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  1. #1
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    hypothetical question

    would it be a mistake to start another cycle 7 weeks after having finished a 10 week cycle of dbol , tbol and winstrol ?

  2. #2
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think your results would suffer.

    I'm sure it would be hard on you HPTA, but IMO fixable.

  3. #3
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    I think your results would suffer.

    I'm sure it would be hard on you HPTA, but IMO fixable.

    im thinking that being as dbol , tbol and winstrol are not very suppressive that it wouldn't necessarily be that bad.

    as far as results suffering, you think thats cause the receptors in your body wouldn't be totally cleared yet?

  4. #4
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    would it be a mistake to start another cycle 7 weeks after having finished a 10 week cycle of dbol, tbol and winstrol?

  5. #5
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001

    you think so? ive heard of guys starting up another cycle 4 weeks after having finished cycles of long lasting injectable roids (which obviously is not a good idea)

    but orals are out of your system so fast, plus the ones i ran were not very suppressive.

  6. #6
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well, for one liver health would also be a concern. I would hope that you wouldn't jump start your next cycle with an oral.

    I'm not sure what the reason I don't know much about the "receptor" dilemma and what not, but I know that most people just don't respond as well when running cycles too close together....hence crusing.

  7. #7
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    I'm not sure what the reason I don't know much about the "receptor" dilemma and what not, but I know that most people just don't respond as well when running cycles too close together....hence crusing.

    hmm, i wish i knew where the cut off is for whats considered too soon.

    btw, to any potential parrots, ive already heard that time off = time on + pct

  8. #8
    death45456 is offline Banned
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    time on - 75% of time off, is good enough, better to wait but wont really make much difference.

  9. #9
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    you know what your gonna hear....GET BLOODWORK DONE!!

    they may not be that suppressive, but they ARE supressive! and there were THREE of them.... so I think that 3 semi supressive compounds would add up to supressive don't you??

  10. #10
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    well it where you make the final decision...get your blood checked and see where you are as far as your liver and cholestrol as well as other values...My thought on it is this:Are you competing??? there a dead line for you to be a certain weight???..think about that .

  11. #11
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    they may not be that suppressive, but they ARE supressive! and there were THREE of them.... so I think that 3 semi supressive compounds would add up to supressive don't you??

    that makes sense

  12. #12
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    well it where you make the final decision...get your blood checked and see where you are as far as your liver and cholestrol as well as other values...My thought on it is this:Are you competing??? there a dead line for you to be a certain weight???..think about that .

    id like to get my blood checked, but i cant afford to do that right now.

    as for the deadline, the only deadline i got is my lack of patience

  13. #13
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Well, you are a grown man, and certainly not a newbie to this, SO you know the risks you are taking if you let you impatience get the best of you!!
    you know we want you to be safe, so try to wait it out if you can , and if not....good luck to your liver and heart!!!

  14. #14
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I wouldn't put a lack of patience above your health. I'm going to compete early next year and I will be taking a healthy time off at the end of this cycle then running a cut after xmas. Not dying is more important than anything. Why not try gh or igf or both if you insist on being on so much.

  15. #15
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    would it be a mistake to start another cycle 7 weeks after having finished a 10 week cycle of dbol, tbol and winstrol?

    As stated get blood work done .. But in all truth it would depend on several factors .. previous cycle compounds run.. I have sceen bros get away with jumping back in 7-8 weeks after a Pct .. you could get away with it depending on you... But i would not advise it bro for several reason .. One total recovery time needed also it sets a stage to hop on future cycles to quick which in the long run never pays off with trying to recover natty test and keeping gains ... So IMO the best way is to take the time needed Rome was'nt built in a day... belive me been there tryed that .. So just hang in start planning your next run ... I always liked to take the time to cut some Bf in the off time ...

    But it will be your call... unless you are competeing ... I say stick with the plan and take the aloted time needed

  16. #16
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    haha, i feel like a drug addict or something

  17. #17
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Believe it or not you do....I dont mean this offensively bro(not at all)...but you know the deal an and will be harmful for you not to some of the money you're going to use for AAS and save it for a lab test...Please.

  18. #18
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    haha, i feel like a drug addict or something

    dONT BRO it's hard belive me somtimes its all in the mind .. i wish i had done it this way .. I missed out on lots of good gains from running cycles to close and too long .. it sucks in the long run .. why run cycle 25 weeks to get the same gains you can get in 12 weeks ... this is why lots of bros say these things ... becasue we did them made the mistakes... But in the long run if you stay ahead of the game and cycle the right way it will be years and years before you get to a point it wont matter how long or when to wait ....

