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Thread: Liver test=77 Doc says possible Hepititis. Advice ?

  1. #1

    Liver test=77 Doc says possible Hepititis. Advice ?

    Well my cholesterol was 130 I believe, and everything was basically fine but, teh doc said my liver tests were elevated. Apparently 65 is the top of the norm and mine was 77. Not good. He says it is POSSIBLE I have hepititis C and don't know it so I have to go tomorrow and get more tests done.

    I have read that it can be caused by ibuprofen among other things. I use ibuprofen about every 1-2 months and when I use it i use 4 tabs a day max, the normal OTC ones. I also have been taking xenadrine, milk thistle, cranberrry extract, multi vitamin and creatine. I fasted the night before teh bloodwork like I was supposed to but I took aspirin the night before as well. The doc said that probly wouldnt matter though.

    I seem to have some of the symptoms ie lack of energy (Thats why I use xenadrine), stomach pains and elevated liver test.

    I used ephedrine in the past and stopped after 4 weeks approx. due to mild chest pains. I still get them every now and then and the doc knows about this.

    I just thought Id lay everything out and see what anyone might have to say.

    Anyone have Hepititis or know anythign about it ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    My liver hit 130 before on orals. A 70 doesn't seem bad. It's all Hep related when it come down to it. It just a matter of whether it's accute or not. I wouldn't jump the gun just yet on that call.

    Ibuprofren isn't a likely cause of liver elevation. Acetemenophen on the other hand, is a hepatic bubble ready to burst. I've read even that Creatine can elevate your liver function, I mean everyone out there thinks everything can be attributed through the liver, this is my point.

    Wait until you get your tests, I'm sure it's fine, and if not, then you go about getting it better. Luckily, a slightly damaged liver can regen after time. I'd add more than just Milk Thistle for liver care though. NAC, MT, Artichoke, Dandelion Root, Licorice Root, etc. are all fantastic for the liver.

    I took MT and NAC and got my liver down to norm ranges in a month JUST coming off Abombs @ 100mg ED.

    Just thought I'd share.

  3. #3
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    Your liver values will be elevated ( above Joe Average ) just because you are eating more and processing more protein. A 77 is high period but it could be caused by a variety of factors. I got hammered one time 2 years ago and went 2 days later to the lab for my quarterly blood draws. My levels were in the 60's my Doc was freaking. He sent me for hepatitis panel which of course was negative. My next test 30 days later had me at normal again. Some people react differently than others to alcohol.Have you been drinking anything or doing any oral 17-aa 's ?

  4. #4
    I was on dbol and anavar about 3 months ago and no UI havent drank in like year.

    thanks you guys, yer kinda easing my mind. Ill have to see what happens.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I gotta' ask man, is that you in your avatar?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by rast4man
    I gotta' ask man, is that you in your avatar?

    Nah man, I just put it there to keep reminding me of what I'm goin for.

  7. #7
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    Not to long ago I was in the same situation... I cant remember what my number was but it was in the upper 70s... I went crazy when they had to do the hep- panel... The doc was asking if i had ever used needles and i told yes obviously for Steroids etc. I told him I had never shared or anything of that nature. It turned out that i had mono and it had elevated my liver values along with my pancreas. The cycle that i was in the middle of also didnt help im guessing right? ... (dbol 40mg 1-4 test and tren 1-10... Obviously I stopped the juice and took a good rest. mono

  8. #8
    I wonder what else they test for when they test me for hepititis, if anything...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    hep panel i believe is only for good old Hepititis

  10. #10
    wel damnit. Lets hope Im clear.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    in your girls panties
    lol dude you won't be diagnosed with hepatitis until you're liver values are in the 1000's. Most likely 10,000 and up.

    Mine were 120, but I was running var, proviron and drinking a little on the cycle.

    The liver is very resillient so I wouldn't worry about it until your liver values are in the 1000 range.

    70 is nothing and it will eventuallly go down.

    Just stop taking what you're taking and get tested again in 60 days.

  12. #12
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    BTW I last got tested on August 10th so i'm getting tested again this Friday.

    I think everything should be down. I stopped taking everything.

    I'll keep you informed.

  13. #13
    thanks man. I hope yer right.

  14. #14
    Good luck with everything ma man, keep us updated, Im sure you'll be just fine.

  15. #15
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    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    thanks man. I hope yer right.
    I'm just relaying what my dad told me.

    He's a Doc and told me not to be terribly worried.

    He was telling me one of his friends who's a big time drinker has the same liver values as me around 120 and he's in his late 40's.

  16. #16

  17. #17
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    lets us know how it goes. good luck.

  18. #18
    yup. I got 2 doc appts tomorrow. blood and MRI.

  19. #19
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    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Just lay off the 2/3 deca and you'll be fine.

    I think the deca is what supressed my testosterone levels.

    They're pretty low like around 320.

    I've been taking alot of tribex so hopefully this will help when I get tested again.

    This really has nothing to do about liver values, but I thought i'd share with my niqquh SS.

    What are your test levels? Have you got them checked out?

  20. #20
    My doc wont test them for me, the ****er!!!!

    but on cycle they were high, in the thousands I believe.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    My doc wont test them for me, the ****er!!!!

    but on cycle they were high, in the thousands I believe.
    All you gotta do is ask him.

    It's optional, but cost more money.

    If you want to get them tested than do.

    Ask him how much?

  22. #22
    the SOB flat out said "I WILL NOT TEST YOUR HORMONE LEVELS" .

    I dont have access to my old doc.

  23. #23
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    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    the SOB flat out said "I WILL NOT TEST YOUR HORMONE LEVELS" .

    I dont have access to my old doc.
    Tell him you're SkullSmashuh and you demand to get your test levels checked!

    If he doesn't than you will switch docs and tell him he's a flat out SOB to his face.

  24. #24
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    yeah... my liver levels area sumin like that always when on a cycle or some time after (even if no 17aa's).. nothing to worry about in the numbers u have.. its most likely nothiong but it doesnt hurt to test..

  25. #25
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    Jun 2006
    don't worry bro..I had my liver volume was 125 not even being on doc told me if i had drink day before blood test..but i didn't have any drink..I got retested month and half later my volume was @ 68 ..remember high protein diet will indicate higher volume and working out will indicate higher volume if you need more accurate results don't work out two days before test day and make sure you fast about 10 hrs before blood test( avoid high protein foods and no medicines day before blood test) 70's is not bad at all...I will be getting my blood test done next I will try to follow same procedure that i mentioned above...good luck and keep us updated.

  26. #26
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    Skull you have nothing to be concerned about.

    Laboratory analysis are just basic/broad tests, the value they come up with, alone, aren't useful to estimate the severity of liver damage or illness.

    Most doctors arnt aware patient’s nourishment status and vitamin levels, medication intake, hormones levels, etc. Those factors influence the ranges of values.

    normal ranges may fluctuate somewhat according to the brand of laboratory assay materials used.

    So basically, these tests have a meaning, but they generally cannot be interpreted without clinical information.

    There are some signs you can be aware of, which are related to liver impairment, like Jaundice (yellow color in the skin, mucous membranes, or eyes), these signs and how you are feeling are more often than not going to be a more accurate indicator of liver malfunction or disease.

    Hope that helps bud

  27. #27
    thanks you guys.

  28. #28
    BG's Avatar
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    Good luck!

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