Hey guys!

My friend just gave me a couple bottles of Liquid Clen to try out.
He's insanely ripped.
I did some research on the sides and i plan on cycling it for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. I'll be upping my water intake from a gallon to 1.5-2 gallons a day, also with some potassium. My diets up to par and i still train hard and doing cardio 5-6 days a week for 45 minutes. If i decide on clen, i've read to back off the cardio at low intensity if any? I'm 29 6'4" 210lbs at 10% bf. My remaining body fat is around my waist and it's sick looking

My concern is i'm supping with DHEA and Preg. I've been on it for about 3 months now. My DR did a full blown blood test on me due to nausea and complaints of dizzyness, so he put me on these 2 because of low adrenal gland dysfunction which caused my symptoms which he said came from stress and that it's all in my head. The stress makes my mind play tricks on me, because if i ever think of being dizzy, i will. When i dont think about it, im perfectly fine. My DHEA and Preg levels have increased, but i dont know about taking it along with Clen?

I've had taken ECA stacks in the past, but never a PH or a steroid . I've read Clen is not a steroid

Just searching for some suggestions