    But stay strong and take your time and know you will be doing it right

  19. #19
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    you think so? ive heard of guys starting up another cycle 4 weeks after having finished cycles of long lasting injectable roids (which obviously is not a good idea)

    but orals are out of your system so fast, plus the ones i ran were not very suppressive.
    yeah but they might be competetive bb's, or in some kind of sport that the risk factor doest outweigh the benefit. You gotta ask yourself what your goals are, be honest with yourself,then decide.
    But i see no reason why a recreational bodybuilder wouldnt be happy with 2-3 cycles a year. I would ask myself why that wasnt enough. but yhis is just a hypothetical question right?

    i honestly dont think one could get their test levels back to THEIR normal in 4 weeks. Yes probably by 7 if PCT was good, but i wouldnt want to get there and then shut down production after a couple weeks of being there. I would want to stabalize that level for at least a few months. Now one could probably get to the acceptable "normal" of around 300-500 ng/dl but in 4 weeks with proper pct, but after repeating this several times, one may have the trouble of getting HIS normal back to its highest high, even after extended layoff from the juice.

    So lets say Bob is 24, his natty test levels are 580 ng/dl b4 touching ANYTHING. Then he does a 10 weeker, then pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 350ng/dl. Then imediatly jumps right back on for another 10 weeker, does pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 325ng/dl. Then back on again, 10 weeeker, pct wk 12-16, gets back up to 360/ng/dl. Back on again 10 weeker, pct wk 12-16, and gets up to 330ng/dl. Back on, 10 weeker pct 12-16, gets back up to 340/ng/dl, decides to stop juicing for awhile. So did 5 cycles in a little over a year and a half. But his test levels are 340, 240pts away from his pre-gear phase. He finds it hard to maintain his gains and strength at the 340ng/dl of test his body is producing . Bob waits another month to see if it comes back up with a moderate dose of adex, meanwhile his strengh and size slowly decrease, and he has to be more careful about cheating on his diet cuz its harder to stay lean. Gets bloodwork, test levels come back at 345, hardly budged. So he decides to run another complete PCT for a month. Gets them up to 425ng/dl. Waits a couple months to see if the levels increase by continuing just the adex, meanwhile over that 5 month period Bob lost several lbs of muscle. Doesnt feel bad, or suffer from impotence, but the level of test just wasnt enough to support his superhuman levals of muscle. After waiting, his test levels are at 450, a negligable difference, and also his cholesterol is slightly elevated from the adex. So he runs another full pct and gets up to 520ng. So at 6 months Bob is almost recoverd. He feels he could get back to 580 with another pct, but hes afraid the HCG will desensitize him to his LH so soon after just running one, so he buys some inexpensive letrozole and runs it for 2 months. Then he runs a full pct after that for a month. At 9 months he gets back to 580. yay. But he also lost 15 lbs of muscle by the end of it, and his joints were somewhat achey on a regular basis from the extended use of AI's. He also had somwhat unfavorable choesterol/lipid levels during that whole nine months, not to mention the year and a half of active use. And he had the occasional high an low fluctuations in libido that the pct drugs can cause, which kinda annoyed his GF. Did Bob die? No. Was it the worst thing anyone has had to go through? No. But ask him if it was a sonbitch and he'll say yeah.
    Had he had more intermittent use, it may have taken him longer to get his gains, but he probably would have been able to keep more. He also would have probably been able to get away with slightly less gear, and also given his liver, and cholesterol levels more time to normalize between cycles, instead of constantly being unfavorable.

    But thats just bob, the imaginary bodybuilder. Somene may have better or worse situation similar to this, based on what they used, how much, how long,HPTA recovery ability, etc.

    Actually if you did 5 really short cycles(4-6 weeks) then you may be able to flip flop like that and come out okay. Or if you ran your cycles with HCG during. Theres too many factors really, but bob was based on a few guys i know at my gym and a couple guys iv seen on here.
    No one can say for sure, but i wouldnt risk it.

  20. #20
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    you think so? ive heard of guys starting up another cycle 4 weeks after having finished cycles of long lasting injectable roids (which obviously is not a good idea)

    but orals are out of your system so fast, plus the ones i ran were not very suppressive.
    yeah but they might be competetive bb's, or in some kind of sport that the risk factor doest outweigh the benefit. You gotta ask yourself what your goals are, be honest with yourself,then decide.
    But i see no reason why a recreational bodybuilder wouldnt be happy with 2-3 cycles a year. I would ask myself why that wasnt enough. but yhis is just a hypothetical question right?

    i honestly dont think one could get their test levels back to THEIR normal in 4 weeks. Yes probably by 7 if PCT was good, but i wouldnt want to get there and then shut down production after a couple weeks of being there. I would want to stabalize that level for at least a few months. Now one could probably get to the acceptable "normal" of around 300-500 ng/dl but in 4 weeks with proper pct, but after repeating this several times, one may have the trouble of getting HIS normal back to its highest high, even after extended layoff from the juice.

