explain exactly how much much when and how I need to do this stuff so I dont kill myself or grow bigg boobies or go bald or anything. I know I dont know anything, but I have been reaserching on this site. Please Help!

    You say you been researching, BUT you still don't have a clue!! Sorry, but you have NOT even scratched the surface let alone being ready for a cycle.
    but your gonna do it anyway.

    You don't have enough Test E
    You dont' need Deca for the first cycle, you have NO clue how your body is going to react to ONE compound let alone 3 different ones. How will you know which one is giving you the big boobies, or making your bald, or giving you a limp dick??

    If you gonna do it, Just do the TEST E for now.

    10-12 weeks at 500mgs/week
    Get more clomid
    Get Letro or arimidex for during the cycle if you get bloated or signs of gyno
    Get HCG so your nuts grow back


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    yes definetly do alot more research for pct. you dont have nearly enough clomid tabs. pct is the most important part of the cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ununited States
    I understand what you guys mean. I think I am gonna see if this stuff actually gets to me, when it does I will just hold on to it in my fridge until I can get some more Test E and PCT materilas. I didnt plan on just jumping straight into this but I figured since its on its way I might as well get some info so I know what to do when the time comes. How much more test should I get if I will already have 11 amps so I have enough for a 12 week cycle. How many mg are in each amp?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B

    If you gonna do it, Just do the TEST E for now.

    ^^If i may reiterate the importance of the above statement^^

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    I understand what you guys mean. I think I am gonna see if this stuff actually gets to me, when it does I will just hold on to it in my fridge until I can get some more Test E and PCT materilas. I didnt plan on just jumping straight into this but I figured since its on its way I might as well get some info so I know what to do when the time comes. How much more test should I get if I will already have 11 amps so I have enough for a 12 week cycle. How many mg are in each amp?
    what exactly will you be putting in your fridge?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Ununited States
    My test and deca, or should I not put them in the fridge? I dont know thats why I am asking. I am sorry I dont know much about this, but I am sure there was a time where you guys didnt know much either.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    nah man its alright but dont put it in the fridge lol . just store them in a cool, dark, dry place. dont let any sunlight get into contact with them and youll be fine

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ununited States
    TEST PROPIONATE 100mg/ml, 10ml vial Would 5 vials of that be good enough for a first cycle, or should I get more Test E instead.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    test prop or test e? which one you talking about? they are 2 different things

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Ununited States
    Nevermind I will just get test E. But how many mg are in 1 amp? I used to take androstenedione so I guess technically this isnt my very first cycle but the andro was pill form.
    Last edited by GGallin; 10-06-2006 at 01:19 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    depends how much the manufacturer has them filled with

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Ununited States
    Will the syringes read in mg and cc's I am guessing? God I feel like such an idiot but you gotta start somewhere.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    youve never seen a syringe before? at the doctors office? a diabetic friend or family member?

  16. #16
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    Will the syringes read in mg and cc's I am guessing? God I feel like such an idiot but you gotta start somewhere.

    Yes you gotta start somewhere, and you are starting right in the middle of the firepit! Its all good though bro, there is a lot of advice out here that if you follow we can turn this first cycle of yours into a great first cycle. Is that you in your avitar? What if your BF%?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ununited States
    Well either way I will just order more test E, enough for at least 2 or 3 cycles, hold on to those and start the cycle when I am prepared. I will get a crap load of clomid, PCT's and syringes etc. Then I will start my first cycle. i guess my main concern is whether or not this stuff will actually make it to me or not. Once I get my first supply then I will feel more confident about ordering more from my supplier. It just sucks because they have a minimum that you can oreder at one time so I will have to wait until I can get more money. No worries the first step is getting the package, I have plenty of time to get my info together.
    Last edited by GGallin; 10-06-2006 at 01:36 AM.

