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Thread: Anabolic steroids and TBC

  1. #1

    Unhappy Anabolic steroids and TBC

    I have read today an article that indicates that people that are using anabolic steroids are more prone to get infected with tuberculosis, an d I am kind of worried since I own a dairy:
    This is an extract:
    "Date: 7 Oct 2006
    From: Debora MacKenzie <[email protected]>
    Source: New Scientist [edited]

    TB travelled from a farm to a night club
    - ----------------------------------------
    Six people who spent a night clubbing near Birmingham, in the English
    Midlands, in late 2004 have contracted bovine tuberculosis (TB). One man
    has been identified as the source of the outbreak, and one woman who was
    infected has died. This is the 1st time in decades that human-to-human
    transmission of bovine TB has been documented in the United Kingdom and
    coincides with a steady increase in the rate of infection in cattle. Nearly
    one per cent of the British herd is now thought to carry the disease.

    Hawkey says the outbreak was caused by a confluence of rare circumstances and should therefore not cause undue alarm. Some of the people affected had underlying medical conditions such as being HIV positive, or were using anabolic steroids, both of which would make them more susceptible to infection. The average age of the people affected by the outbreak was 32, whereas those who catch the disease from cattle are usually much older.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    oh man just what everyone needs, contamintated MILK. great

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    as AS lowers immunity it makes u more susceptible to infection... the magnitude of this effect is another question. .

  4. #4
    Hopefully GH will help with the immunity thing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    they said that because they are trying to associate steroid use with using needles or sharing needles, no you will not get TB from steroid use, unless you are sharing needles and not being safe/clean about it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    u will not get it because of that but steroid use can lower immunity which would make u more susceptible to an infection.. I dont believe needles were meant in this case.. needle sharins is linked more commonly with viral infections ssuch as HIV and HEP-c etc..

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