    So lets say Bob is 24, his natty test levels are 580 ng/dl b4 touching ANYTHING. Then he does a 10 weeker, then pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 350ng/dl. Then imediatly jumps right back on for another 10 weeker, does pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 325ng/dl. Then back on again, 10 weeeker, pct wk 12-16, gets back up to 360/ng/dl. Back on again 10 weeker, pct wk 12-16, and gets up to 330ng/dl. Back on, 10 weeker pct 12-16, gets back up to 340/ng/dl, decides to stop juicing for awhile. So did 5 cycles in a little over a year and a half. But his test levels are 340, 240pts away from his pre-gear phase. He finds it hard to maintain his gains and strength at the 340ng/dl of test his body is producing . Bob waits another month to see if it comes back up with a moderate dose of adex, meanwhile his strengh and size slowly decrease, and he has to be more careful about cheating on his diet cuz its harder to stay lean. Gets bloodwork, test levels come back at 345, hardly budged. So he decides to run another complete PCT for a month. Gets them up to 425ng/dl. Waits a couple months to see if the levels increase by continuing just the adex, meanwhile over that 5 month period Bob lost several lbs of muscle. Doesnt feel bad, or suffer from impotence, but the level of test just wasnt enough to support his superhuman levals of muscle. After waiting, his test levels are at 450, a negligable difference, and also his cholesterol is slightly elevated from the adex. So he runs another full pct and gets up to 520ng. So at 6 months Bob is almost recoverd. He feels he could get back to 580 with another pct, but hes afraid the HCG will desensitize him to his LH so soon after just running one, so he buys some inexpensive letrozole and runs it for 2 months. Then he runs a full pct after that for a month. At 9 months he gets back to 580. yay. But he also lost 15 lbs of muscle by the end of it, and his joints were somewhat achey on a regular basis from the extended use of AI's. He also had somwhat unfavorable choesterol/lipid levels during that whole nine months, not to mention the year and a half of active use. And he had the occasional high an low fluctuations in libido that the pct drugs can cause, which kinda annoyed his GF. Did Bob die? No. Was it the worst thing anyone has had to go through? No. But ask him if it was a sonbitch and he'll say yeah.
    Had he had more intermittent use, it may have taken him longer to get his gains, but he probably would have been able to keep more. He also would have probably been able to get away with slightly less gear, and also given his liver, and cholesterol levels more time to normalize between cycles, instead of constantly being unfavorable.

    But thats just bob, the imaginary bodybuilder. Somene may have better or worse situation similar to this, based on what they used, how much, how long,HPTA recovery ability, etc.

    Actually if you did 5 really short cycles(4-6 weeks) then you may be able to flip flop like that and come out okay. Or if you ran your cycles with HCG during. Theres too many factors really, but bob was based on a few guys i know at my gym and a couple guys iv seen on here.
    No one can say for sure, but i wouldnt risk it.

  21. #21
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    you think so? ive heard of guys starting up another cycle 4 weeks after having finished cycles of long lasting injectable roids (which obviously is not a good idea)

    but orals are out of your system so fast, plus the ones i ran were not very suppressive.
    yeah but they might be competetive bb's, or in some kind of sport that the risk factor doest outweigh the benefit. You gotta ask yourself what your goals are, be honest with yourself,then decide.
    But i see no reason why a recreational bodybuilder wouldnt be happy with 2-3 cycles a year. I would ask myself why that wasnt enough. but yhis is just a hypothetical question right?

    i honestly dont think one could get their test levels back to THEIR normal in 4 weeks. Yes probably by 7 if PCT was good, but i wouldnt want to get there and then shut down production after a couple weeks of being there. I would want to stabalize that level for at least a few months. Now one could probably get to the acceptable "normal" of around 300-500 ng/dl but in 4 weeks with proper pct, but after repeating this several times, one may have the trouble of getting HIS normal back to its highest high, even after extended layoff from the juice.

