Alright fellas... a friend of mine asked my advice about what he should take for a first cycle. ppl give him rave reviews about 8wk cycle of straight dbol 40mg/wk. and no pct. unfortunately this is a very popular cycle around here. u already know im tryin to talk him out of any cycle at this point (especially that one) but he would like second opinion. he has no cycle experience, no steroid knowledge accept what i am trying to tell him. Stats are 6'1, 169lb. no current workout regimen but plans to start when he starts cycle. No diet... just knows to eat as much protein and carbs as possible. given the lack of knowledge on steroids and their effects... i vote nay on the cycle...but please feel free to post whatever suggestions you would like.... including negative sides, cons of no pct, and jumping into a cycle with little knowledge of hormones and all the effects on the body. if you are not knowledeable please dont post. Greatly appreciate any help...this could mean the difference of him making a big mistake or not.