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Thread: sus 250 flu

  1. #1
    steggs's Avatar
    steggs is offline Associate Member
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    sus 250 flu

    i have been on the gear for 6 years now (not all the time) but 48 hrs ago i did a double shot i got up from bed the following morning and felt like sh*t aches in every muscle and joints, running a slight temp still feel terrible and have been off work for 2 days ...anyone else felt like this before off sus ????, i know there is something called sus flu but never experianced anything this

  2. #2
    stickyrice is offline Junior Member
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    its all in your head..

  3. #3
    orton4 is offline Member
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    have you ever used sust before?

  4. #4
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    been there...i took some antihistaminics....see what hapens...

  5. #5
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by steggs
    i have been on the gear for 6 years now (not all the time) but 48 hrs ago i did a double shot i got up from bed the following morning and felt like sh*t aches in every muscle and joints, running a slight temp still feel terrible and have been off work for 2 days ...anyone else felt like this before off sus ????, i know there is something called sus flu but never experianced anything this
    I woke up sick today. I call it "The changing of the seasons" a lot of people are getting sick because the weather is diff-er-ant. Were you blinking when you injected? that could have caused you to get sick too. No but really, everyday occurances still happen when on.. unless you've never been sick when using gear.. and this is your first time...
    But mostly im kidding you in this message.... i just like hot cocoa.*sip* mmmm

  6. #6
    steggs's Avatar
    steggs is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stickyrice
    its all in your head..
    yes ive used sus before and no its not in my head there is such a thig as sus flu i know people who have had it and there have been posts on other forums who have listed it

  7. #7
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by steggs
    yes ive used sus before and no its not in my head there is such a thig as sus flu i know people who have had it and there have been posts on other forums who have listed it
    if it wasn't a problem then it shouldn't be now.....

  8. #8
    steggs's Avatar
    steggs is offline Associate Member
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    i feel like shit im going to bed

  9. #9
    jvjacked is offline New Member
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    sust has prop in it. the prop is whats making you sick it should pass within a week or so

  10. #10
    orton4 is offline Member
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    im taking test prop and have takin test cyp before and on my recent test prop cycle i developed a test flu... the first week into the cycle... it passed after a few days... your probally experiencing that... just stick with it and all should pass... it sucks i hate test flu

  11. #11
    Cavallino's Avatar
    Cavallino is offline Associate Member
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    I was on a sus cycle about a year ago and every time I would inject it I had a bad flu the following morning on for 2-3 days.. I had to stop.. at this point I believe it could've been bad gear but I was pretty sure at the time it was real..

  12. #12
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by steggs
    yes ive used sus before and no its not in my head there is such a thig as sus flu i know people who have had it and there have been posts on other forums who have listed it
    not sus flu bro it is test flu and it is common altho no telling when it will strike or who for that matter but it will usually come on in the begining of a cycle there isnt much u can do about it except ride it out take some otc cold medicines for the discomforts thats about it

  13. #13
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvjacked
    sust has prop in it. the prop is whats making you sick it should pass within a week or so
    not true at all were did u get this info
    u cant relate how he feels to one compound cause he is taking 4 at this point
    and prope never made me feel sick

  14. #14
    frank12391's Avatar
    frank12391 is offline Member
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    coincidence, just normal evertday flu. When you get test flu, hot and cold flushes are intense and you sweat a lot

  15. #15
    steggs's Avatar
    steggs is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by frank12391
    coincidence, just normal evertday flu. When you get test flu, hot and cold flushes are intense and you sweat a lot
    yep got them to

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