    So lets say Bob is 24, his natty test levels are 580 ng/dl b4 touching ANYTHING. Then he does a 10 weeker, then pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 350ng/dl. Then imediatly jumps right back on for another 10 weeker, does pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 325ng/dl. Then back on again, 10 weeeker, pct wk 12-16, gets back up to 360/ng/dl. Back on again 10 weeker, pct wk 12-16, and gets up to 330ng/dl. Back on, 10 weeker pct 12-16, gets back up to 340/ng/dl, decides to stop juicing for awhile. So did 5 cycles in a little over a year and a half. But his test levels are 340, 240pts away from his pre-gear phase. He finds it hard to maintain his gains and strength at the 340ng/dl of test his body is producing . Bob waits another month to see if it comes back up with a moderate dose of adex, meanwhile his strengh and size slowly decrease, and he has to be more careful about cheating on his diet cuz its harder to stay lean. Gets bloodwork, test levels come back at 345, hardly budged. So he decides to run another complete PCT for a month. Gets them up to 425ng/dl. Waits a couple months to see if the levels increase by continuing just the adex, meanwhile over that 5 month period Bob lost several lbs of muscle. Doesnt feel bad, or suffer from impotence, but the level of test just wasnt enough to support his superhuman levals of muscle. After waiting, his test levels are at 450, a negligable difference, and also his cholesterol is slightly elevated from the adex. So he runs another full pct and gets up to 520ng. So at 6 months Bob is almost recoverd. He feels he could get back to 580 with another pct, but hes afraid the HCG will desensitize him to his LH so soon after just running one, so he buys some inexpensive letrozole and runs it for 2 months. Then he runs a full pct after that for a month. At 9 months he gets back to 580. yay. But he also lost 15 lbs of muscle by the end of it, and his joints were somewhat achey on a regular basis from the extended use of AI's. He also had somwhat unfavorable choesterol/lipid levels during that whole nine months, not to mention the year and a half of active use. And he had the occasional high an low fluctuations in libido that the pct drugs can cause, which kinda annoyed his GF. Did Bob die? No. Was it the worst thing anyone has had to go through? No. But ask him if it was a sonbitch and he'll say yeah.
    Had he had more intermittent use, it may have taken him longer to get his gains, but he probably would have been able to keep more. He also would have probably been able to get away with slightly less gear, and also given his liver, and cholesterol levels more time to normalize between cycles, instead of constantly being unfavorable.

    But thats just bob, the imaginary bodybuilder. Somene may have better or worse situation similar to this, based on what they used, how much, how long,HPTA recovery ability, etc.

    Actually if you did 5 really short cycles(4-6 weeks) then you may be able to flip flop like that and come out okay. Or if you ran your cycles with HCG during. Theres too many factors really, but bob was based on a few guys i know at my gym and a couple guys iv seen on here.
    No one can say for sure, but i wouldnt risk it.

  22. #22
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    you think so? ive heard of guys starting up another cycle 4 weeks after having finished cycles of long lasting injectable roids (which obviously is not a good idea)

    but orals are out of your system so fast, plus the ones i ran were not very suppressive.
    yeah but they might be competetive bb's, or in some kind of sport that the risk factor doest outweigh the benefit. You gotta ask yourself what your goals are, be honest with yourself,then decide.
    But i see no reason why a recreational bodybuilder wouldnt be happy with 2-3 cycles a year. I would ask myself why that wasnt enough. but yhis is just a hypothetical question right?

    i honestly dont think one could get their test levels back to THEIR normal in 4 weeks. Yes probably by 7 if PCT was good, but i wouldnt want to get there and then shut down production after a couple weeks of being there. I would want to stabalize that level for at least a few months. Now one could probably get to the acceptable "normal" of around 300-500 ng/dl but in 4 weeks with proper pct, but after repeating this several times, one may have the trouble of getting HIS normal back to its highest high, even after extended layoff from the juice.

