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Thread: Drinking On Steroids???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Drinking On Steroids???

    i'm going to be taking test 250, deca 300, and dianabol. i don't drink liquor, i just drink beer on the weekends. I was wondering if this is safe on the liver??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Are you kidding what the hell do you think beer is.

    No you should drink on cycle or off cycle in that mater. Yes it will put more stress on the liver. you should be taking a liver support any way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Your about to get a ration of shyt bro from ppl here. Its supposed to be more strain on the liver. I have done it. Your dosages are low, the test and deca are low toxicity level on the liver. Light colored liquors are said to be easier on the liver then beer. Also, if you can, drink a glass of water every two beers, it'll help clean you out, also keeps you hydrated, no hang over.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    drink water is good

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    uhmm you might want to do more test then deca bro!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Are you kidding what the hell do you think beer is.

    No you should drink on cycle or off cycle in that mater. Yes it will put more stress on the liver. you should be taking a liver support any way.
    Could not have said it better myself !!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Right behind you...
    k, those who know me know i'm not normally like this, but i just have to say this. anyone thinking about drinking while doing a cycle is a f*cking moron.

    maybe we could add a new rule to this board like "anyone asking about drinking while on a cycle will be immediately banned for idiocy". for those who are stupid enough to think i'm being overreactive, here's some nice in-depth info, not just on the liver problems which to me isn't such a big deal, but on many other issues associated with drinking and it's muscle-building-inhibiting properties...

    by the way, save me from the "oh, i only drink in moderation anyway" bs. IMO, you're either gearing up and serious about training and not drinking, or you're drinking while training and just f*cking around. if you're not serious enough about training to stop drinking during cycles, then you shouldn't be doing cycles in the first place IMO.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    you should not be doing a cycle with such an immature attitude. If you take training seriously you shouldn't drink and def not if you are using AS. People like you give AS a bad name.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    yeah dude - trust me on this - u dont wanna be drinking on AS!

    even if its a one off and ya course doesnt contain many AS that are harsh on the liver, the water retention and puffyness will put ya off!

    bad calories..... would you eat 20 cheese burgers in a night while training??

    well thats the same bad calories as a few beers while out!!

    commit ya self 100% fella

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    hey hey now, no need to point fingers.
    I think he was just asking a simple question. A yes or no would be have been fine with a little reason to help him understand why. He's no where near as bad as that Valentino guy i keep hearing about. But lets not get into that guy on this thread.

    Anyways, try not to label him as the evel roid user. mkay?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    anything in moderation isnt terrible for you... but if your a heavy drinker, ive heard all that beer will cause your estrogen levels to raise and slow your gains.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    I don't do it but every juicehead I know drinks a lot so I can promsie it wont kill you but it isn't going to help your goals at all.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    In a cage.

    IMHO - Drinking is for LOSERS!

    People drink to get buzzed. To escape reality. And more often than not get obnoxious when drunk. Only a matter of time until drinking will get you into trouble. Your Liver is VERY resilient, save it for all your hard work in the gym especially with AAS.
    I'll get off my soap box, but booze is for bums. Drunks really piss me off !

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    You gotta understand that questions like these are answered every 30 minutes. YOU KNOW BETTER.

    No, you shouldn't drink.
    Yes, you'll live if you do.
    No, we aren't going to the "AOK!" for you to drink.

    I'm off to have have a bourbon and a cigar. Screw you guys.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Bourbon eh?!?...I'll stick to my Jager. I love my booze just as much as anyone, but i'm usually just too stoked to train when I'm on should you. Man, I get a decent enough "buzz" off my gear alone, I don't need to get riled up even more with alcohol.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I'm off.

    ...wait...who am I kidding...This SUCKS!

