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Thread: 5th Cycle - What do you think?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    5th Cycle - What do you think?

    1-12 Sustanon250 500mg Twice a week injections
    1-4 Prop 125 EOD
    1-15 Equipoise 600mg twice a week injections
    13-15 Prop 125mg EOD
    1-10 Proviron 25mg
    1-12 Nolvadex 10mg

    Aromasin 25mg 4 weeks
    Nolvadex 20mg 4 weeks

    I want to use these compounds sust250,prop,eq,proviron, but do I have this set up right?

    I want the prop to kickstart the cycle until the Sust kicks in around week 4 or 5 even though i'll be getting a little bit of prop from the sust during those first 4 weeks.

    I'm using Proviron and Nolva to keep the bloat down. Do you recommend I run the proviron longer or shorter? I dropped it at week 10 because i'll be using minimal water retention drugs from week 12-15 and the nolva will be sufficient.

  2. #2
    Wheres the tren?

  3. #3
    Eh, me no rikey really. FOr a guy your size, I would personally use something else besides EQ and Test.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Wheres the tren?
    LOL man.

    I'm looking for compounds that are more mild on my hair.

    I keep changing my mind but I came up with this today.

    I'm 6"4 235-240 right now.

    I'm not looking to get a whole lot bigger.

    I want to be around 6"4 250 lbs 7-8% bf.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Wheres the tren?
    Tren is coming next summer.

    I'm not ready for it YET.

    I don't know man.

    I want to use masteron in this cycle as well.

    Maybe i'll have to revise it again.

  6. #6
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    This is fukin frustrating.

    I've changed my next cycle 4 times in the last week now.

  7. #7
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    I need some SkullSmashuh insight.

    How would you recommend this cycle with some masteron & winny throw in?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    1-12 Sustanon250 500mg Twice a week injections
    1-4 Prop 125 EOD
    1-15 Equipoise 600mg twice a week injections
    13-15 Prop 125mg EOD
    1-10 Proviron 25mg
    1-12 Nolvadex 10mg

    Aromasin 25mg 4 weeks
    Nolvadex 20mg 4 weeks

    I want to use these compounds sust250,prop,eq,proviron, but do I have this set up right?

    I want the prop to kickstart the cycle until the Sust kicks in around week 4 or 5 even though i'll be getting a little bit of prop from the sust during those first 4 weeks.

    I'm using Proviron and Nolva to keep the bloat down. Do you recommend I run the proviron longer or shorter? I dropped it at week 10 because i'll be using minimal water retention drugs from week 12-15 and the nolva will be sufficient.

    Depending on your history and genetics you should really gain some size on that cycle. It's really not necessary to run alot of compounds at high dosages for ones whos training/diet are spot on and that have good genetics. Higher doses are not needed. I would run 50mgs of proviron, and why do you stop it at week 10? Why not run it up to PCT? And when it says 500mgs injected twice a week, does that mean 250mgs each day or 500mgs making 1000 total per week?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Depending on your history and genetics you should really gain some size on that cycle. It's really not necessary to run alot of compounds at high dosages for ones whos training/diet are spot on and that have good genetics. Higher doses are not needed. I would run 50mgs of proviron, and why do you stop it at week 10? Why not run it up to PCT? And when it says 500mgs injected twice a week, does that mean 250mgs each day or 500mgs making 1000 total per week?
    I agree. My diet is already layed out well and cardio is in check. I have pretty good genetics, not great, but good. I only do this for recreational purposes. I still like to go out and have a good time and drink a LITTLE therefore i'm trying to stay away from the orals.

    I ran 25mg of proviron my last cycle and had good results with it. Don't you think 50mg of proviron for 15 weeks is too much?

    I'm shooting sust 250mg twice a week. I was looking into E3D, but I like this better. They say after 500mg of Test, a single ester like E OR C is a better choice. Sust is better if you're shooting 250mg or less a week and the range between 250mg to 500mg a week makes prop a good choice. I read this today.

