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Thread: tbol and gyno

  1. #1

    tbol and gyno

    I have been running turanabol for 6 days at 60mg a day. I have really had no side effects but my right nipple feels alittle puffy. It is not sore or itchy. About a year ago I ran a cycle of superdrol and about a month after that I got slight gyno in that right nipple. I heard that you wont get gyno on tbol. Am I just worrying to much or should I just run a little bit of nolva in case. Anyone had an experience of a puffy nipple on tbol? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    are you taking anything else? getting gyno from tbol is impossible, but you may still get it from your body naturally. did you just shave or tan too much there? also you may have fake tbol

  3. #3
    No, I'm not taking anything else. I thought it was impossible to get gyno from tbol, expecially this early. I am probably just worrying about nothing. It is ** tbol, I'm pretty sure its legit. No, I did not shave or tan. I think I'm just over reacting to nothing.

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