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Thread: Help with schedule.

  1. #1

    Question Help with schedule.

    Guys im a new at this, so i need your help. My first cycle is the following:
    Weeks 1-8 400 MG of Deca
    Weeks 1-4 250 MG of sustanon
    Weeks 7 100 MG of clomid
    Week 8 200 Mg of clomid
    Week 9 100 Mg od clomid (if needed)

    The problem i have is that i have gyno naturally that why i dont stack andriol with the deca or sustanon. If you have advice on this please comment. I also had a question on the schedule for taking deca and sustanon. Can you guys help on that too. I would really appreciate your help guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Use Sustanon w/ Deca for week 1-8. I only use Clomid for 2 weeks at 100mg/d. but I use hcg every 6 weeks to. It will depend on your stats and dosage you will be using. but use the Sustanon and Deca together....Peace Man

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    good idea but..

    personally i would be staying on the sust more than 4 weeks.needs more time in your system.the prop and phenylprop esters are released quick(about 4 days), but the other esters are released over time.take it for what it's worth.just looking out

  4. #4
    Mike Guest
    Rather than waste your cycle due to your gyno concerns i would bump your sus to 500 and run for the full 8wks with your 400 of deca and just run proviron throughout the cydle - have some nolv. with ya and throw in some winny in case you are worried bout the deca gyno

  5. #5
    The original jason Guest
    well mike is well on the money if u cant bump up the sust dont bother cycling really not worth it run the sust at 500mg every week along with the deca keep nolvadex on hand sny signs of gyno 20mg ed till they go then 10 mg ed. I wouldnt expect any gyno from the deca at all but if you are concerned like mike said runn winnie weeks 4-8 25-50mg ed. No need for any tapering hope that helps


  6. #6
    Ok guys let me see if i got this:

    -Weeks 1-8 400 mg of Deca
    -Weeks 1-8 500 mg of Sustanon
    -Weeks 1-8 Proviron 50 mg/day
    -Have Nolvadex on hand in case of gyo (20 mg/day untill sypmtoms go away, then 10 mg/day)
    -Week 4-8 Winstrol 25 mg/day

    Would this be a good cycle for a first timer?

    Or would this cycle seem better to u guys for a bigginer:

    -Week 1-8 25 mg of Dianabol/day
    -Weeks 1-8 500 mg of Sustanon
    -Weeks 1-8 Proviron 50 mg/day or Clomid 100mg/day for weeks 7,8,9
    -Have Nolvadex on hand in case of gyo (20 mg/day untill sypmtoms go away, then 10 mg/day)
    Last edited by aristotle; 08-22-2001 at 03:24 PM.

  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    with the first cycle throw clomid in and bump your winny up to 50mg every day and you're all set

  8. #8
    Ok just to get it straight guys here it is:
    Please comment on this cycle; its my first one and im a bit scared to tell u the truth. I will appreciate any and all help:

    -Weeks 1-8 400 mg of Deca
    -Weeks 1-8 500 mg of Sustanon
    -Weeks 1-8 Proviron 50 mg/day
    -Week 4-8 Winstrol 50 mg/day
    -Week 7-9 100 mg Clomid/day
    -Have Nolvadex on hand in case of gyo (20 mg/day untill sypmtoms go away, then 10 mg/day)

    If there is any cheaper, but safe cycle for a first timer I would appreciate your imput.

  9. #9
    The original jason Guest
    looks good it is an excellent first cycle i wouldnt change anything apart from clomid weeks 9,10,11 starting in week 9 that is about 10 days after your last shot 50/100/50mg ed


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    well done bro its good to see the effort goodluck and be safe!


  11. #11
    Mike Guest
    Well IMO I would start your clomid on wk 10 if your cycle ends on wk 8 - but just a difference of opinion is all - good luck bro!

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