  18. #18
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    Well either way I will just order more test E, enough for at least 2 or 3 cycles, hold on to those and start the cycle when I am prepared. I will get a crap load of cliomid, PCT's and syringes etc. Then I will start my first cycle. i guess my main concern is whether or not this stuff will actually make it to me or not. Once I get my first supply then I will feel more confident about ordering more from my supplier. It just sucks because they have a minimum that you can oreder at one time so I will have to wait until I can get more money. No worries the first step is getting the package, I have plenty of time to get my info together.
    man are you serious? all i can say is research research research. please research man

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Ununited States
    To the first question yes I have seen syringes but never looked close enough to read what the hell was on them as far a measurements, no diabetic relative.
    Quote Originally Posted by mister.fantastic
    Yes you gotta start somewhere, and you are starting right in the middle of the firepit! Its all good though bro, there is a lot of advice out here that if you follow we can turn this first cycle of yours into a great first cycle. Is that you in your avitar? What if your BF%?
    Well thanks I look forward to a great first cycle, I want to do it right. Yes that is me on my avatar, I would guess my bf% is 20% or more, between 20-25%. I would say I will probably look pretty cut at 220lbs, maybe 215-210 at the absolut lightest.
    Last edited by GGallin; 10-06-2006 at 01:37 AM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    youre not even ready to start a cycle yet my friend at that %, get down to at least 15

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
    youre not even ready to start a cycle yet my friend at that %, get down to at least 15
    Why I thought you lose weight while ona cycle. Wont the test speed up my metabolism?

  22. #22
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    To the first question yes I have seen syringes but never looked close enough to read what the hell was on them as far a measurements, no diabetic relative.

    Well thanks I look forward to a great first cycle, I want to do it right. Yes that is me on my avatar, I would guess my bf% is 20% or more, between 20-25% I would say. I would say I will probably look pretty cut at 220lbs, maybe 215-210 at the absolut lightest.

    Oh boy... Now, i'm not saying that 20%-25% is high, well.... okay, yes, i'm saying thats high.. But we got time before this first cycle of yours right? When are you planning on running this great first cycle? And what are your goals for your body and physique before you run it and during? These are qood questions that you should be asking yourself..

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    Why I thought you lose weight while ona cycle. Wont the test speed up my metabolism?
    please tell me youre kidding

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    Why I thought you lose weight while ona cycle. Wont the test speed up my metabolism?

    Oh boy...... GGallin, i'm trying to help you out here bro.

  25. #25
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    Ununited States
    Quote Originally Posted by mister.fantastic
    Oh boy... Now, i'm not saying that 20%-25% is high, well.... okay, yes, i'm saying thats high.. But we got time before this first cycle of yours right? When are you planning on running this great first cycle? And what are your goals for your body and physique before you run it and during? These are qood questions that you should be asking yourself..
    Well honestly I dont know my Bf%. I have lost some weight since my avatar pic. And yes we do have time until this GREAT cycle. I do situps every night and run at least 5-7 miles a week and eat tons of protien. Its just getting harder for me to lose weight, I have plateued as far as weight loss goes. My plan for my physique is to have a 6 pack and to turn my 19" guns into 21 inch guns, of course I know I probably wont see gains like that in 1 cycle but that is my overall goal. My body is very solid, I can barely pinch any fat from my stomach, I am not quite as heavy as my pic looks. And no need to be condescending guys, cut the newbie a break. At least I am showing that I am willing to listen and learn.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Just let me know how much more test e to get and we will all talk again when I know what the F^%& I am doing. I just want the comfort of having the juice when I finally need it.

  27. #27
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    Aug 2006
    i felt like i helped you enough considering you dont know what youre doing or whats going on. the best way to be in the know is to research and this site is the best place to do it at. go through the steroid profiles, proper pct section, and most importantly the diet section. i dont know what else i can tell you

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ununited States
    Allright then thanks!

  29. #29
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    Aug 2006
    IMO cut down to at most 14%bf.. If you can do this, it's proof you can get your diet in check. and if you can't you shouldn't be on the sauce.

    1mL = 1cc

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    I have been taught that there are no stupid questions, but I feel that I have just asked at least 20 stupid questions in a row. I think I am gonna do myself a favor and just shut up at this point. The cycle is on its way regardless. But take comfort in knowing that I will research everything I need to know before starting the cycle. I just didnt realize that there was so much involved in a cycle. Most people just think "Hey all I need is some steroids and a syringe and I will grow massive muscles blah blah blah". Well I am sorry to say I was one of those sad sad people, but thanks to this forum of well edjucated people I now realize my ignorance and I plan on doing a ton of research. Thank most of you for your patience in dealing with my lack of knowledge, and to the rest of you perhaps you shouldnt be so harsh to people for asking dumb questions because it may discourage them from asking for further advice do to the fact that they just feel that they will be scrutinized for not knowing...... Just a thought..... But no hard feelings... I understand its my fault for being lazy and asking a bunch of dumb questions without doing enough research first.
    Oh and I will get my weight down to 15% before I start, I know how to lose the weight, I have done it before, i just need to step it up a bit.
    Last edited by GGallin; 10-06-2006 at 09:19 AM.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    some where in the USA
    here bro this will give you a good start..... IMO there are no stupid question if you are willing to listen .... and learn

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    It is NOT that your questions are stupid, it is that those questons should ALL be asked and answered WAY before you EVER even consider ordering AAS.

