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Last edited by CitizenPump45; 05-05-2008 at 03:44 AM.
400mg OMG are you trying to put your self in a coma.this has to be a joke.ther is no way that a doc would give a human 400mg of seroquil.that is enough to knock out a elephant.
Yeah, that is a lot! I took it temporarily a while ago and 50mgs would put me down! I don't see how it would interfere, but you never know....You should ask a doctor or research the pharmacology of Seroquil to see if you can find anything.
Seroquel has not effect on the HPTC as far as I know. 400mg is a lot though. I took 400mg and when I woke up I looked at the clock and it said 9 o'clock. I wondered why the sun hadn't come out yet, then I realized it was 9 p.m. the next day!!!!!!! and I had slept over 20 hours.
thas not thaaat unusual a dose of seroquel....now they have 500mg tabs out! i know a dude that takes a thousand mg/day!! i wouldnt imagin the meds would affect your cycle.... but the steroids may affect whatever you are taking those meds for imo.... depending on what it is.
Originally Posted by CitizenPump45
Bro please dont take this the wrong way.. but taking Seroquil.. that is a MAI Mood altering inhibitor.... and has vast side effects . with liver and kidneys from the little research I looked up... And I would advise againest taking AAS while on this medication.. for many reason the biggest factor being that the hormone can trigger epasods far worse than expected for what the drug is ment to correct.. So please keep that in mind
Seroquil is known as one of the top anti depressents at supressing your natural testosterone.Originally Posted by CitizenPump45
I don't know if that is really true V. I mean teenagers take the stuff, they fall asleep and wake up after 5 hours, their meds don't suddenly go outa wack, do they?Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
Nevermind was gonna say something...Originally Posted by Schmidty
Last edited by Alex Rodriguez; 10-13-2006 at 10:30 PM.
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