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Thread: how often to inject gear?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    how often to inject gear?

    just wondering if anyone knows of a website with some kind of list of how often each kind of gear needs to be injected to keep stable blood-plasma levels? i know generally how often each kind needs to be used, but just wanted to get some kind of list with the info.

    right now, i'm just using enan n deca n doing each 2x/week to make sure i maintain stable levels. i know i could probably just go 1x/week with each, but i want to make sure those levels stay stable to maximize my results.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    well you could go by the ester, or by the half life. or just ask..

    enan def 2x a week (at least) and deca you can do once or twice a week. prob twice since you're already injecting twice

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    all the info you need is in the educational threads at this site. It's free. Read it and know what you are doing. Safety first. You really should have all the info possible before injecting potentially life altering chemicals into your body.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Right behind you...
    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifter
    all the info you need is in the educational threads at this site. It's free. Read it and know what you are doing. Safety first. You really should have all the info possible before injecting potentially life altering chemicals into your body.
    i have researched into these chems very extensively over the course of the past several years and can assure you i know what i'm doing. however, i have yet to see anywhere on this site where it indicates the half-life of all the chems? i'll check the profiles again to see if i maybe overlooked it.

    k, looked at the profiles and you were incorrect. they don't indicate the half-life of the chems, so it doesn't have all the info i need. problem with the profiles is whoever wrote them wrote them as if we're all biochemists. can i understand the terminology? sure. do i care to hear bla bla bla for 8 page lengths of info that could be summed up into one for each chem? of course not.

    the author of the profiles rambled about reduntant info and left out much of the important info we'd need in those profiles. in all honesty, i don't find them very useful and have a book that's far more informative about the chems, but regretfully doesn't include the half-life info i'm looking for either. my book does at least indicate how often to inject, but i find their injection advice to be inaccurate for stable blood plasma levels for many of the chems.

    there are some people who say it's ok to only inject deca 1x/week. however, i've heard others argue that blood plasma levels would not remain stable at injections that infrequent and that 2x/week should be used. all i want to know is the half-lives of all the chems so i can use my own best judgement instead of relying on someone elses.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    just go by the active half life's the is not charte with injection times.

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