  17. #17
    I drink while on a cycle. I'm on permanent HRT through Oasis, so there's no way in hell I'd be permanently off booze.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I've drunk on 17aa's and on injectables whilst having bloodwork done every 4 weeks. I dont advice it, as its not ideal by any means. If you get a hangover, you'll know about it.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    I've drunk on 17aa's and on injectables whilst having bloodwork done every 4 weeks. I dont advice it, as its not ideal by any means. If you get a hangover, you'll know about it.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Your a very very naughty swifto. So there!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    some where in the USA
    first off IMO why drink when Its a known fact that drinking can effect your gains really now .. how can you give 100%.. and get the most out of a cycle ..
    this is a very good read

    Alcohol (ethyl alcohol or ethanol), one of the worlds oldest, most widely used, drugs, has many effects on the body, some positive, but most negative. Historically, alcohol has been blamed for many of the worlds tragedies and problems, from the fall of the Roman Empire (What's Your Poison; 1997) (1) to the disbanding of many families. Ironically, it is made from relatively innocuous substances.

    Fermented grain, fruit juice and honey have been used to make alcohol for thousands of years. Alcohol's use spans nationalities and demographics as it serves to relax and provide a source of enjoyment. It has even been shown to have some salutary effects, such as a blood thinning action beneficial to the cardiovascular system, in addition to the aforementioned social and relaxation aspects.

    However, the doses required in these instances are very minimal (1-2 glasses in most cases), and anything beyond this more than outweighs any potential benefits. This is partly because alcohol is classed as a central nervous system depressant, causing the brain to relax and inhibitions to decrease.

    Ones rational thought, emotional status, judgement, speech and muscle coordination are adversely affected through alcohol consumption. In extreme cases it can cause coma and death. Alcohol is specifically detrimental to bodybuilders, or any athlete, in that it can interfere with recovery, protein synthesis, hydration, motivation, and nutrient intake. Its financial cost is a burden for anyone who buys it.

    A review of the research will show that alcohol is poisonous to every organ in the body and will adversely affect everyone who engages in its use to some Extent (1, 6, 7, 8). This article is not intended to dissuade people from using alcohol moderately, for recreational purposes, but will point out, from an athlete and a researchers point of view, its significant shortcomings. Cheers.

    Alcohol's Effects

    Ethyl alcohol is a very small molecule which is soluble in lipid and water solutions. It is metabolized primarily by the liver, where an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase breaks the alcohol down into acetaldehyde, which is further broken down into acetate.

    Acetate is metabolized into carbon dioxide and water, which is excreted. Alcohol is absorbed rapidly from the small intestine (80%) and stomach (20%), before any other nutrients are digested.

    These properties ensure that alcohol gets into the blood stream and crosses the blood-brain barrier easily. Hence alcohol's instantaneous effect on thought processes. In fact, alcohol has a number of detrimental effects on the brain two of which, central to the scope of this article, will be discussed first.

    Alcohol, once it has crossed the blood-brain barrier, will inebriate the cerebral cortex (the part of the brain responsible for executive functions such as rational thought) and work its way down to the limbic system. It won't however affect the limbic system. This turns out to be a problem because the limbic system, being the most primitive part of the brain, then takes over the role of rational thought.

    This is problematic because the limbic system is entirely emotional, and one then begins to think with their emotions rather than the rational area of their brain (the cerebral cortex). A surprisingly small amount of alcohol will have an instant effect on ones ability to control their emotions, and their judgement as a result. A comparatively large amount of alcohol and one might become violent or completely out of control in other respects.

    As mentioned, alcohol is also a depressant. It depressant effect results from increased transmission of the GABA systems (2). In other words, alcohol consumption creates a demand for more GABA. GABA is a neurotransmitter responsible for restricting, or depressing the excitability of our brain. Glutamate is the Neurotransmitter that has the opposite effect as it is responsible for brain excitability and can be increased through the intake of various stimulants. It now gets a bit complex.

    The post synaptic receptors (the receptors of one brain cell that receive a message from another brain cell) for GABA, GABA-A, then become stimulated and respond by hyperpolarising the cell membrane and reducing the chance of an action potential occurring. An action potential is an electrical charge propagated through a neuron which causes that neuron to become stimulated. It gets worse.

    Over time, if a sufficient amount of alcohol is consumed, the GABA receptors become accustomed to a certain amount of alcohol and more is required to get the same depressing and intoxicating effect. In short, tolerance occurs. With more and more alcohol the potential for the GABA receptor to function improperly increases. This may result in hyperexcitability causing, anxiety, tremors, disorientation, and hallucinations when one is not drinking.

    This is alcohol at its destructive extreme.