    You have been very impatient from day one with your wanting your source checked. YES, we remember this stuff.

    ALso, all the "stupid" questions you are asking have been answered at least a million times already here, so you really have NOT done any research or you would know that.
    You are looking to just come on here and have us TELL you everything and say that is your research. when all you really need to do is READ about 2,987 threads. You are asking basic math questions about HOW MUCH Test you should get. Well, lets do the math... Are you gonna do a 10 week cycle or a 12 week cycle?? Are you gonna do 500mgs/weel or 250 mgs/week??

    Steroids do NOT magically speed up your metabolism and burn fat, Your diet and exercise will help do that.
    Steroids basically in many different ways, allow the body to synthesize more protein than it would naturally do. BUT if you are NOT feeding your body the right amount of Protein, Carbs, and yes Fat, then the Steroids can NOT do their job.

    Syringes are measured in CC's which are Identical to ML's
    AAS compounds are measured in MGS/ML Like your Test MAY come in 250 mgs in each ML and you may get a 10 ml vial wich mean you have enough in the vial to do only 5 weeks worth if doing 500mgs/week cause you will need 2ml to = 500. 250+250= 500 GOT IT? simple math. ALways order MORE than you need because vials are NEVER exact and you will lose tiny bit in needle. Thats a given so just order more. If you can't afford to get everything you need , then you shouldn't be doing AAS

    The food you need to eat while on a cycle is gonna cost you much more than your cycle cost
    OK, that is LESSON ONE,

    now keep reading threads in the EDUCATIONAL SECTION and you will learn a ton more

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Ununited States
    Ok I agree. I said before I took the lazy approach. I am gonna go for a 12 week cycle 500 mg a week and I ordered 11 amps of test E. I do have the money for more gear... well in my next paycheck anyhow. Like I said in an earlier post, I want the comfort of having the gear and know that my source came through for me before I spend a crap load more money on a cycle when I am not 100% sure about the source thats all.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    Ok I agree. I said before I took the lazy approach. I am gonna go for a 12 week cycle 500 mg a week and I ordered 11 amps of test E. I do have the money for more gear... well in my next paycheck anyhow. Like I said in an earlier post, I want the comfort of having the gear and know that my source came through for me before I spend a crap load more money on a cycle when I am not 100% sure about the source thats all.

    OK, well keep in mind that PCT is MORE important than that gear so make sure you have that on hand BEFORE you even start

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    I will dont worry.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    what kind of syringes did you order?

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    I have not got any yet, I was gonna order some from this site actually. I didnt have the money for them yet, plus I am not gonna start my cycle anytime soon so its ok. Is there any kind that you would reccomend?

  38. #38
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    I like British Dispensery, but I'm unsure if Lion's got 'em.

    Just keep reading bro, it'll all make sense one day lol...

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    I have not got any yet, I was gonna order some from this site actually. I didnt have the money for them yet, plus I am not gonna start my cycle anytime soon so its ok. Is there any kind that you would reccomend?

    My suggestions for PCT were above in Post #3.........not learning much yet are ya big boy??...lolol

    There are a TON of threads on what size needles to use for each muscle you shoot.

    Why is it sooo hard for you to do a "search" with the search button?

    Glutes= 23g 1.5"
    delts and quads= 25g 1"
    Last edited by SMAN12b; 10-06-2006 at 05:32 PM.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Ununited States
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    My suggestions for PCT were above in Post #3.........not learning much yet are ya big boy??...lolol

    There are a TON of threads on what size needles to use for each muscle you shoot.

    Why is it sooo hard for you to do a "search" with the search button?

    Glutes= 23g 1.5"
    delts and quads= 25g 1"
    I am learning, he just asked me what kind of syringes I had, and I was honest that I had none. I have been reading a ton beleive me. A week ago I didnt know what aspirate was or anything. I know the proper dosage to take weekly, I know where to inject. I know about PCT, although I still need to read more about that. I am learning about thing to take during my cycle as well to block estro etc. I am a sponge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I am still absorbing.

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