Well my cholesterol was 130 I believe, and everything was basically fine but, teh doc said my liver tests were elevated. Apparently 65 is the top of the norm and mine was 77. Not good. He says it is POSSIBLE I have hepititis C and don't know it so I have to go tomorrow and get more tests done.
I have read that it can be caused by ibuprofen among other things. I use ibuprofen about every 1-2 months and when I use it i use 4 tabs a day max, the normal OTC ones. I also have been taking xenadrine, milk thistle, cranberrry extract, multi vitamin and creatine. I fasted the night before teh bloodwork like I was supposed to but I took aspirin the night before as well. The doc said that probly wouldnt matter though.
I seem to have some of the symptoms ie lack of energy (Thats why I use xenadrine), stomach pains and elevated liver test.
I used ephedrine in the past and stopped after 4 weeks approx. due to mild chest pains. I still get them every now and then and the doc knows about this.
I just thought Id lay everything out and see what anyone might have to say.
Anyone have Hepititis or know anythign about it ?