    In addition to alcohols destructive effects at the time of ingestion, it can also cause neural tissue death when its consumption is stopped. As explained, GABA (a inhibitory neurotransmitter) binds to its GABA-A receptor following alcohol intake. When this happens, a chloride channel is opened and extracellular chloride moves into a intracellular compartment on the receptor. The neuron is hyperpolarized as a result and excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) cannot occur, as mentioned.

    The main point here is that alcohol facilitates the ability of GABA to open chloride channels. With greater (chronic) use of alcohol the neuron may become entirely dependant on alcohol for its GABA function in the long term. However, at the time of chlorides uptake another process, this time involving the glutamine (excitatory neurotransmitter) receptors, causes further problems.

    The glutamate system is up-regulated with alcohol withdrawal and calcium-channel activity is stimulated. Calcium is released directly onto the post synaptic neuron (calcium influx) in large amounts and neural death occurs. This happens particularly after binge sessions that occur on a regular basis.

    Implications For Athletes

    Alcohol is particularly detrimental for athletes as it interferes with many of the processes so vital to success (3,5). Focus, performance, recovery and rebuilding are all affected. Given that alcohol's effects can linger on for days an athlete would be wise to refrain from its use when competing.

    Although alcohol is absorbed rapidly it is metabolized very slowly and its effects may still impact athletic performance up to 48 hours after the last drink.

    Assuming the athlete is performing within 48 hours of its consumption, as little as two to three standard drinks can directly:

    Decrease strength

    Impair reaction time

    Impair balance and eye/hand coordination

    Impair fine motor and gross motor coordination

    Increase fatigue: Liver function is significantly impacted following the ingestion of alcohol. Up to 48 hours after the last drink the liver may still be metabolizing alcohol at the expense of glycogen (metabolized carbohydrate).
    Given that glycogen is vital for most of the body's cellular functions, body fatigue, cognitive decline and loss of strength will result when it cannot be used efficiently. Reaction time, balance, coordination are also impacted by this process in addition to the direct aforementioned neurochemical effects alcohol has on the brain.

    Interfere with body temperature regulation

    Cause dehydration: Alcohol has an impact on kidney function, which interferes with the regulation of electrolytes and fluids in the body (7). Cellular waste removal and nutrient supply are the main functions of fluid and electrolytes, which are controlled through kidney function.
    The kidneys filter large amounts of water from many parts of the body, including the brain, to break down alcohol. This causes dehydration and can cripple an athletes performance.

    Deplete aerobic capacity and negatively impact endurance for up to 48 hours after the last drink

    Impact cellular repair: Protein metabolism is negatively impacted when alcohol is in the system. This has obvious implications for muscle repair.

    Impacts the cardiovascular system: Alcohol consumption raises blood pressure and this can result in the heart having work harder to pump blood through the body (8). An abnormally fast heart beat (tachycardia) can also result from alcohol consumption. Further, alcohol increases the synthesis of cholesterol and this can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

    Disrupt sleep: Alcohol significantly interferes with restful sleep (4). It can make falling to sleep easier to begin with due to its sedative effects but the quality of sleep (particularly rapid eye movement) will be disturbed.

    Cause vitamin and mineral depletion: Vitamins and minerals so necessary for our health have their absorption interfered with, while the body's own supply are slowly depleted, when alcohol is consumed. Even one or two drinks per day (supposedly the "recommended" amount) can have this effect. B vitamins, which have important enzymatic and metabolic functions are depleted extra rapidly (8).
    This deleteriously effects the heart, liver, thyroid and kidneys. Vitamin A is also depleted and this interferes with the body's ability to fight disease. Vitamin C depletion makes one susceptible to anemia. Also, when alcohol is ingested the body excretes calcium at twice the normal rate, thus impacting on bone growth and wound healing.

    Cause cognitive impairment: cognitive impairment (disruption of thought processes and brain damage) occur through a number of mechanisms (6,7). Alcohol related sleep disruption contributes to the insufficient restoration of ones neural processes. The effects of GABA-A stimulation, as explained, have been shown to contribute to neural death.
    Lack of glycogen to the brain, as a result of alcohol metabolism, causes slow, disoriented, thinking. These are just some factors. There are many more. The implications of cognitive impairment are severe for athletes: loss of motivation, focus and desire in addition to lessened perspicacity and even neuromuscular response.

