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Thread: Anavar Experienced Users? Thanks.

  1. #1

    Anavar Experienced Users? Thanks.

    Hey I'm gonna be running 80mg ED of Anavar for the last 3 weeks on my 12 week Prop cycle. I'm currently 220lbs@6'0 with about 16-17% bf. What can I expect? what did you experience? Thanks crew.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    i am just starting using it now so i cant tell you exactly what to expect from experience but from what ive researched you may want to drop it down to 60mgs and run it more like 4-5 weeks rather then 3. ive been told from others that they have not seen much of a difference from 60 to 80mgs day

  3. #3
    Does anyone know if it can be ran during PCT? I will be doing HCG and Nolva for pct. Would 60mg Anavar **** me all up? Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Run it longer than 3 weeks, youll get a much better effect....

    Does anyone know if it can be ran during PCT? I will be doing HCG and Nolva for pct
    DO NOT run it during PCT as if will defeat the purpose of PCT.

    Check out my Var log in the members cycle results...good info there...CD

  5. #5
    Well should I extend the cycle out to 15 weeks? Is that overkill? maybe take down the dosage? I'm really inbetween on what to do. I've been on for about 9 weeks now. I've been running 70mg ED of Propionate. Maybe bring the dosage down to 50mg ED of Prop and then run 60mg ED of the Var.

  6. #6
    My experience with VAR has produced some poor results. Personally I get alot of gear from ************ clinics, and Var is expensive..and you need to take minimum 50mg day if you are over 200lbs. to see any real results. This is also depending on what other meds. you are running towards end of program. Personally, all the hype about var did not live up to my experiences. I know the ** var is pretty cheap and I might try increasing my dosages and length of use though and give it another try.

  7. #7
    OASIS has some very competative prices on VAR...Check them out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the foothills
    wassup fighter. Check it out, you dont really want to run var in your pct because, though mild, it is still suppressive on your hpta. You'll be fine to run your cycle 15-16 weeks. just know that it will just be slightly harder to recover than a 12 weeker and I agree, 60 mgs is probably plenty to start with.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the foothills
    If your going to run var in pct, You need to be taking around 5-10mgs a day. I dont know where you can find tabs that low, though Im sure their around.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    If you ran a test E and var cycle
    how much of the gain could be attributed to the var?
    or is it just fat loss, and maybe a little LBM????

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