    So lets say Bob is 24, his natty test levels are 580 ng/dl b4 touching ANYTHING. Then he does a 10 weeker, then pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 350ng/dl. Then imediatly jumps right back on for another 10 weeker, does pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 325ng/dl. Then back on again, 10 weeeker, pct wk 12-16, gets back up to 360/ng/dl. Back on again 10 weeker, pct wk 12-16, and gets up to 330ng/dl. Back on, 10 weeker pct 12-16, gets back up to 340/ng/dl, decides to stop juicing for awhile. So did 5 cycles in a little over a year and a half. But his test levels are 340, 240pts away from his pre-gear phase. He finds it hard to maintain his gains and strength at the 340ng/dl of test his body is producing . Bob waits another month to see if it comes back up with a moderate dose of adex, meanwhile his strengh and size slowly decrease, and he has to be more careful about cheating on his diet cuz its harder to stay lean. Gets bloodwork, test levels come back at 345, hardly budged. So he decides to run another complete PCT for a month. Gets them up to 425ng/dl. Waits a couple months to see if the levels increase by continuing just the adex, meanwhile over that 5 month period Bob lost several lbs of muscle. Doesnt feel bad, or suffer from impotence, but the level of test just wasnt enough to support his superhuman levals of muscle. After waiting, his test levels are at 450, a negligable difference, and also his cholesterol is slightly elevated from the adex. So he runs another full pct and gets up to 520ng. So at 6 months Bob is almost recoverd. He feels he could get back to 580 with another pct, but hes afraid the HCG will desensitize him to his LH so soon after just running one, so he buys some inexpensive letrozole and runs it for 2 months. Then he runs a full pct after that for a month. At 9 months he gets back to 580. yay. But he also lost 15 lbs of muscle by the end of it, and his joints were somewhat achey on a regular basis from the extended use of AI's. He also had somwhat unfavorable choesterol/lipid levels during that whole nine months, not to mention the year and a half of active use. And he had the occasional high an low fluctuations in libido that the pct drugs can cause, which kinda annoyed his GF. Did Bob die? No. Was it the worst thing anyone has had to go through? No. But ask him if it was a sonbitch and he'll say yeah.
    Had he had more intermittent use, it may have taken him longer to get his gains, but he probably would have been able to keep more. He also would have probably been able to get away with slightly less gear, and also given his liver, and cholesterol levels more time to normalize between cycles, instead of constantly being unfavorable.

    But thats just bob, the imaginary bodybuilder. Somene may have better or worse situation similar to this, based on what they used, how much, how long,HPTA recovery ability, etc.

    Actually if you did 5 really short cycles(4-6 weeks) then you may be able to flip flop like that and come out okay. Or if you ran your cycles with HCG during. Theres too many factors really, but bob was based on a few guys i know at my gym and a couple guys iv seen on here.
    No one can say for sure, but i wouldnt risk it.

  23. #23
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    you think so? ive heard of guys starting up another cycle 4 weeks after having finished cycles of long lasting injectable roids (which obviously is not a good idea)

    but orals are out of your system so fast, plus the ones i ran were not very suppressive.
    yeah but they might be competetive bb's, or in some kind of sport that the risk factor doest outweigh the benefit. You gotta ask yourself what your goals are, be honest with yourself,then decide.
    But i see no reason why a recreational bodybuilder wouldnt be happy with 2-3 cycles a year. I would ask myself why that wasnt enough. but yhis is just a hypothetical question right?

    i honestly dont think one could get their test levels back to THEIR normal in 4 weeks. Yes probably by 7 if PCT was good, but i wouldnt want to get there and then shut down production after a couple weeks of being there. I would want to stabalize that level for at least a few months. Now one could probably get to the acceptable "normal" of around 300-500 ng/dl but in 4 weeks with proper pct, but after repeating this several times, one may have the trouble of getting HIS normal back to its highest high, even after extended layoff from the juice.

    So lets say Bob is 24, his natty test levels are 580 ng/dl b4 touching ANYTHING. Then he does a 10 weeker, then pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 350ng/dl. Then imediatly jumps right back on for another 10 weeker, does pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 325ng/dl. Then back on again, 10 weeeker, pct wk 12-16, gets back up to 360/ng/dl. Back on again 10 weeker, pct wk 12-16, and gets up to 330ng/dl. Back on, 10 weeker pct 12-16, gets back up to 340/ng/dl, decides to stop juicing for awhile. So did 5 cycles in a little over a year and a half. But his test levels are 340, 240pts away from his pre-gear phase. He finds it hard to maintain his gains and strength at the 340ng/dl of test his body is producing . Bob waits another month to see if it comes back up with a moderate dose of adex, meanwhile his strengh and size slowly decrease, and he has to be more careful about cheating on his diet cuz its harder to stay lean. Gets bloodwork, test levels come back at 345, hardly budged. So he decides to run another complete PCT for a month. Gets them up to 425ng/dl. Waits a couple months to see if the levels increase by continuing just the adex, meanwhile over that 5 month period Bob lost several lbs of muscle. Doesnt feel bad, or suffer from impotence, but the level of test just wasnt enough to support his superhuman levals of muscle. After waiting, his test levels are at 450, a negligable difference, and also his cholesterol is slightly elevated from the adex. So he runs another full pct and gets up to 520ng. So at 6 months Bob is almost recoverd. He feels he could get back to 580 with another pct, but hes afraid the HCG will desensitize him to his LH so soon after just running one, so he buys some inexpensive letrozole and runs it for 2 months. Then he runs a full pct after that for a month. At 9 months he gets back to 580. yay. But he also lost 15 lbs of muscle by the end of it, and his joints were somewhat achey on a regular basis from the extended use of AI's. He also had somwhat unfavorable choesterol/lipid levels during that whole nine months, not to mention the year and a half of active use. And he had the occasional high an low fluctuations in libido that the pct drugs can cause, which kinda annoyed his GF. Did Bob die? No. Was it the worst thing anyone has had to go through? No. But ask him if it was a sonbitch and he'll say yeah.
    Had he had more intermittent use, it may have taken him longer to get his gains, but he probably would have been able to keep more. He also would have probably been able to get away with slightly less gear, and also given his liver, and cholesterol levels more time to normalize between cycles, instead of constantly being unfavorable.