    The effects outlined here are just some of the more obvious ones. There are many others, and it would probably take a book to outline and explain them in sufficient detail.


    Even though alcohol will greatly impact performance 25 to 48 hours after the last drink, it has longer lasting, more indirect, effects. The reduction in quality of training and sleep in the period after its consumption, may cause a reduction in performance over the days following this period.

    So it is probably best to stay away from alcohol completely when training and competing to win. Indeed, the only real way to avoid alcohol's effects is to refrain from its use completely.


    What's Your Poison.(1997). [On line]
    Aguayo LG. Ethanol potentiates the GABAA activates Cl- currents in mouse hippocampal and cortical neurons. Eur J Pharmacol 1990;187:127-130.
    Bloomfield, J. Fricker, P.A. & Fitch, K.D.(1992). Textbook of Science and Medicine in Sport. Blackwell Scientific Publications: Australia.
    Walsh J K. Sedative effects of ethanol at night. Journal of Study on Alcohol, 1991, 6, pp. 597-600.
    Burke, L.(1992). The Complete Guide to Food for Sports Performance. Allen and Unwin: Australia.
    Dodes. L. M.(2002).The Heart of Addiction: A New Approach to Understanding and Managing Alcoholism and Other Addictive Behaviors: Quill, USA.
    Hunt WA. Are binge drinkers more at risk of developing brain damage? Alcohol 1993;10:559-561.
    Science in Africa.(2004). Alcohol and the Inevitable Hangover From Over Consumption. [On line]

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Your a very very naughty swifto. So there!
    I know. But it wont kill you. For my next cycle I'm not going to say, "I wont drink once" as I will. But I wont exceed 1-2 beers. I'm not a heavy drinker anyhow. Never in the week when training, only a few at weekends. Fri or Sat with the GF.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    ok you have convinced me . no more wine.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I drank 1 or 2 nights out of a month when on cycle but after reading this thread I think i have changed my mind.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Well,you are in a treatment if you know what i mean.You are using hormons that stress your liver,im not saying not to drink but if you want and cant wait,drink just minimun posible.But if you are those guy that want to drik like the is the end of the world every weekend to impress the girls,then....dont cycle.


  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    The message should be your are moron if you drink while on Oral Steroids.

    Now can you drink while on Test. Yes, I don't see why not.

    Will it be detremental to your gains, 100% yes. But is it hazardous, not really. Olny drinking with taking methylated steroid would be idiotic IMO.

    People do need to learn to segregate the two.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    yup.. im also guilty of getting hammered once or twice during a cycle.. the hangovers really are terrible when on gear. not proud of it but hey... getting hammered can be kinda fun.. would be interesting to c the real effect on lipid profile , liver vcalues etc... anyone have comparable BW done? a cycle without drinking and tghen from a cycle with some drinking???

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    The message should be your are moron if you drink while on Oral Steroids.

    Now can you drink while on Test. Yes, I don't see why not.

    Will it be detremental to your gains, 100% yes. But is it hazardous, not really. Olny drinking with taking methylated steroid would be idiotic IMO.

    People do need to learn to segregate the two.
    Then that makes me an "idiotic moron". I do agree with you though. I did it and sufferred and I hope people dont drink on 17aa's as your hangover WILL be 100x worse, believe me.

    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    yup.. im also guilty of getting hammered once or twice during a cycle.. the hangovers really are terrible when on gear. not proud of it but hey... getting hammered can be kinda fun.. would be interesting to c the real effect on lipid profile , liver vcalues etc... anyone have comparable BW done? a cycle without drinking and tghen from a cycle with some drinking???
    Yes. Had bloodwork done on a Wednesday after drinking on a Saturday night (football was on! ) and my liver values came back around 110. Cant remember correctly as it was a while back. They went down quick though as I was tested again 1 weeks later and they were around 48. That was with no drinking, milk thistle and 2-3 litres of water/ED.

    Swifto =

    Never again.

