Well from reading the furom for hours now i can only imagine how much you guys dont care about this post. But im a noob to steriods and need some help with what i should do to gain some nice bulk.
Im almost 22 6'5 220, and i feel i can pack on some serious muscle with my skeletal structure (im meso-ectomorphic). My biggest problem seems to be putting on forearm mass being my wingspan is 83 inches (roughly 5 inches more then my height). Anyway ive been working out for 9 years, the past 3 years lifting well gaining alil more then 15 lbs of muscle. I havent stoped gaining but i want to gain faster and have the ability to bulk certian areas like arms chest and back. Also I workout at a gym where 75 percent of the people there know me and are on steriods, now including my workout partner and bestfriend. He is taking andropen 275 and primo 100 from british dragon and after 6 weeks has gained 15 lbs of muscle and has leaned a bit too. I was wondering if i should go ahead and follow his cycle or do my own based on whats best for me and my size. i was thinking about a cycle that i found....
1-11 400-500mg test Enanthate
1-10 200 - 400 mg deca
Nolva throughout
Vitamin B-6 200 mg/day
clomid 2 weeks after test
only thing i'm worried about is Taking more then i need to and my balls getting smaller. My bro said his have gotten alot smaller since he first started on adropen and primo 100. I know it comes back but it just worries me.
So what do you say. what should i do? is my cycle good for me? or should i go small or do my budds cycle?