    But thats just bob, the imaginary bodybuilder. Somene may have better or worse situation similar to this, based on what they used, how much, how long,HPTA recovery ability, etc.

    Actually if you did 5 really short cycles(4-6 weeks) then you may be able to flip flop like that and come out okay. Or if you ran your cycles with HCG during. Theres too many factors really, but bob was based on a few guys i know at my gym and a couple guys iv seen on here.
    No one can say for sure, but i wouldnt risk it.

  24. #24
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    you think so? ive heard of guys starting up another cycle 4 weeks after having finished cycles of long lasting injectable roids (which obviously is not a good idea)

    but orals are out of your system so fast, plus the ones i ran were not very suppressive.
    yeah but they might be competetive bb's, or in some kind of sport that the risk factor doest outweigh the benefit. You gotta ask yourself what your goals are, be honest with yourself,then decide.
    But i see no reason why a recreational bodybuilder wouldnt be happy with 2-3 cycles a year. I would ask myself why that wasnt enough. but yhis is just a hypothetical question right?

    i honestly dont think one could get their test levels back to THEIR normal in 4 weeks. Yes probably by 7 if PCT was good, but i wouldnt want to get there and then shut down production after a couple weeks of being there. I would want to stabalize that level for at least a few months. Now one could probably get to the acceptable "normal" of around 300-500 ng/dl but in 4 weeks with proper pct, but after repeating this several times, one may have the trouble of getting HIS normal back to its highest high, even after extended layoff from the juice.

    So lets say Bob is 24, his natty test levels are 580 ng/dl b4 touching ANYTHING. Then he does a 10 weeker, then pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 350ng/dl. Then imediatly jumps right back on for another 10 weeker, does pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 325ng/dl. Then back on again, 10 weeeker, pct wk 12-16, gets back up to 360/ng/dl. Back on again 10 weeker, pct wk 12-16, and gets up to 330ng/dl. Back on, 10 weeker pct 12-16, gets back up to 340/ng/dl, decides to stop juicing for awhile. So did 5 cycles in a little over a year and a half. But his test levels are 340, 240pts away from his pre-gear phase. He finds it hard to maintain his gains and strength at the 340ng/dl of test his body is producing . Bob waits another month to see if it comes back up with a moderate dose of adex, meanwhile his strengh and size slowly decrease, and he has to be more careful about cheating on his diet cuz its harder to stay lean. Gets bloodwork, test levels come back at 345, hardly budged. So he decides to run another complete PCT for a month. Gets them up to 425ng/dl. Waits a couple months to see if the levels increase by continuing just the adex, meanwhile over that 5 month period Bob lost several lbs of muscle. Doesnt feel bad, or suffer from impotence, but the level of test just wasnt enough to support his superhuman levals of muscle. After waiting, his test levels are at 450, a negligable difference, and also his cholesterol is slightly elevated from the adex. So he runs another full pct and gets up to 520ng. So at 6 months Bob is almost recoverd. He feels he could get back to 580 with another pct, but hes afraid the HCG will desensitize him to his LH so soon after just running one, so he buys some inexpensive letrozole and runs it for 2 months. Then he runs a full pct after that for a month. At 9 months he gets back to 580. yay. But he also lost 15 lbs of muscle by the end of it, and his joints were somewhat achey on a regular basis from the extended use of AI's. He also had somwhat unfavorable choesterol/lipid levels during that whole nine months, not to mention the year and a half of active use. And he had the occasional high an low fluctuations in libido that the pct drugs can cause, which kinda annoyed his GF. Did Bob die? No. Was it the worst thing anyone has had to go through? No. But ask him if it was a sonbitch and he'll say yeah.
    Had he had more intermittent use, it may have taken him longer to get his gains, but he probably would have been able to keep more. He also would have probably been able to get away with slightly less gear, and also given his liver, and cholesterol levels more time to normalize between cycles, instead of constantly being unfavorable.

