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Thread: Tren-E Anadrol Test-E Stack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Tren-E Anadrol Test-E Stack

    Hey whats up bros, I'm 24 yrs old 6'3" 230lb Abought 10% BF. I have 5 cycles on my belt, most of them were basic (ie test/deca/winny , eq/test/winny , etc.) I've been getting less and less gains throughout my cycles and think im ready to step it up and use some more complex gear. I'm really interested in tren and anadrol, so I read it's ok to use anadrol as a quickstart to a cycle. Then test also has to be incorporated in this so I came up with this for my next cycle

    100-150mg tren-e ed weeks 1-8
    100mg anadrol ed weeks 1-4
    300mg test-e 2/week 1-10

    I workout 6 days a week and my diet is legit. My goal is to bulk up for the winter, so I am pretty sure this is a kickass bulk cycle. And if you guys can give me some ideas on supplements I might need, with these that'd be great too. I usually stick to my multis, animal pak, msm, gluco, fish oil, C , D, zinc/magnesium, glutamine and a few more that im too lazy to remember right now lol.

    Oh yea, please critique my mg and durations as well. I wasnt sure whether I want to use 100mg or 150 mg for the tren

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    hmmm i guess all is perfect lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    LA County, Ca
    100-150mG Tren E a day
    are you sure you do't mean
    Tren A?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I'm gonna say you meant to say Tren A. If it's your first time w/ tren, go w/ 100 mg ED. If your just looking to boost until the Test E kicks in, just use Susp but if your thinking Drol for the mass then I would use it more than just at the start. Use it later on in the cycle as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    in the undertow
    is that 300mg of test e a week or 600mg a week?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    600mg a week...whats the diff in dosages with tren -e and tren - a? and if i go with tren - a can i still take test - e or should i jus use sust. I am lookin to bulk up as much as possible, so are u saying to NOT use the anadrol rite away? How long do you recommend I wait?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    If it were me and you are talking about tren e, I would shoot 250mg twice a week for a total of 500mg/wk. I would start the anadrol the first day you start your injectables and run it for about 4 or 5 wks, or until you are sure your longer estered compounds have kicked in. The test e looks fine to me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    allright good deal...are their any vital supplements id need on this cycle besides animal pak 2x a day and the vits i listed above?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rock steady
    Hey whats up bros, I'm 24 yrs old 6'3" 230lb Abought 10% BF. I have 5 cycles on my belt, most of them were basic (ie test/deca/winny , eq/test/winny , etc.) I've been getting less and less gains throughout my cycles and think im ready to step it up and use some more complex gear. I'm really interested in tren and anadrol, so I read it's ok to use anadrol as a quickstart to a cycle. Then test also has to be incorporated in this so I came up with this for my next cycle

    100-150mg tren-e ed weeks 1-8
    100mg anadrol ed weeks 1-4
    300mg test-e 2/week 1-10
    Does that mean 600mg Test E a week? Maybe switch it up to Sust at 500mg-750mg/week to try a new form of Test since you already got 5 previous cycles

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