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  1. #1
    sstng is offline New Member
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    Question confused!!! i apologize i'm soo excited to get started

    for my first cycle i was considering this does this sound right?

    wk 1 thru 12 test enanthate at 400 mls and have nolvadex 10mgs on hand in case of puffy nipples.

    but what do i do after that?? do i need to do pct then start another cycle?


  2. #2
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sstng
    for my first cycle i was considering this does this sound right?

    wk 1 thru 12 test enanthate at 400 mls and have nolvadex 10mgs on hand in case of puffy nipples.

    but what do i do after that?? do i need to do pct then start another cycle?


    welcome To Ar bro...... what are your stats AGE WEIGHT , TRAINING EXPERIANCE. GOALS...

    This question would seem that you need some more research .. very flawed before you even consider a cycle PCT knowledge is a must also anti'Es here this will help you get started

  3. #3
    Jucinator2 is offline Associate Member
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    400 mgs a week minus esters is about 280 mgs a week of test which is enough to shut you down but not a lot for growing, and hopfully your at least 24 year old male .

  4. #4
    body_by_donuts's Avatar
    body_by_donuts is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    welcome To Ar bro...... what are your stats AGE WEIGHT , TRAINING EXPERIANCE. GOALS...
    alot of good info there; get a pen and paper and make notes, then hit the search function.

    Welcome to AR,

  5. #5
    body_by_donuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jucinator2
    400 mgs a week minus esters is about 280 mgs a week of test which is enough to shut you down but not a lot for growing, and hopfully your at least 24 year old male .

    I disagree with that, your first time out you can grow off 250mgs a week.

  6. #6
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome And That Giddy Feeling Never GOSE Away, At Least For Me.

  7. #7
    sstng is offline New Member
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    25 yrs. male 6ft 1in. 230lbs. not sure body fat% but was considering 12 wks of 400mls test enanthate and 10mgs on hand nolvadex for nipples but what should i use after that as far as a pct amounts and products? i've heard of clomid but when do i start it and what amount? i don't want anything to shut down so if 400mls or 500mls test is too much please let me know this would be my first cycle thank you

  8. #8
    body_by_donuts's Avatar
    body_by_donuts is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sstng
    25 yrs. male 6ft 1in. 230lbs. not sure body fat% but was considering 12 wks of 400mls test enanthate and 10mgs on hand nolvadex for nipples but what should i use after that as far as a pct amounts and products? i've heard of clomid but when do i start it and what amount? i don't want anything to shut down so if 400mls or 500mls test is too much please let me know this would be my first cycle thank you

    All of it can shut you down; do some research on PCT. The more you know the more you'll grow!!

  9. #9
    sstng is offline New Member
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    sorry about this but i know almost nothing about injecting what would be the correct needle size and do i do the 400mls enanthate all at once one day a week? what would be the best time of the week in the beginning,middle or end?

  10. #10
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Save your nolva for pct unless you have sides. Bump the Test up to 500 mg/ew for better results. If your BF% is over 14% then wait to cycle and drop to 9-10% for maximum results. I would also keep letro on hand for your nips.

    Week 1: Nolva 40 mg/ed, Proviron 50 mg/ed
    Week 2: Nolva 30 mg/ed, Proviron 50 mg/ed
    Week 3: Nolva 20 mg/ed, Proviron 50 mg/ed
    Week 4: Nolva 10 mg/ed, Provirion 25 mg/ed
    Week 5: Nolva 10 mg/ed

  11. #11
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    Injecting any synthetic AA into your system will shut you down regaurless of the dosage. It seems you have read some knowing a test only cycle for the first cycle is correct. Although i dont like nolva for on cycle very mild and may not fight off gyno if it occurs, i suggest arimidex . Also since your taking test e your PCT will start 14 days after your last shot. You PCT should include both Clomid and Nolva, clomid at 100mg and nolva at 20mg ED ( everyday) for 25 to 30 days in order to regain ur normal test production. I strongly suggest you research more and become more familiar with AA's before you inject them into your body.

  12. #12
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    1.5" for your ass, 1" for everywhere else
    250 mg Test E twice a week. Monday morning and Thurs night.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by Johny-too-small; 10-09-2006 at 08:24 PM.

  13. #13
    Ripdx is offline Associate Member
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    my first cycle was 250mg/wk testE....Gained gained about 25lbs...not sure if thats normal or not but i did and kept alot...i would maybe drop the dose just to see how u respond, and keep nolva on hand.. Make sure you have clomid to come off with..