  29. #29
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    You should be dedicated enough and motivated to not drink while cycling, whats more important building the body or drinking??? if you want to be the best you can be get dedicated to it and dont drink, if your training and using AAS then you shouldnt even be thinking about drinking in my book,

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR
    I don't do it but every juicehead I know drinks a lot so I can promsie it wont kill you but it isn't going to help your goals at all.
    yeah, agree. i do it myself but it f**k's me up for day's and regret doing it.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Then that makes me an "idiotic moron". I do agree with you though. I did it and sufferred and I hope people dont drink on 17aa's as your hangover WILL be 100x worse, believe me.

    Yes. Had bloodwork done on a Wednesday after drinking on a Saturday night (football was on! ) and my liver values came back around 110. Cant remember correctly as it was a while back. They went down quick though as I was tested again 1 weeks later and they were around 48. That was with no drinking, milk thistle and 2-3 litres of water/ED.

    Swifto =

    Never again.
    never say never I have a big party coming up next week.. its the second biggest event after graduation and I kinda cant miss it.. Im planning on getting some look a like booz so my friends wont be egging me on the whole night.. haha ..

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I have a few shots of bacardi every once in a blue moon...but I'm in college so whatever. I go really easy with the stuff regardless.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    never say never I have a big party coming up next week.. its the second biggest event after graduation and I kinda cant miss it.. Im planning on getting some look a like booz so my friends wont be egging me on the whole night.. haha ..
    Never again with 17aa's anyway.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    some where in the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Never again with 17aa's anyway.

    Is that you In the AVI swifto ? if so brotha looking good

  35. #35
    Join Date
    May 2006
    In a cage.

    If you gotta drink.... ya gotta little problem.

    If you find yourself NEEDING a drink, or even feeling like "It's not a party without booze"! You are using alcohol as a method to escape reality. This method CAN develop into scenarios where you won't attend social functions, unless there's alcohol there. Think about it.
    That, my friends, is called addiction.

    And if you're not really careful....Then you just slowly spiral in.

    I know, F**k you! It's a free country. True.

    Just be careful. AAS or otherwise. I've seen booze ruin hundreds of peoples lives.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    its what u do most of the time that matters. have i drank on orals? yes. I wont even mention dosages. Do i recommend drinking, hell no! It doesn't coincide withbb'ing, but that doesn't stop me from getting a good buzz once/twice a month.

  37. #37
    Just like any other question: ITs GENETICS.
    Besides the fact that alcohol is extremelly catabolic and can prevent gains...ITs all about genetics. I've used gear for ten years, many of which I was classified as an abuser. All through college I drank my ass off three-four times a week. I've used drol in heavy dosages, and other 17-aa's while drinking. Yes we all know I'm a idiot..I was young and did not care. Anyway..years of drinking while using heavy gear, and besides the fact that I inhibited my gains severely....when I got my liver enzymes checked..I was perfectly normal..and the doctor even said "my you really are into health, you must not be a heavy drinker of drug user" ..I almost started laughing..whatever you say doc...Its Genetics...But be smart and don't drink while using gear...its a risk, and a waste of money...

  38. #38
    Just like any other question: ITs GENETICS.
    Besides the fact that alcohol is extremelly catabolic and can prevent gains...ITs all about genetics. I've used gear for ten years, many of which I was classified as an abuser. All through college I drank my ass off three-four times a week. I've used drol in heavy dosages, and other 17-aa's while drinking. Yes we all know I'm a idiot..I was young and did not care. Anyway..years of drinking while using heavy gear, and besides the fact that I inhibited my gains severely....when I got my liver enzymes checked..I was perfectly normal..and the doctor even said "my you really are into health, you must not be a heavy drinker of drug user" ..I almost started laughing..whatever you say doc...Its Genetics...But be smart and don't drink while using gear...its a risk, and a waste of money...

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Are you kidding what the hell do you think beer is.

    No you should drink on cycle or off cycle in that mater. Yes it will put more stress on the liver. you should be taking a liver support any way.
    300% agree......there's no purpose to drinking.....all exception.....hinders gains, lowers testosterone.....among a thousand other bad things...alcohol should be more illegal than steroids least steroids have benefits

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    Is that you In the AVI swifto ? if so brotha looking good

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