  10. #10
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    Weeks 1-10: Sustanon, 500mgs
    Weeks 2-12: Masteron, 100mgs EOD
    Weeks 1-12 Equipoise 600mgs
    Weeks 1-14 Prop 125mg eod

    Is this better?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    I agree. My diet is already layed out well and cardio is in check. I have pretty good genetics, not great, but good. I only do this for recreational purposes. I still like to go out and have a good time and drink a LITTLE therefore i'm trying to stay away from the orals.

    I ran 25mg of proviron my last cycle and had good results with it. Don't you think 50mg of proviron for 15 weeks is too much?
    I'm shooting sust 250mg twice a week. I was looking into E3D, but I like this better. They say after 500mg of Test, a single ester like E OR C is a better choice. Sust is better if you're shooting 250mg or less a week and the range between 250mg to 500mg a week makes prop a good choice. I read this today.

    Proviron is suppose to be very light on the ol liva. It's not like say winstrol or any other toxic orals. And remember oral toxicity is WAYY blown out of proportion. I was on 15 weeks of real orals some stacked and im still here . If you think you can grow off 500mgs a week for that many weeks go for it. You know your body more than we do, I personally can grow a shit load off 500mgs of test, so go for it.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Proviron is suppose to be very light on the ol liva. It's not like say winstrol or any other toxic orals. And remember oral toxicity is WAYY blown out of proportion. I was on 15 weeks of real orals some stacked and im still here . If you think you can grow off 500mgs a week for that many weeks go for it. You know your body more than we do, I personally can grow a shit load off 500mgs of test, so go for it.
    Yea I like you and SS's theory of keeping the test low and other compounds higher. You really don't need that much test, but just enough to keep the ol libido rolling. The proviron also helps out. The only reason i'm using 500mg of sust is because it's easier to measure out in the syringe. 250mg=1cc so i'm just going to shoot that twice a week.
    Last edited by Smak; 10-11-2006 at 11:29 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Proviron is suppose to be very light on the ol liva. It's not like say winstrol or any other toxic orals. And remember oral toxicity is WAYY blown out of proportion. I was on 15 weeks of real orals some stacked and im still here . If you think you can grow off 500mgs a week for that many weeks go for it. You know your body more than we do, I personally can grow a shit load off 500mgs of test, so go for it.
    Well I ran it with var on my last cycle and my liver values were pretty high. I ran them both for 10 weeks. I don't know if it was because I combined two hepatoxic orals.

    I only ran 40mg of var and 25mg of proviron.

  14. #14
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    Are you a tested athlete?

    If not run deca man. I would love to be able to run that. Lubed joints , great size gains, especially used with test. BLOAT my ass, test bloats more than deca. Then 250 here you come.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Are you a tested athlete?

    If not run deca man. I would love to be able to run that. Lubed joints , great size gains, especially used with test. BLOAT my ass, test bloats more than deca. Then 250 here you come.
    Nah I've ran deca before.

    I don't like it.

    Now maybe NPP? The shorter ester, fast acting deca is worth a shot.

    I'm not a tested athlete.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Fuk i'm going to sit down and go over it again tomorrow.

    Thanks for the input SS and Hellmask.

    I'm hitting the sack.

    Much luv.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    Nah I've ran deca before.

    I don't like it.

    Now maybe NPP? The shorter ester, fast acting deca is worth a shot.

    I'm not a tested athlete.


    Not likeing deca?!?!?

    Yeah you could give NPP a try and see how it works, but going for 12 weeks either one would suffice.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Shit I see I**mfkr lurking in the thread.

    I just might have to stay now.

  19. #19
    lol when you come up with something let me know.. otherwise I could suggest a cycle for you.

    You're as indecisive as a woman

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    lol when you come up with something let me know.. otherwise I could suggest a cycle for you.

    You're as indecisive as a woman

    Now we're talking.

    I want to use these compounds.


    Can you lay out something for me?

    I'm off to bed. I'll check back tomorrow.