  14. #14
    sstng is offline New Member
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    Question now the finished product for first cycle?

    so total how does this sound for first ever cycle
    wk 1-12
    1)250mls test e once or twice a week with 1" needle monday morning and thursday night for 12 wks in alternating shoulders (not sure if i want 250mls or 500mls i can't afford quick noticiable results) any suggestions?
    2)keep armidex on hand for puffy nipples during first cycle if prone
    3)start pct 14 days after last shot of test e pct being clomid 100mg and nolva at 20mg both each day for about a month

    does everyone agree with this for first cycle more or less?? anymore suggestions i appreciate all the feedback i want to get this almost perfect the very first time
    Last edited by sstng; 10-09-2006 at 08:48 PM. Reason: needed to buff it up a bit

  15. #15
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    Time on = time off , i suggest you allow your body to recover fully, and since your on for 18 wks , allow your body to recover for 12 wks (AA Free)

    I suggest 500mg a wk of test eth for 12 wks
    100mg Clomid, 20mg Nolva for 25 to 30 days
    Last edited by STEROIDZZ; 10-11-2006 at 12:09 PM.

  16. #16
    Ripdx is offline Associate Member
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    time on = time off AT LEAST ........sorry bro you dont sound like your even near ready to start anabolic steroids up

  17. #17
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    Im starting to agree with Ripdx , friend thats something you should know. Try reading and more reading and then think about your cycle. Trust me it benifts you , knowing about what your injecting into your body, and how to do it properly and as safe as possible... take care

  18. #18
    sstng is offline New Member
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    Smile ok the big finale!!!

    1)wk 1-12 test e at between 250mls and 500mls once being 250mls or twice totaling 500mls (depending on size i want or how noticiable i want) two times a week in shoulder with 1" needle monday morning and thursday night

    2)keep armidex on hand for puffy nipples if prone (1mg tabs)

    3) pct will start 14 days after last shot of test e and will include clomid at 100mg and nolva at 20 mg both each day for just about a month approx 26 days
    4)stay off test e for 12 wks to allow body back to norm before startin another cycle

  19. #19
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    I would include your PCT as part of your cycle.....

    So 12 week test + 4 week pct = 18 weeks on and 18 weeks off.

  20. #20
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    Good point John too small, but yes SSTNG everything you stated above is correct, just wait 18wks before you start another one.... although i would take arimidex anyways, i prefer a anti- e on cycle at all times. Instead or ordering the stuff which is probably expensive get the liquid from ar-r they have good products and legit, also their prices are 10x better then a lot of these other places you will get arimidex

  21. #21
    sstng is offline New Member
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    Question i thought i had it now i'm confused

    i'm confused by the last two replys as far as adding pct 4wks with my first cycle does this mean

    1)wk 1-12 test e, and pct included clomid and nolvadex the last 4 wks of test e cycle is this correct? so this would mean wk 8-12 would be test e plus pct being clomid 100mgs and nolvadex 20mgs each day for a month. or wk 1-16 test e and last 4 wks meaning wk 12-16 as pct with test e? sorry if i'm making this difficult just want to do the best possible way with the minimum side effects

    p.s. armidex will be included in cycle for gyno if any just wanted to add that in

  22. #22
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    what it means is since your going to be on cycle for 12 wks, and your going to be doing PCT for at least another 4 wks that = 16wks, so before you start another cycle wait 16 wks after your PCT ends

  23. #23
    sstng is offline New Member
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    Smile thanks!!!!!!!

    ok i got all the info i need you guys are awesome i appreciate all the help i'll follow up with results 16wks on 16wks off got it now if i could only find that needle(looks around doesn't realize its stuck in his ass)

  24. #24
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    Research for another 5 months+. use the search feature to answer your ?'s before you end up f'ing up your body. Your practically clueless on everything.

  25. #25
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by sstng
    ok i got all the info i need you guys are awesome i appreciate all the help i'll follow up with results 16wks on 16wks off got it now if i could only find that needle(looks around doesn't realize its stuck in his ass)

    No, no, no. Your math is wrong.

    Week 1-12: Test E
    PCT begings 2 weeks after last shot
    Week 14-18: PCT

    Total Cycle Length: 18 weeks. So, 18 weeks on and 18 weeks off.

    If you have any further questions then go back to the top of this thread and reread everything carefully.

  26. #26
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    goot catch johny 18 weeks is correct

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