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  1. #1
    BBchix is offline New Member
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    Tolerance to Clen?

    Hi I built myself a t3+clen cycle.

    Bought tabs from a .com and started my cycle. I was doing clen 20mg, 40mg, 60mg, one week on, one week off. During the first week i uped the dose to 40mg, and the second clen on week i did 40mg-60mg. After one month i tapered down and ended the cycle early. During that whole month i felt no change, never had any sides, and following the same diet and exercise routine i notticed NO change.

    I decided it was my source, i got riped off. I bought 4 bottles of t3, and 6 of clen from ARR, ive heard their products were good, and with their rep they would not pass of fakes. I built another t3 and clen cycle. The t3 ammounts were the same, but i started with 40mg of clen, after a few days went to 65mg, then the next clen on week was doing 60mg-80mg. Then i taped down and stoped, i didnt want to over dose.... strange though again i felt no sides and no effects. I know the ARR research cem was real, so why is it not effecting me?

    I am female, whats the max dose i can experiment with? And why would Clen not effect me?

    BTW please note that between these two cycles i took alot of time off, and even tried 1 on 2 off......

  2. #2
    BBchix is offline New Member
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    Please, if you can find the time, respond

  3. #3
    BBchix is offline New Member
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  4. #4
    Tazwell's Avatar
    Tazwell is offline Senior Member
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    if you were on ephedra recently before you started the clen you could have grown a tolerance, due to the ephedra..
    what kinds of sides where you expecting? clen usually doesn't give me a burst of energy, but it does give me shaky hands, a cold sweat, and makes me have to go to the bathroom more than usual.. except for the bathroom part, the sides i get are very mild and i hardly notice them.

  5. #5
    BBchix is offline New Member
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    I dont do ephedra. i was expecting to see increased sweating wile working out, my diet and work out is the same but i have not seen any results from it. It would be nice for a side, any side just so i know its working.

    I read that it increases your temp by .2-.3deg ive been taking my temp same time each day and there is no change. I just want to make sure im taking it right before i spend more money on it and waste it.

  6. #6
    Vegas67 is offline Member
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    Like I said in another GF has NO sides from clen does nothing for her. I cant even type when I try it. I believe it has to do with your past....She being a Vegas party girl for the past 10 years has got a big tolerance for lots of chemicals Not saying thats the case for you of course.

  7. #7
    BBchix is offline New Member
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    :\ i may have a tolerance then. Not saying i have a past, just in general. I started trying clen because ECA did nothing for me. What is a safe max for a woman to take? I think im going to experiment with higher doses before i add 6 hours of cardio to my routine.

  8. #8
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
    V_Vandetta is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBchix
    :\ i may have a tolerance then. Not saying i have a past, just in general. I started trying clen because ECA did nothing for me. What is a safe max for a woman to take? I think im going to experiment with higher doses before i add 6 hours of cardio to my routine.

    I have sceen this among many woman with little to NO sides from clen as for dosage that would depend on you... for it differs from person to person .. male or female .. case in point A ex of mine that was a fitness freak used clen T-3 all the time she built such a high tolarnce that she would take 80+mcg of clen that dose would kill most with sides .... But it is just one of them things Now she went on to bigger things ... like DNP becasue of extrem use of ECA CLEN and so forth But ..... keep working at it ......some people just are lucky with the sides

    Also try taking a basline body TEMP while on clen because ... you may be getting the the effects but not the sides that everyone talks about ... try carb depleting and laod while doing this as well

  9. #9
    damiongage's Avatar
    damiongage is offline Anabolic Member
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    120mcg is a really high dose for women. I would work on your diet and cqardio befor mega dosing clen . (trust I have tried that route...not so good for you)

  10. #10
    Zandria is offline Female Member
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    I have ran into this problem as well. What is a safe max dose? And my clen +t3 cycle was 20mcg-60mcg no side, no effects. I took my temp at 7am each day for a week and a half before taking, then for the first two weeks took my tamp at 7am wile on and nothing.

    Aside from ECA and Clen is there anything else that would produce similar results?

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