  21. #21
    1-12 Sustanon250 750mg/wk EOD injections (250mg)
    1-4 Prop 125 EOD
    1-15 Equipoise 600mg twice a week injections (masteron was great for contest prep, I don't see it being too beneficial in this cycle, and it's DHT derived so a bit hard on the hair as I see you're trying to avoid.)
    13-15 Prop 125mg EOD
    1-10 Proviron 25mg Atleast 50mg/day IMO.. Very mild compound
    1-12 Nolvadex 10mg I'd keep it on hand but not use it unless needed. The proviron should be enough.

    Aromasin 25mg 4 weeks
    Nolvadex 20mg 4 weeks 40mg/day first two weeks

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    I need some SkullSmashuh insight.

    How would you recommend this cycle with some masteron & winny throw in?

    Well wanting to be easy on your hair changes things I guess.
    Is deca hard on your hair? Youve used that before havent you ? Anyway, it shouldnt be too bad, why not use nandrolone phenypropionate/Dbol/Prop and I would say masteron or winstrol as well but you want to be easy on your hair so......that basicallly throws ouot adrol/masteron/wnstrol

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Well wanting to be easy on your hair changes things I guess.
    Is deca hard on your hair? Youve used that before havent you ?
    Yea I used deca with propecia and test.

    I couldn't really tell truthfully.

    I didn't shed at all, but I also stopped it at week 8 though.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    1-12 Sustanon250 750mg/wk EOD injections (250mg)
    1-4 Prop 125 EOD
    1-15 Equipoise 600mg twice a week injections (masteron was great for contest prep, I don't see it being too beneficial in this cycle, and it's DHT derived so a bit hard on the hair as I see you're trying to avoid.)
    13-15 Prop 125mg EOD
    1-10 Proviron 25mg Atleast 50mg/day IMO.. Very mild compound
    1-12 Nolvadex 10mg I'd keep it on hand but not use it unless needed. The proviron should be enough.

    Aromasin 25mg 4 weeks
    Nolvadex 20mg 4 weeks 40mg/day first two weeks
    What do you think of the length?

    Does everything else look good? the prop for the first four weeks?

  25. #25
    Ahhh I see you didnt like deca. Why? I would try the faster ester adn up the dose.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    I didn't shed at all, but I also stopped it at week 8 though.

    Run it 11 weeks then with a faster ester. That should be much better (theoretically) than the slower ester with only 8 weeks.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Ahhh I see you didnt like deca. Why? I would try the faster ester adn up the dose.
    I would man, but I don't want to combine propecia and deca (NPP) again even though it's fast acting I still don't want to take a chance with the hair, LOL.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    What do you think of the length?

    Does everything else look good? the prop for the first four weeks?
    I'd personally go with Anadrol or Dbol the first 4wks but Prop has worked well too in the past for a kick.. considering you're doing sust the prop isn't needed as much as if you were doing enanthate, so I'd choose a good Oral.
    Dbol at 50-60mg/day for 4wks or Drol at 100-150mg/day.

    I like a shorter cycle with faster esters but with the Eq and Sust I'd recommend atleast running it for 8-10wks. 12-15 should work well.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    I'd personally go with Anadrol or Dbol the first 4wks but Prop has worked well too in the past for a kick.. considering you're doing sust the prop isn't needed as much as if you were doing enanthate, so I'd choose a good Oral.
    Dbol at 50-60mg/day for 4wks or Drol at 100-150mg/day.

    I like a shorter cycle with faster esters but with the Eq and Sust I'd recommend atleast running it for 8-10wks. 12-15 should work well.
    Ok thanks. Nice legs btw.

  30. #30
    Oh ok, I didnt know you were using propecia too.

    Well I would say this I suppose:


    All yer ancilleries look fine.

    the sust will kick in soon and the dbol will help a lot too.
    Last edited by guest589745; 10-11-2006 at 11:52 PM.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    Ok thanks. Nice legs btw.
    Thanks, they are an inch or two bigger now but not quite as defined.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Oh ok, I didnt know you were using propecia too.

    Well I would say this I suppose:


    All yer ancilleries look fine.

    the sust will kick in soon and the dbol will help a lot too.
    Now we're talking!

  33. #33
    Yea that should suit you fine all things considered. That I am aware of.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    Now we're talking!

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