    But thats just bob, the imaginary bodybuilder. Somene may have better or worse situation similar to this, based on what they used, how much, how long,HPTA recovery ability, etc.

    Actually if you did 5 really short cycles(4-6 weeks) then you may be able to flip flop like that and come out okay. Or if you ran your cycles with HCG during. Theres too many factors really, but bob was based on a few guys i know at my gym and a couple guys iv seen on here.
    No one can say for sure, but i wouldnt risk it.

  25. #25
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    you think so? ive heard of guys starting up another cycle 4 weeks after having finished cycles of long lasting injectable roids (which obviously is not a good idea)

    but orals are out of your system so fast, plus the ones i ran were not very suppressive.
    yeah but they might be competetive bb's, or in some kind of sport that the risk factor doest outweigh the benefit. You gotta ask yourself what your goals are, be honest with yourself,then decide.
    But i see no reason why a recreational bodybuilder wouldnt be happy with 2-3 cycles a year. I would ask myself why that wasnt enough. but yhis is just a hypothetical question right?

    i honestly dont think one could get their test levels back to THEIR normal in 4 weeks. Yes probably by 7 if PCT was good, but i wouldnt want to get there and then shut down production after a couple weeks of being there. I would want to stabalize that level for at least a few months. Now one could probably get to the acceptable "normal" of around 300-500 ng/dl but in 4 weeks with proper pct, but after repeating this several times, one may have the trouble of getting HIS normal back to its highest high, even after extended layoff from the juice.

    So lets say Bob is 24, his natty test levels are 580 ng/dl b4 touching ANYTHING. Then he does a 10 weeker, then pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 350ng/dl. Then imediatly jumps right back on for another 10 weeker, does pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 325ng/dl. Then back on again, 10 weeeker, pct wk 12-16, gets back up to 360/ng/dl. Back on again 10 weeker, pct wk 12-16, and gets up to 330ng/dl. Back on, 10 weeker pct 12-16, gets back up to 340/ng/dl, decides to stop juicing for awhile. So did 5 cycles in a little over a year and a half. But his test levels are 340, 240pts away from his pre-gear phase. He finds it hard to maintain his gains and strength at the 340ng/dl of test his body is producing . Bob waits another month to see if it comes back up with a moderate dose of adex, meanwhile his strengh and size slowly decrease, and he has to be more careful about cheating on his diet cuz its harder to stay lean. Gets bloodwork, test levels come back at 345, hardly budged. So he decides to run another complete PCT for a month. Gets them up to 425ng/dl. Waits a couple months to see if the levels increase by continuing just the adex, meanwhile over that 5 month period Bob lost several lbs of muscle. Doesnt feel bad, or suffer from impotence, but the level of test just wasnt enough to support his superhuman levals of muscle. After waiting, his test levels are at 450, a negligable difference, and also his cholesterol is slightly elevated from the adex. So he runs another full pct and gets up to 520ng. So at 6 months Bob is almost recoverd. He feels he could get back to 580 with another pct, but hes afraid the HCG will desensitize him to his LH so soon after just running one, so he buys some inexpensive letrozole and runs it for 2 months. Then he runs a full pct after that for a month. At 9 months he gets back to 580. yay. But he also lost 15 lbs of muscle by the end of it, and his joints were somewhat achey on a regular basis from the extended use of AI's. He also had somwhat unfavorable choesterol/lipid levels during that whole nine months, not to mention the year and a half of active use. And he had the occasional high an low fluctuations in libido that the pct drugs can cause, which kinda annoyed his GF. Did Bob die? No. Was it the worst thing anyone has had to go through? No. But ask him if it was a sonbitch and he'll say yeah.
    Had he had more intermittent use, it may have taken him longer to get his gains, but he probably would have been able to keep more. He also would have probably been able to get away with slightly less gear, and also given his liver, and cholesterol levels more time to normalize between cycles, instead of constantly being unfavorable.

    But thats just bob, the imaginary bodybuilder. Somene may have better or worse situation similar to this, based on what they used, how much, how long,HPTA recovery ability, etc.

    Actually if you did 5 really short cycles(4-6 weeks) then you may be able to flip flop like that and come out okay. Or if you ran your cycles with HCG during. Theres too many factors really, but bob was based on a few guys i know at my gym and a couple guys iv seen on here.
    No one can say for sure, but i wouldnt risk it.

