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Thread: Phera-Plex and Alcohol ...?

  1. #1

    Question Phera-Plex and Alcohol ...?

    Well obviously its not a good idea to drink when taking any kind of steroid but there are plenty out there who do it. A few friends of mine have done such and never had any sideffects so I figured it wouldn't bother me ......

    I haven't been out drinking for the last 4 weeks. This weekend went to a wedding, open bar .... of course Im going to drink. I didn't take PP the day before or the day of the wedding. Drank JD and Coke all night, probably had 9-10 over a 5 hour period (I can hold my liquor). Towards the evening, after 7-8 I felt my face getting very warm, not something that normally happens, then it feltl like it was slightly pulsing. It was warm to the touch so I headed to the bathroom to check myself out, sure enough, my face/head/neck for bright red, I looked like a cherry. I felt fine otherwise, didn't really feel all that drunk even. Headed up to the room, removed shirt to find my shoulders and upper chest were all very red. Not swollen or warm to the touch like my face but large bloches of red all over. After a couple rounds of good rough drunken sex with the woman, all symptoms subsided, 2.5 hours later I was completely sober and feeling fine. WAS THIS A SIDE EFFECT TO DRINKING ON PP?

    NOTE: I also refrained from taking any of my support supplements the day prior and day off wedding. (Niacin, Hawthorn Berry, Milk Thistle, AX Perfect Cycle, B12, Taurine, L-Glutamine)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    You're alright man...probably just a BP spike and a little vasodialation.

    Alcohol will do that, hence why you're not supposed to drink to warm yourself up...cuase it causes the bv to dialate and move closer to the surface

    And that was your random fact of the day, just incase you're trying to survive in the artic and someone offers you a drink.

    You said you didn't take any PP those days...Does that mean you're done?

  3. #3
    No Im not done, I refrained from taking it as an extra precaution. I know it already in my system tho ... Im starting back up today, won't be drinking till Im finished.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    good to hear your ok but if i was you i still woulda taken the PP even if you were gonna drink cuz PP has such a short half life you lost majority of it out of ur system over those two you might have a weird fluxuation in hormones once u start taking it again.

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