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Thread: Is it safe to add winstrol to my cycle???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Las Vegas, NV

    Is it safe to add winstrol to my cycle???

    Ok ... so I am about to start another cycle. Its been awhile since my last real cycle. I have done some prop in between...but thats it. Anyway, so I started last night. Everything was good...had a little problem with the Tren shoulder had a sharp pain the the muscle for about 3 hours...but other than that it was smooth.

    I am going to list my stats here, and why I am doing this cycle.

    175 lbs
    11% bf

    I am taking 400mg of Primobol a week, one hit every 3rd day
    2 tabs of Anadrol 50 a day
    750 mg of Sustanon 250 a week one hit every third day
    225 mg a week of Trenbolone 75. 1 hit every other day
    1 nolvadex every other day

    Here is my question. I am a sprinter, and am competing in a winter sport that requires weight for gravity, but at the same time my sprint speed needs to be top notch. I have taken Winstrol before, and I love it. One of my favorites. With my cycle, would it be safe to add Winstrol, or should I just wait. I would love to add it in ... but dont wan to overdue it. I have an advisor, and he said I should not take Winstrol with my cycle...he said I would be just wasting my money...I just wanted a second opinion.

    You guys always are great to help with good advice. Thanks in advanced for keeping me safe.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Las Vegas, NV
    oh...and I am 26...sorry I forgott to add that.

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