  26. #26
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    you think so? ive heard of guys starting up another cycle 4 weeks after having finished cycles of long lasting injectable roids (which obviously is not a good idea)

    but orals are out of your system so fast, plus the ones i ran were not very suppressive.
    yeah but they might be competetive bb's, or in some kind of sport that the risk factor doest outweigh the benefit. You gotta ask yourself what your goals are, be honest with yourself,then decide.
    But i see no reason why a recreational bodybuilder wouldnt be happy with 2-3 cycles a year. I would ask myself why that wasnt enough. but yhis is just a hypothetical question right?

    i honestly dont think one could get their test levels back to THEIR normal in 4 weeks. Yes probably by 7 if PCT was good, but i wouldnt want to get there and then shut down production after a couple weeks of being there. I would want to stabalize that level for at least a few months. Now one could probably get to the acceptable "normal" of around 300-500 ng/dl but in 4 weeks with proper pct, but after repeating this several times, one may have the trouble of getting HIS normal back to its highest high, even after extended layoff from the juice.

    So lets say Bob is 24, his natty test levels are 580 ng/dl b4 touching ANYTHING. Then he does a 10 weeker, then pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 350ng/dl. Then imediatly jumps right back on for another 10 weeker, does pct weeks 12-16 gets back up to 325ng/dl. Then back on again, 10 weeeker, pct wk 12-16, gets back up to 360/ng/dl. Back on again 10 weeker, pct wk 12-16, and gets up to 330ng/dl. Back on, 10 weeker pct 12-16, gets back up to 340/ng/dl, decides to stop juicing for awhile. So did 5 cycles in a little over a year and a half. But his test levels are 340, 240pts away from his pre-gear phase. He finds it hard to maintain his gains and strength at the 340ng/dl of test his body is producing . Bob waits another month to see if it comes back up with a moderate dose of adex, meanwhile his strengh and size slowly decrease, and he has to be more careful about cheating on his diet cuz its harder to stay lean. Gets bloodwork, test levels come back at 345, hardly budged. So he decides to run another complete PCT for a month. Gets them up to 425ng/dl. Waits a couple months to see if the levels increase by continuing just the adex, meanwhile over that 5 month period Bob lost several lbs of muscle. Doesnt feel bad, or suffer from impotence, but the level of test just wasnt enough to support his superhuman levals of muscle. After waiting, his test levels are at 450, a negligable difference, and also his cholesterol is slightly elevated from the adex. So he runs another full pct and gets up to 520ng. So at 6 months Bob is almost recoverd. He feels he could get back to 580 with another pct, but hes afraid the HCG will desensitize him to his LH so soon after just running one, so he buys some inexpensive letrozole and runs it for 2 months. Then he runs a full pct after that for a month. At 9 months he gets back to 580. yay. But he also lost 15 lbs of muscle by the end of it, and his joints were somewhat achey on a regular basis from the extended use of AI's. He also had somwhat unfavorable choesterol/lipid levels during that whole nine months, not to mention the year and a half of active use. And he had the occasional high an low fluctuations in libido that the pct drugs can cause, which kinda annoyed his GF. Did Bob die? No. Was it the worst thing anyone has had to go through? No. But ask him if it was a sonbitch and he'll say yeah.
    Had he had more intermittent use, it may have taken him longer to get his gains, but he probably would have been able to keep more. He also would have probably been able to get away with slightly less gear, and also given his liver, and cholesterol levels more time to normalize between cycles, instead of constantly being unfavorable.

    But thats just bob, the imaginary bodybuilder. Somene may have better or worse situation similar to this, based on what they used, how much, how long,HPTA recovery ability, etc.

    Actually if you did 5 really short cycles(4-6 weeks) then you may be able to flip flop like that and come out okay. Or if you ran your cycles with HCG during. Theres too many factors really, but bob was based on a few guys i know at my gym and a couple guys iv seen on here.
    No one can say for sure, but i wouldnt risk it.

  27. #27
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Tren , ever try IGF?

  28. #28
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    a 12 count! Damn! Sorry, and on a long post too!

    what happened bro?

  29. #29
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr

    Tren, ever try IGF?

    no ive never tried it. id like to though

  30. #30
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    btw, yes this is a hypothetical question.

  31. #31
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would rather go for the IGF route than jumping back on..safer, pretty effective, and gives you an excuse to stick yourself with needles while you're OFF.

  32. #32
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    I honestly think you need to take time off to refine training and diet more bro. I mean havent you dont like 6 or 7 cycles now? If I was in your shoes I would probably take at least 6 months off to a year and then start up again. Your not doing yourself any favours by pumping more and more AAS into your system.

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